LGBTQ+ and Allies Thread

hi friends!

it’s been awhile and i realized we don’t have a thread for us!

how’s life?

feel free to share or not share your labels. this includes sexuality, identity, whatever makes up who we are. again, labels are labels, so let’s not dwell too much on them!

this is a safe space everyone!

for those who are visiting and curious, questions are welcome, but do your research!

maybe i’m biased, but don’t we have the best looking flag? :crazy_face:


Kudos @psynergy. I thought of starting one but had reservations . Thanks for taking the lead.


i understand!

i’ve been here awhile and only just realized we should definitely start connecting with each other!

to open it up more for others to join in, i’d like to share a little more about myself that only a few here knew!

most of my life i was living as a gay man and because of quarantine i started to accept that there was more to me.

i started growing my hair out and realized i am also a transwoman.

and then i started to realize i’m kinda both… lol:


in the beginning it’s been really scary facing who i am only because i grew up in a strict religion.

now it’s more exciting (and confusing) the deeper i go into myself.


All that matter is if you are happy :heart:



i am also grateful to have friends and family who accept me for who i am! the journey to them was worth it!


@psynergy i’m so glad that you have been able (/brave) to make those steps on your journey of self acceptance! I’m a gay dude and like many others I’ve considered this as a ‘struggle to overcome’ for the greatest part of my life, which was partially reinforced by the fact that I am rather sensitive/an empath so confirmation of friends and family has always been a big issue.

However, as of today I can only consider my queer sexuality as such an invaluable gift, since I am convinced that it forced me to realize that seeking for external confirmation is not my way and that going on a journey inwards (to be that ‘spiritual seeker’) is what I should be doing instead. Thus essentially it wasn’t a struggle to overcome, it was just that bit of guidance that I needed to find my path. :smiley:

So although we are still far from where we should be in terms of collective acceptance, never forget that everything life throws at you is just another chance to grow! :v::rainbow_flag:



if you haven’t yet made a thread as a newcomer, i highly recommend it for everyone to greet you!

we are definitely similar in this regard!

this is what gave me the courage to be true to myself and show others who i was without the masks!

expecting everyone outside of myself to validate me started to feel like i was losing myself emotionally and physically.

this may be true in a grander scale, but i am grateful that 99% of the people i meet in my reality have been very supportive of me.

this wasn’t always the case, but the more i shared my truth and gave back only unconditional love, the more i allowed others to be true to themselves.

i wish you the best my new friend!

i am excited to see the exciting changes that’s in store for you.

:wave: :dancer: :star_struck:


Ahh thanks for the warm welcome, wishing you the very best too! :blush:


welcome to everyone joining our thread.

there is so much love for you all.

growing up i was taught to fear and hate myself.

i know too well what you are going through. our soul tells us one thing, but society tells us another. who do we listen to? who do we trust?

i am so happy that we have allies who allow us the freedom to express ourselves. these interactions have brought me much joy and gratitude. it showed me how far i’ve come and how close we are to love.

for those who are on the other side, it’s not about the labels. it’s about how we feel and how we make others feel.

i’m sorry we made you feel hurt and confused. but as you are in a spiritual forum, can you see a part of you in us? we are reflections after all. you smile at the mirror and we’ll smile back.

for those of us who still go through these kinds of interactions on a daily basis, know that there are places where you are safe and one of them is here.

as you all know i am a youth worker so i interact with our generation who are younger than 19.

do you know that more and more of our youth identify as LGBTQ+? do you know that more of our youth see no difference in colour, gender identity, and sexual orientation?

it moves my heart how only a few months ago they kept to themselves and now they all hang out and share the space with one another as equals.

it’s really quite beautiful and i feel privileged to be a part of our future generation’s growth in freedom of expression and unity.

i wish you all love, peace, and joy my friends!

:heart: :orange_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart: :brown_heart: :black_heart: :white_heart:


Yeah you’re fully right, but I think what he most wanted was a answer, tho he started to ask wrong or the way he seeked the answer was wrong, I don’t plan to start anything here, it’s just a question I ask myself.

So if a man wants to be a woman, can it be that his soul is female energy instead of male energy, or does this not play a role at all ? And the same question the other way around.


it’s just how a soul expresses themself.

they find more joy in being called their right pronoun.

they find more joy in society seeing them as the gender they identify with.

labels can actually provide someone a sense of individuality. it’s a part of spiritual evolution. we explore our individuality and support the collective with our expertise.

in my personal experience, it’s about transcending my dualities and becoming whole.


I’m a cisgender male that is (most of the time) sexually attracted to other cisgender males. Recently under quarantine I’ve been struggling with sexual identity. Is it just a construct of ego? Is it necessary at all for me to sexually experience another 3D human being? I’ve been single and not having sex for close to 8 years now (personal choice, not incel). After really doing a lot of shadow work along with daily use of Ego Dissolution and Subconscious Limits Removal, I’m not sure if I need a physical relationship with anyone else. I’m definitely not a-sexual, but I’m also not lonely like I was in my younger years.

EDIT: Also, thank you for starting this thread. I’ve recently began wondering if I was the only LGBTQ+ on a spiritual journey (however unlikely that is, lmao).

Interesting that you mention this. There was an episode of Open Minds with Regina Meredith on Gaia where her guest discussed this with her. Unfortunately I can’t remember the season or episode. Haha, oops. Basically, the guest was discussing the importance and necessity of shadow work and exploring your divine male and divine feminine before making any commitments to surgery, whereas modern science is quick to diagnose and send you on a plan of pills and surgery right away.

Not that I am taking a stand against gender-reassignment surgery or anything like that, I just thought it was interesting to note.


i can only answer from my own personal experiences that it’s what i feel about someone and not what i think about them.

for me sexuality is a fluid state i am learning to understand and control just like my thoughts and my emotions.

the best thing i can describe it as is my taste in food and music. i love certain genres and certain dishes more than others, but i am willing to explore new tastes, sounds, and feelings.

it’s not if you don’t feel like it. trust yourself.

the more you know yourself, the more it reflects outside in your reality.

that’s great to hear!

there’s a ton of threads and posts already on love and relationships, so i’ll only recommend to be in one when you don’t ‘need’ one. neediness is unsustainable.

with saying all of that, i’ve been open to dating and meeting new people. all of the physical meet-ups i’ve had were fun and communicative.

i’ve been taking my friend’s advice to just appreciate what i get and if that’s it, then that’s it.

i haven’t felt the need to force more energy into dating and just balancing that aspect of myself with the rest of my life like finances, family, friends, and personal time.


i was confused with my gender identity for most of my life, as a kid i used to express myself androgynously but the adults around me didn’t like it to say the least so i had to suppress that side of me for some time, but whereas i knew a wasn’t a woman later on, being called a man by others didn’t sit right with me either
until i explored further and found out that there are dozens of people who don’t feel like either, or both, or one less than another
and also not being a fan of labels, i think sometimes you need to find the one that feels right in order to transcend them
thank you all for sharing


I can relate to this for sure.

Thank you! I’ve been hitting the synchronicity part of my life recently, and it’s beautiful. I don’t know if I’ve ever been able to perceive such beauty in the world before this point. And if I was able, I definitely wasn’t tapping into it.

I relate to this with my sexuality. My gender is a certainty to me, but I’ve always negatively reacted to sexuality labels. None of them describe me.


i’ve been very grateful there’s more and more representation in the media.

my siblings and i finished watching SK8 the Infinity and it’s my favourite anime because it shows healthy male relationships.

wonder egg priority is also great for female relationships.


Very true. I would also like to bring in planetary influences on one’s sexuality. My body, sexual leanings changed as planetary period changed . When we grow enough to recognise and control our thoughts and emotions, guess, we can have better understanding about ourselves.


Nowadays, people come up with all fancy names😅 you are right. We aren’t limited to such labels.


thank you for sharing your experiences with us!

my parents’ religion also didn’t like anything outside of male, female, and heterosexuality.

i recently found out that my sibling’s friend’s partner is non-binary and it blew my mind just how close they are to my social circle and yet we kept missing each other until we were both ready to meet physically!

we became instant friends!

it was another reminder that i will meet those i love when i am ready.

the more i explore inside myself, the more magic i see outside myself.

this is a hint to those ‘singles’ searching for love. search within and you’ll find all the love you could ever need! the love you find inside gets reflected outside for you to enjoy in your physical reality.


hi everyone! i just wanted to share my thoughts on being trans or gender fluid.

for me it’s about learning and loving both genders and incorporating it within my soul.

i finally get when forward thinkers believe in the future we’ll be more androgynous as we bring balance to our masculine-feminine duality.

i noticed recently that people can’t tell what gender i am and it’s actually a source of pride for me. to me it means that i’m free with having to do or not do things based on what society perceives is only for the masculines or only for the feminines.

as a child i was told that only girls can keep their hair long and boys always have to cut their hair short. growing up i experience that hair length and style is only up to the individual and not anyone else regardless of relationship.

thank you for being open to reading in this thread. it takes a lot of courage to open your heart up to new and unfamiliar subjects.