Limiting Beliefs

OK… so… in your opinions, what is the best stack for lmiting beliefs…

I know PONR touches on it, but it that its main focus??

Does anyone else have any other ideas?? Maybe PONR with more subconcious limits in there??

Im interested :)

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Check this project out, I think you can still vote on it:

Use this on YouTube with music.

I know there is one on patreon without music but still use it.
With Fielded music it works Great.
Otherwise you have free will.

I remember you posting

3 months later, what have you noticed that has changed?
Understanding the root cause, besides fields, what have you actively done that were suggested previously?

The devil revered is pretty great for this too


My life has changed beyond measure…

Im not the same person i was even 3 months ago

However, For only the second time in my life i gained weight… and almost instantly lost it… so im wondering if there is something even deeper than life changing revelations can get to, to alter these limiting beliefs.

Im doing the work… but there is a lot to do, so i am looking for a stack and ive apways credited PONR staack for shifting so much, but if there was anything else i thought i would get some insider info :)

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So delighted to hear that @Kindfulness1!
I remember as well that you have the Mandelbrot to boost these changes.

Always good to check in and reflect from previous standpoint to see how much your life took a turn for the better, and now have new avenues of potential.

Keep at it! :mechanical_arm:
It may or may not be limiting beliefs.
For more positive push, maybe look at Zealot of Positive Change?



You mean reversed lol

Very good suggestion btw


Yeah haha, I’m very light headed these days

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