Kill attraction

Every being is programmed to get attracted to the opposite gender(In this case Male->Female). I think its a trap. Is there any field to get rid of this program?

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…what are you even saying there man


An estimated 10% of the population would like to have a word with you, my friend. :laughing:


maybe because the survival of species depends on it? Like if we weren’t programmed so, how likely do you think is that we would survive and evolve into this? Similarly as your program that says you have to survive, so what about just embracing and cultivating it?



Jokes aside answer my question please!

I can’t answer your question because your question is based on a flawed premise.


We are done surviving that’s why were here in this forum for something beyond surviving. We’re already overpopulating BTW.

What’s the flaw you may explain?

There are several flawed premises. I already pointed out 1 statistically-verifiable one which you don’t want to hear.

So, let’s have a different discussion instead. IME, 99% of the reasons why people have resistance/challenges/problems around the topic of attracting a partner regardless of gender (as your original question seems to indicate) is because they lack self-love. So, they want to use other people (in their families, in their jobs, in their bedrooms) as a replacement for the self-love they lack.

So, I will answer your original question by directing you to the many self-love fields that Sapien have created (which can be found by using our handy forum search engine).


I never asked for a gf nor selflove lol. I’m already self sufficient. Read my post again. I asked for a field that eradicates the root cause of attraction called lust.

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Another flawed premise. Lust can be a root cause of attraction but it’s not the only one. (My last suggestion still applies to “lust.”)

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There’s nothing wrong with having sexual desire in general. If there wasn’t this “trap” we wouldn’t be born and all of us wouldn’t be browsing this forum. There isn’t anything that can permanently stop this but there’s definitely something that can keep this in control. Ego dissolution Field. Cuz lust is a part of your ego which should be in check otherwise there will be some trouble. And another thing you can do is to be higher vibrational. Most people are obsessed with sex due to their low stare of vibration which let’s ego to dominate. And lastly balance all your chakras. It can help to get rid of such overwhelming temptation towards opposite gender and keep you to yourself in general. But there isn’t any “specific” field to stop it.


Thank you for the suggestions.


Have you tried not bathing? That always does it for me!


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Yeah. It does the opposite to me due to increase in body heat.

From Guru Grant Sahib Ji (Sacred Scriptures) it says:

gur kaa sabad rid antar Dhaarai.
panch janaa si-o sang nivaarai.
Those who implant the Word of the Guru’s Shabad within their hearts
Cut their connections with the five passions.

Please forgive my earlier answer, as it didn’t really answer the question as I totally misinterpreted it.
Take this if it resonates. Thanks!


We do benefit from a broad variety of fields to help us manage or heal inappropriate “lust.” Forum friends have used fields like the Root and Sacral Chakra, the Transmutation and MicroCosmic, the Vibration series, the 5 Elements, the 3 Treasures, as well as the many heaing and self-love fields (even [The Blueprint of Life: New Release](The Blueprint of Life: New Release and the new Crucible fields–two links there!) generously created by Sapien Sir to address imbalances with “lust.”

We have the tools to help us with this “vice.” Unfortunately, given the way the questions are being asked here in this thread so far, it’s hard for me to more accurately direct our friend to the help he’s wanting.


Alchemical crucible field from YouTube is for you
It will kill your every lust and desire
Many people reported already this
Try it


No, not at all.