Let's compliment each other

@Siria Wow! Thank you for the compliment

@anon73693188 Yes! Thank you for always giving me lots of advice when I first entered the forum.

@Jen I also learned a lot from you

@Ugninis Of course, I want to thank you, brother, for your ideas to fulfill my beautiful dreams (beauty, hair、health)

@Nice2knowU Of course, bro, you are also a warm person when we occasionally communicate in Chinese.

@Milamber When I first started to understand nft, you gave me a lot of information

Finally, of course, thanks Dreamweaver and SammyG :pray:

Without you, there would be no forum


Thank you, Luna, for the kind words. :sparkling_heart: You’re always a pleasure to read. I really haven’t been writing on the forum much lately. I just don’t have enough time right now. But I’m still here with you. And I am glad to be a part of this community


Thank you for your kind words I feel the same about you :raised_hands:


Wow! You actually make my day brighter with such beautiful words.
Thank You for Your Beautiful Presence on The Forum. :pray:
Also, I Enjoyed Your Topic about Favorite Character Crush - and BTW, Spike is not a bad crush (I love Buffy - the show, those are some of THE best characters in TV shows history).

She is better, that’s for sure. :blush:

Thank You for Acknowledging me acknowledgin so many different people. :pray:
You are a Kind and Very Knowledgeable Soul - Me and Many Others can learn new things from your Comments. Also, thank You for your kindness, as you are offering very good advices to many people (health related too).

That is Beautiful. Thank You! :pray:
Your BS Diary truly is NO BS. :grinning:
You shared with us your struggles and brought motivation with your words, as in some aspects I can relate too.
Thank You for Being Authentic and also for wanting to help others too.
I hope You Will Accomplish EVERYTHING that You Desire, You Are Wonderful.

Now, I won’t tag nor compliment anyone else, but I want to Thank Everyone for Your Help, for Your Contributions, for Your Divine Company and Presence on the Forum, for Your Insights, for Helping Others (one way or another), Thank You for Being Here.

THANK YOU. :pray::heart:


(no compliments, but I want to add this here, hope it’s not a problem)

I also want to ask for forgiveness for a few harsh comments from the past, including P. M. :zipper_mouth_face::sweat_smile:
And I want to ask for forgiveness from anyone who in any way, shape or form I’ve hurt.

Now, it is what it is…
I have my triggers and my weak moments too, I’m far from perfect.


I changed my mind.

I’m NOT Good at compliments, but hopefully I’m good at being Thankful.

@Allurre, hope you don’t mind this link, but my Thank You and Appreciation list would be too much…
Also, know that I Appreciate All That You DO on this forum - You Are Awesome!
No one beats your cat memes. :shushing_face:

I Appreciate Everyone, Especially Those Who have Helped Me or My Mom. Thank You.

Have a Blessed Day. :pray:

Thank You, @TheAmbiguousSoldier, for your kind words - You’re an Amazing Soul.
I Wish You The Best. :pray:


Luna, love you. You truly shine like the moon in my life.


Lol i was just about to compliment You @Bored
For your sense of humour. Your nickname,memes and fact that You are never boring.
This duality with nickname cracks me up :sweat_smile:


Thank You for being a great friend
Sense of humour that always make my day
Abilitiy to be yourself and stand for yourself
Your love for nature
Sharing knowledge about hinduism
Constant work on yourself
Compassion toward all living creatures
Your talents and amibitions . You got this :boom:
Good advices


You know you can find a sister in Me. :) always.


You are my sister from a long time.
At the time of releases like microkinesy therapy & Shatachandi Yagna, I overcame my reluctance to intrude upon your time and sent you a PM.
How graciously you responded to that brings me tears even now. Only a person who cares deeply about sharing & helping can respond like that. Proud you are my sister


@anon73693188 @Siri
I love this sweet intercartions between two of you ladies.

I love reading your reviews. I implement a lot of your ideas on my everday life.

Thanks to Luna i learned how to use become healer but on totally diffrent level. I remember how You said that You send everything with this field :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I strated to do the same. I send love, abundance, luck. …it works.

Siri You are so sweet, nice and uplifiting person.
I wonder about your nickname?

Does it have something to do with Witcher video game?


Allure my dear, you are very sweet, unselfish, innovative. Love your imaginative threads that bring so much help to people who need that support, and loving positivity.
“Siri” in my language means abundance. :-)


I remember i liked You from the begininig. Even when we didint speak much.
Once You liked my comment. When i saw Siri i imedialtly thought about character from the Witcher game witch comes from Polish company.
One of my boyfriend favorite game.:sweat_smile:

We write her name Ciri but we spell Siri.


:smiley: seems like a very interesting game. I will try to learn more about this. :smiley:
I like you a lot too & read all your posts & try to participate in events like cone of power! :hugs:




You know when you dont know if to cry or smile?

Thats me now hah😭

I tell you something i might look all extroverted here but im actually quite introverted i just talk a lot in places or people i feel comfortable with, however one to one chat is a different story lol it makes me anxious :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: so i avoid it as much as i can. :laughing:

But that day it was a perfect time and im glad i was there for you, im sorry the chat did not continue for long or more often but when the bond is already formed, im always open. if you ever want or need to talk just reach out. And ill be there for sure :purple_heart:

@Allurre you are just such a sweetheart and light hearted person, a fresh air in this polluted word!! Please never change.


Oh i know her!! :raised_hands:


Thank you. I know you are there for me always.


Thank you


Thank you for your kind words Luna! I appreciate you and your beautiful presence on this forum! :purple_heart:
I find it hard to post as often as I once did but can promise I won’t become a lurker. :laughing:

Rather than tagging individual people (too many to mention :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:), I just want to thank all the regulars on here who make this forum such a lovely place to visit, connect, learn, share, and feel inspired. I feel priviliged to be a part of this great community of wise Souls. :heartbeat: