List of All Individual Beings NFTs

No, its fully him


Okay, added him :slight_smile:

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This is truly awesome! Thank you JAAJ

Much love and respect beings!

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The Goddess Mara, Slavic - Black Swan NFT
The Goddess Salacia, Roman (or Amphitrite, Greek) - Shark and Pearls NFT

I would personally add the Immortal Caladrius, but am not sure about their origin

Tiamat, not sure on the origin

Not “individual beings” but a group within an NFT - maybe a separate thread?
The Seven Gods of Happiness and Good Luck, Japan
The Royal Oriented Armor, China, at least 5 deities
Yggdrasil and the Norns, various


Thank you very much.

Added: Mara, Salacia, Tiamat.

Immortal Caladrius is a servitor.

A separate thread for groups of beings is a nice idea. I will put it onto my to do list.


I respect your opinion and choice in whether or not to include Caladrius here.

From my experience Caladrius is very much a living being. I personally couldn’t call them a servitor. Their personality is very cheerful and light, and has this uplifting energy. I can’t help but smile whenever I see their image.


thank you :grin:
Thanks a lot :pray:

i’m not sure about the format JAAJ chose
but if the format of this branch allows, you can add

The god Perun (one of the main light gods of the ancient slavic pantheon. He is the God of the Thunderer, leading the heavenly host on the path of battle, guarding the clear world from the dark and establishing order on its borders).

he is not listed in the description of Ignis Flos - but he is completely related to it
there was a hint in the video


Цветок Папоротника (Красный цветок Перуна) Fern Flower / Fiery Fern Flower - YouTube

also: 9 Muses (Greek)


Hi UgniS,

The format here is listing NFTs that are able to connect you to certain single individual Beings.
With the Beings being really sovereign souls and individuums with their own personalities, character, free will etc.

If a NFT only borrows aspects or attributes from a being, then this does not count for this format here. Also, no groups of beings.

If Ignos Flos NFT connects you to the real Perun Deity, then I can for sure add him here…?

Reading the description of 9 Muses, it seems these are a group of egregors?


the beautiful Muses, daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, the constant companions of Apollo :slightly_smiling_face:

when this NFT was being created, the Captain approached the second Russian group, and asked about the graphic design of the mandala
the question was: can I draw Perun in the background?

(the group rejected the idea. :laughing:)

ps. also - dont forget Chiron - Blueprint of Learning


There is also

Heka (Egyptian Magic & Medicine) and Seshat (Temple of Luxor). Also Serket (Scorpion).

Also, in Alchemical Brothers there are
the Roman gods Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto personifying the alchemical prime-triad.

Of China; Sun Wukong and too Lu Bu (since Guan Yu is incl.)

And of Greek; Chiron, Asclepius, Muses, Adonis, Pegasus and Athena (Wisdom Owl). There is also the intercessingly exuded ’Ares-Bones’ of The Face.

Here and for now I draw that fine line :slight_smile:

Aah 2nd on a couple :slight_smile:



Chiron, Athena, Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto, Heka, Seshat, Asclepius

Do you know whether the Alchemical Brothers NFT is just related to the alchemy of these deities or whether it actually connects to them?


  • I cannot find anything on Serket on the forum. Can you please point me into the right direction?

  • Lu Bu NFT is not a connection to the soul who played his incarnation but a representation of his attributes as far as I understand.

  • Sun Wukong (Monkey King) is a fictional character = human made egregor?

  • Pegasus is a servitor NFT.

  • Adonis → I do not see any NFT connecting to him. Only borrowing his attributes.

  • The Face NFT / Ares’ bones is only borrowing attributes.


as I remember, it was one of the ideas of the leader of the group :slightly_smiling_face:


I can confirm that it actually can connect you to Jupiter, Neptune & Pluto…separately or collectively. :sparkles:


Three Norns from the Yggdrasil and the Norns NFT (Norse)
Clurichaun as well

And the Achiyalabopa (Pueblo) !!

Not an individual being.

A servitor / smart field.

A smart field / energetic representation of the bird and its functions.

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Just like Alchemical Brothers with Neptune, Pluto and Jupyter. These sisters have their own names as well Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld.


Are these actual fully conscious astral beings or are they egregors created by humans praying to them?

from the thread: This NFT was designed to confer not only full access to all three gods but also to impart alchemical understanding at Paracelsus’ level and beyond.

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This I’m not sure.
How can we even prove this?
Isn’t Zeus (I just pick one) created, by people imagination?
How do you know he actually existed before people existed?


As you wish and as you believe
Problems with such a threads are subjective understandings