La Mer (Beautifying Ritual)

Venture into a holistic beautifying ritual that elevates beyond simple skincare—a sumptuous journey for body, spirit, and skin. This experience commences with the profound tranquillity of sensory deprivation in saline sea water, cradling you in the ocean’s nurturing embrace. As you float, buoyed by the healing salts, the clamour of the world dims to silence, and a canvas of peace is unveiled within.

The ocean’s gentle murmurs merge with the nurturing essence of nature’s finest marine botanicals. Your skin is graced with the rare rejuvenating gifts of blue-green algae extract, the soothing presence of Aosain, the collagen-enhancing magic of Padina pavonica, and the vibrant beta-carotene richness of Dunaliella salina. Together, they orchestrate a symphony of natural wellness, leaving your skin aglow, your body revitalized, and your spirit soaring.

This field is a holistic ritual that intertwines the profound benefits of rare algae extracts with the fabric of sensory deprivation. It’s an invitation to plunge into the ocean’s healing embrace, to release, to renew, and to emerge transformed, bearing the deep’s essence within you. It’s a celebration of self, a moment of pure connection, and a tribute to the ocean’s timeless capacity to nurture and transform.

Algae Included

Ecklonia cava is a brown seaweed that’s like a treasure chest from the sea, brimming with health benefits. It’s not just a plant; it’s a powerhouse of wellness that can transform your health and beauty routines. Ecklonia cava contains numerous beneficial compounds such as iodine, fucoxanthin, fucoidan, eckols, and phlorotannins. These ingredients contribute to its antioxidant, anticancer, antidiabetes, and antiallergic properties.

Benefits for Skin:

  • Antioxidant Protection: a shield against environmental stressors, providing your skin with a layer of defence against premature aging.
  • UV Damage Mitigation: helps protect the skin from harmful UV rays, reducing the risk of sun damage and maintaining skin health.
  • Hydration and Elasticity: Topical application has been shown to improve skin hydration and elasticity, making your skin feel supple and youthful.
  • Wrinkle Reduction: supports the skin’s natural firmness and structure.

Benefits for Body:

  • Diabetes Management: helps in regulating blood sugar levels and improving insulin sensitivity
  • Weight Management: Its polyphenols have been found to reduce fat accumulation, aiding in weight control and combating obesity.
  • Hair Growth: may be beneficial in treating conditions like Androgenetic Alopecia by inhibiting enzymes related to hair loss.
  • Circulatory Health: improves blood pressure and cholesterol levels, contributing to overall cardiovascular health.
  • Nutrient-Rich: packed with essential nutrients offering a boost to daily dietary needs.

Blue-green algae extract is a versatile and potent ingredient that offers a multitude of benefits for both skin and body, making it a valuable addition to your health and beauty regimen. It’s a testament to nature’s ability to provide us with powerful tools for wellness and beauty.

Benefits for Skin:

  • Natural Retinol Alternative: Blue-green algae extract serves as a gentle alternative to retinol, providing the skin-renewing benefits without the irritation, ideal for sensitive skin types.
  • Rejuvenating Effect: like a fountain of youth for your skin, known for accelerating cell renewal akin to retinoids, but without the drying side effects, allowing your skin to maintain a rejuvenated, radiant look.
  • Firming and Toning: Envision your skin receiving a natural lift and contour from the fatty acids in blue-green algae extract, enhancing the skin’s structure for increased firmness and elasticity.
  • Hydration Boost: Blue-green algae extract acts like a lasting hydrating mask, helping to lock in moisture and keep your skin hydrated and plump, essential for that soft, dewy appearance.

Benefits for Body:

  • Detoxification: Blue-green algae extract can act as a detoxifier for the body, functioning like an internal cleanser that helps flush out toxins and may aid in treating heavy metal poisoning and improving liver function.
  • Nutrient-Rich: loaded with proteins, B vitamins, beta-carotene, iron, and essential amino acids, akin to a comprehensive multivitamin that supports overall health and vitality.
  • Immune Support: bolsters the immune system, helping the body to fend off illnesses and recover more swiftly, acting as an extra layer of protection against daily environmental challenges.

Aosain, a distinctive protein hailing from the green marine algae known as sea lettuce, mirrors the properties of human elastin, playing a pivotal role in preserving the skin’s structural integrity. This protein’s ability to closely emulate elastin allows it to significantly bolster the skin’s resilience and elasticity. Aosain emerge as a marvel in both skincare and health supplementation. They offer a soothing, toning, and hydrating touch for the skin, while their abundant composition of vitamins, minerals, proteins, fatty acids, polysaccharides, and antioxidants contributes to overall body health.

Benefits for Skin:

  • Soothing and Calming: Aosain are like a gentle caress for the skin, offering soothing relief for irritation and reducing redness, making them perfect for sensitive skin types.
  • Toning and Firming: These protein serve as a natural skin conditioner, enhancing firmness and improving texture for a more toned and youthful look.
  • Hydration: Aosain provide deep hydration, much like immersing your skin in a nourishing sea bath, leaving it plump and dewy.
  • Oil Regulation: For those with oily complexions, it can help regulate sebum production, promoting a balanced and clear skin tone.

Benefits for Body:

  • Nutritional Powerhouse: akin to a superfood boost for your body, brimming with vital nutrients that promote overall health and well-being.
  • Immune System Support: a natural fortifier for the immune system, aiding your body’s defence against common ailments.
  • Digestive Health: support healthy digestion and can contribute to maintaining optimal cholesterol and glucose levels.
  • Detoxification: assist in the body’s detoxification process, helping to cleanse your system of toxins and impurities.

Padina pavonica, commonly known as Peacock’s Tail, is a brown alga found in the Mediterranean Sea. It’s celebrated for its skin-transforming properties and is a key ingredient in many luxury skincare products. It is a treasure trove of calcium, silicon, magnesium, and iodine, offering a range of benefits for skin and body health.

Benefits for Skin:

  • Anti-Aging: Padina pavonica is like a time machine for your skin. It helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, promoting a smoother, more youthful complexion.
  • Hydration: This alga is a hydration hero, providing deep moisture to the skin, which can help to plump up and diminish the look of fine lines.
  • Protection: Rich in antioxidants, Padina pavonica offers a protective barrier against environmental pollutants and free radicals, which can lead to premature aging.

Benefits for Body:

  • Nutrient-Rich: packed with minerals and vitamins that are essential for maintaining healthy skin and overall bodily functions.
  • Supports Collagen: vital for skin elasticity and firmness, as well as healthy joints and tissues.

Dunaliella salina, a microalga celebrated for its vibrant colour and health benefits, is a natural source of beta-carotene, glycerol, vitamins, and minerals. It can help maintain a radiant complexion and promote overall well-being, making it a valuable addition to health and beauty regimens. Its unique blend of nutrients helps fortify the skin against environmental stressors and supports the body’s natural defences, embodying the essence of health from the sea.

Benefits for Skin:

  • Antioxidant Protection: Dunaliella salina is like a guardian for your skin, offering a shield against oxidative stress with its high levels of carotenoids, particularly beta-carotene.
  • Hydration: acts as a natural moisturizer, providing essential hydration and helping to maintain the skin’s moisture balance.
  • Skin Health: The presence of glycerol and other minerals helps to promote a healthy skin barrier, protecting against environmental irritants.

Benefits for Body:

  • Nutritional Support: This alga is a nutritional powerhouse, packed with a variety of vitamins and minerals that are essential for maintaining good health.
  • Immune Boosting: The antioxidants and other nutrients found in Dunaliella salina can help support the immune system, aiding in the body’s natural defense mechanisms.
  • Detoxification: Its high beta-carotene content can assist in the body’s detoxification processes, helping to cleanse and purify.

Sensory deprivation in saline sea water

For the Skin:

  • Deep Hydration: The high salt content in the water helps to draw moisture into the skin, leaving it deeply hydrated and supple.
  • Detoxification: Saline water can help to draw out impurities and toxins from the skin, promoting a clearer and healthier complexion.
  • Mineral Infusion: Sea salt is rich in minerals like magnesium, calcium, and potassium, which can help to nourish the skin and improve its overall health.

For the Body:

  • Muscle Relaxation: The buoyancy provided by the saline water allows muscles to relax fully, helping to relieve tension and soreness.
  • Improved Circulation: Floating in saline water can help to stimulate blood flow, enhancing circulation throughout the body.
  • Pain Relief: Many people report significant relief from chronic pain after sensory deprivation therapy, as the weightless environment reduces strain on the body.

For the Spirit:

  • Stress Reduction: Sensory deprivation provides a rare opportunity for complete stillness and quiet, which can significantly reduce stress levels.
  • Mental Clarity: With external distractions removed, individuals often experience clearer thinking and heightened awareness.
  • Enhanced Creativity: The deep relaxation state can lead to increased creativity, problem-solving abilities, and new insights.

here we are talking about - Hydrogenated Starch Hydrolysate (and) Water (and) Aphanizomenon Flos-aquae Extract (Lanablue™) is a versatile and potent ingredient that offers a multitude of benefits for both skin and body, making it a valuable addition to your health and beauty regimen. It’s a testament to nature’s ability to provide us with powerful tools for wellness and beauty. :wink:


Dream’s Gifts keep raining!,this is beyond amazing!!! :star_struck:


very amazing gift


Beautiful artwork!

Could be Aphrodite or Amphitrite… who knows?



Sounds definitely Beneficial for Hair given Ecklonia Cava and Nutrient-Rich Powerhouse, targets Telogen Effluvium!


Blue copper peptides are also helpful for hair

There will be other surprises @DavidBert44


wow, oh my god you guys, will have to sell one of my kidney to get all these amazing fields! 🫘


Unlike NFT’s, they are here to stay for a long time!


Even if you felt deceived, try looking at the bigger picture, nothing is eternal, Sapien Medicine could not even exist at all or could end sooner.

Yes, it’ll end one day, everyone should prepare for this idea but the difference between you and people is, you were lucky to be able to use those tools while people who maybe need it more than us are still clueless about the existence of this website.

Think of the people that will discover this website after everything is closed. I would be devasted about missing something this big. Enjoy while it’s still here and cherish those instants because you were here even if it ends one day.

I’m not trying to teach you a lesson by the way, there is no hostility and your emotions are legitimate… We are not entitled to something they said earlier, if they said NFT would last forever, they still have the right to change opinions. It’s a reminder in life that nothing is granted, even the best things !


I meant NFTs had limited Copies,so no rush for this!


Ill slowly unpack some more info about algaes included .
Starting from .
Lanablue - blues green algae extract , included in the field


Extracted from a blue-green algae from the Cascadia region


Hydrogenated Starch Hydrolysate (and) Water (and) Aphanizomenon Flosaquae extract


• Retinoid-like activity without the sides effects


• Reduces the appearance of wrinkles
• Smoothes the skin

Lanablue™ is derived from a unique strain of blue-green algae, which thrives in pristine aquatic environments. This algae is renowned for its exceptional nutrient profile, which includes a rich array of vitamins such as vitamin A, B-complex vitamins, and vitamin E, essential amino acids, and trace elements like zinc, magnesium, and selenium. These components work synergistically to provide a multitude of skin benefits.

One of the standout features of Lanablue™ is its ability to mimic the effects of retinol, a well-known anti-aging ingredient, without causing the irritation and sensitivity often associated with retinol use. This makes Lanablue™ an excellent alternative for individuals with sensitive skin or those looking for a gentler option.

Lanablue™ promotes keratinocyte differentiation, which is crucial for maintaining healthy skin structure and function. By encouraging the turnover of skin cells, Lanablue™ helps to smooth the skin’s surface, leading to a more refined and even complexion. Additionally, it aids in the densification of the epidermis, which can enhance the skin’s resilience and overall appearance.

Clinical studies have demonstrated that Lanablue™ can significantly reduce the appearance of wrinkles in as little as 21 days. This rapid improvement is attributed to its potent regenerative properties, which help to rejuvenate the skin and restore its youthful vitality.

In summary, Lanablue™ is a powerful, natural ingredient that offers a range of benefits for skin health and appearance. Its unique composition and gentle yet effective action make it a valuable addition to any skincare regimen.

it’s wonderful retinol alternative. The field is pampering skin on whole body ( i would like to include this pattern as often as possible )


Perfect :100:

Enjoy :wink:


@Hauru start preparing pictures for our next surprise :shushing_face:


no problem 🫣💯


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


:grin::grin: @Allurre


Ecklonia cava (Paddle Weed, Kajime, Noro-Kajime)

Ecklonia cava (or paddle weed, kajime (搗布/未滑海藻), noro-kajime) is an edible marine brown alga species found in the ocean off Japan and Korea.

Herbal Remedy

  • Used as an herbal remedy in the form of an extract called Seanol, a polyphenolic extract, and Ventol, a phlorotannin-rich natural agent.
  • Phlorotannins such as fucodiphlorethol G, 7-phloro eckol, 6,6’-bieckol, eckol, 8,8’-bieckol, 8,4"’-dieckol, and phlorofucofuroeckol A can be isolated from Ecklonia cava.
  • Other components include common sterol derivatives (fucosterol, ergosterol, and cholesterol).
  • Identified as a viable colloid source for use in the biotech industry.


  • English common name: Paddle Weed
  • Japanese common names: Kajime or Noro-Kajime
  • Standard common name in modern-day Japanese: Kajime (カジメ)
  • Confusion with the name Arame (アラメ), which refers to Eisenia bicyclis.

Range and Speciation

  • Perennial brown alga found mainly in subtidal areas off the coast of Japan and Korea.
  • Exists in kelp forests along the central Pacific coast in Honshu, parts of the Seto Inland Sea, the southern coast along the Sea of Japan, and the coast in Kyushu.
  • Type locality: Yokosuka, Kanagawa.
  • Similar algae taxa: Ecklonia kurome and Eisenia bicyclis (Arame).
  • Recent papers treat E. kurome as a synonym of E. cava.


  • Creates seaweed beds (marine forests) in waters 2–25 m deep and can grow to be over 130 cm.
  • Plays an important role in the ecosystem, providing food and shelter for marine organisms.
  • Primary producers of their ecosystem, used as locations for reproducing by many animals.
  • Decreasing in numbers due to factors like increased water temperature, overgrazing, and overuse by humans.

Human Uses

  • Medicinal Uses: Used in dietary supplements and herbal remedies for insomnia, hair loss, high cholesterol, asthma, and erectile dysfunction.
  • Culinary Uses: Consumed in salads and soups, dried powder used as a flavoring and coloring agent in candies, rice cakes, miso soups, or kimchi.

DHT-inhibitor Ecklonia Cava

Hair Growth and Dermal Papilla Cells

  • Hair follicles are embedded in the innermost layer of the skin (dermis) and consist of dermal papilla cells.
  • Hair growth is closely related to the status of dermal papilla cells.
  • Ecklonia cava elicits several pathways involved in the multiplication of dermal papilla cells, ultimately resulting in hair growth (Kim et al., 2013).

Working Mechanisms of Ecklonia Cava on Hair Growth

  • Dioxinodehydroeckol, an active component of Ecklonia Cava, improves hair shaft elongation, dermal papilla cell growth, and the release of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) (Bak et al., 2013).
  • Ecklonia cava decreases 5-alpha-reductase activity, reducing the amount of DHT in the body.
  • Dieckol is the most active component in Ecklonia cava for the reduction of 5-alpha-reductase (Kang et al., 2012).

Ecklonia Cava Compared with Known Medicinal Products

  • Ecklonia Cava has been studied against two known drugs for the treatment of hair loss, which inhibit 5-alpha-reductase activity and promote dermal papilla cell growth.
  • Compared to minoxidil, Ecklonia cava shows that after 37 days of treatment, the size, depth, and length of hair follicles increase.
  • While the hair follicles of the control group were still in the telogen (resting) phase, those in the Ecklonia Cava and minoxidil treated groups were in the anagen (growing) phase (Bak et al., 2013).
  • In a comparison between hair follicle lengthening due to treatment with Minoxidil and Ecklonia cava, 1 µg/ml Ecklonia Cava had a mean increase of 12.4% in hair follicle length compared to the control group, more than the results with 1 µg/ml Minoxidil (+10.9%) (Kang et al., 2012).


  • The referenced studies show that Ecklonia Cava and its active components stimulate hair growth through the growth of dermal papilla cells, inhibition of 5-alpha-reductase activity, hair shaft elongation, and the release of IGF-1.
  • These findings indicate that Ecklonia Cava Extract is a potential therapeutic compound for the treatment of hair loss and could be used in topical form as a natural alternative to hair growth stimulating drugs.


I found interesting article in polish .

Here is translation
"Seaweeds, in their natural environment, are exposed to temperature changes, desiccation (especially those living in the tidal zone), and excess UV solar radiation.

To survive in these adverse conditions, they had to develop specific enzymatic protective systems that counteract atmospheric stimuli. Human skin also struggles with sudden temperature changes, dehydration, UV radiation, and the action of free radicals.

Therefore, the active ingredients obtained from seaweeds, contained in cosmetic preparations, so effectively strengthen its defensive forces. The human body easily assimilates seaweeds; our skin is bio-compatible with them because the plasma of human cells has a composition similar to the cytoplasm filling the cells of algae.

Seaweeds contain on average ten times more mineral components than terrestrial plants. My clients have heard this sentence from me many times. I love to incorporate algal masks into cosmetic treatments or use creams that contain bioflavonoids in their composition. Ca, I, Br, Fe, Co, Mg, Cu, Zn, and Mn are the trace elements found in algae, which in the form of compounds and complexes, easily overcome the lipid barrier of the epidermis. Algae are also a source of vitamins. Breton algae contain a full set of vitamins with a predominance of the B vitamin complex. Algal cells contain vitamins: A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, D, H, K, E, folic acid, and vitamin C, which is higher than in citrus fruits. Also, the content of vitamin A in some algae is higher than in carrots :) The proteins found in algae contain a rich set of amino acids: alanine, asparagine, arginine, glycine, lysine, and serine. Aosain, the protein of sea lettuce, has a composition similar to that of elastin. Therefore, for example, its use in cosmetic preparations at a 1% concentration reduces the activity of elastase – an enzyme that destroys collagen fibers by 53%. As Ms. Sławomira Jurkowska states in her book “Cosmetic Raw Materials,” thiamine – vitamin B1, occurs in seaweeds at 4.8 mg% (!!!) of dry mass, while in tomatoes only 1.8mg%. The lipids found in algae contain highly unsaturated fatty acids – including gamma-linolenic acid GLA, which restores the disturbed physiological balance of the skin. Polysaccharides (polysaccharides) that moisturize, improve circulation, and regulate sebum secretion, acting bacteriostatically, antiseptically, and anti-inflammatory, constitute over 60% of the active substances found in seaweeds. This is a true, most genuine wealth of trace elements and vitamins. They cannot be missing in a cosmetic treatment. The action of algae:

They protect the skin from moisture loss, improve hydration, and tighten. They regenerate dehydrated and damaged skin from excessive tanning. They increase the cohesion of the epidermis, leaving a protective film on its surface that limits transepidermal water loss – TEWL. Algae contain components similar to NMF (natural moisturizing factor). They strengthen, seal, and thus protect the walls of capillaries from breaking. They regulate the secretory function of the sebaceous glands, which is why they are used for the care of oily and acne-prone skin. They soothe irritations, accelerate regeneration, and stimulate cell growth. They improve epithelialization (skin renewal) and granulation (granulation and wound healing). They treat dermatoses, ulcers, stretch marks, scars, and hair loss. They improve microcirculation and cellular metabolism. They regulate sugar content and are used in preparations to combat cellulite. They promote the elimination of circulatory disorders (including lymphatic blockages) and support osmosis in intercellular areas (counteracting leg swelling and cellulite). They cleanse the skin and brighten the complexion. They are used to care for skin poisoned by nicotine. Algae have bacteriostatic properties, inhibit inflammation, fight viruses, and have anti-cancer effects. They strengthen the lipid barrier of the epidermis and protect the skin from infections. They provide the skin with nutrients and protect it from adverse environmental factors. They revitalize, regenerate, and strengthen the skin. The algae I use in the office come in the form of:

aqueous extracts. micronized algae – the process of their acquisition involves air drying, grinding, variable pressure, and low temperature. As a result, the cell walls of the algae crack, the cytoplasm comes out, and we get a delicate powder of highly concentrated algae lyophilized sheets – the algae are rapidly frozen and crushed, all water is removed, and an ideally dried powder is obtained, which is then pressed into sheets. To restore the nutritional capabilities of the lyophilized algal sheet during the treatment, just moisten it with water moisturizing creams with biflavonoids intensely moisturizing and soothing masks for ultra-sensitive skin algae masks that extinguish redness vitalizing algae masks, with vitamins"

and the link


There will be more and more surprises :blush: @ayesha