Larvikite ๐Ÿ’Ž (feat. Thelma Eldrun Raven)

Crystal Kingdom 2 Album


from various online sources

Larvikite is a stone of inner transformation that helps one better adapt to change, as well as accept and understand any benefits that may come with it.

Larvikite is a highly protective and grounding stone.

The energies of this stone will protect you in your day to day activities, and it will offer protection even when you are asleep, or even when you are travelling.

Larvikite is also very cleansing to the body. It will remove the toxins and the negative energies from both the physical and etheric bodies.

Lovely Larvikite beads

Anything thatโ€™s harmful or no longer needed will be dispelled by this stone, and you will be able to enjoy a positive flow of energies.

Larvikite is also an excellent stone to use during meditation because it will effectively still and focus your mind.

It will remove unnecessary thoughts, and it will sharpen your concentration.

This stone will also stimulate your inner visions that will help ground you during astral travel.

Larvikite will facilitate a powerful connection with the Earthโ€™s energies and help you connect to the spirits of nature.

This stone will stimulate your inner vision and enhance your psychic abilities.

It will also allow you to see the past, which will give you a clear vision of your past life and how itโ€™s influencing your life right now.

Larvikite will neutralize or dispel negative energies that surround you.

You will be more aware of these energies, and they will make you consciously decide to give out positive energies instead.

This stone will increase your intellect, stimulate your creativity, and deepen your wisdom. It will also help you see your genuine self through your higher self.

It will help you take in new information and create new pathways for this new information.

Itโ€™s an excellent stone that will help you achieve your goals and complete your projects sooner than you expect.

It will open your subconscious mind and make way for an enhanced clarity of thought.

Larvikite will allow you to read between the lines to understand what other people mean on both conscious and unconscious levels.

This stone is also an excellent tool for lucid dreaming.

You will be able to remember your dreams vividly, and this will help you interpret their meaning on a more accurate and timely manner.

Larvikite will also work on your physical appearance to enhance your youthfulness and vitality!


From the crystal kingdom thread


Reminds of @uial :heart: :heart:


Even tho online, one of the most kindest and patient person Iโ€™m come across