Looking for... Exorcist

I forgot to mention that we can also do the following:

  • bind and loose and cast out with prayer for spiritual warfare as we have the authority through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Yeshua Hamashiach. He is the Son of God after all.
  • and ‘Daniel fasting’ or water fasting (Be sure to get in electrolytes. I have a recipe for more natural sources) while reading the bible (New Testament: John. Or Acts. Daily), praying in tongues (Isaiah Saldivar on YouTube who has the Holy Spirit and God working in him highly recommends it as well), and keeping away from crowds,
  • devoting my time to God and Jesus Christ through prayer, trust in the Lord
  • confessions of faith have been the most helpful
  • Repentance and renunciation weren’t the only ways. Just be honest with the Lord. / Confess, turn to God
  • casting down vain thoughts and imaginations (voices in head or imagery) take captive your thoughts
  • prayers to break curses and renouncing them and go against altars
  • Find a Deliverance Ministry, get prayed over by a group
  • Use bible scripture to go against negative/false thoughts just as Jesus did
  • Pray the whole Armor of God
  • Gregorian chants, music about Jesus Christ, Psalm scripture music
  • be in more holy places / retreats
  • drink holy water like from Lady of Lourdes
  • Get involved in communion
  • Get baptised
  • Plead the Blood of Jesus
  • Don’t allow sin to rule your life, confess your sins and forgive, even deep down in your generation and ancestry and traumas and even any past lives
  • Learn to pray
  • Read at least 30 mins daily the Holy Bible. (I have seen - accidentally in the spirit realm through this demonic being’s eye, i assume- that the words from the bible are ‘alive’. There was golden light coming through the inner stem of the book -a simple paperback, even around the borders of the letters) It’s not just a book…

I hope this helps those who are struggling with this. Much love to you all.


How r u doing, Lotus?

Im not doing bad at least. I still face this thing on the mind but it isnt as bad as before.


Here is a playlist of prayers of deliverance, protection, and others that follows a protocol so i recommend checking out the PDFs linked in the playlist’s description linked here:

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If you have any Fae items they should help too. If you feel resistance it’s working.

Answering questions:

I went through a full medical checkup, blood tested and they couldnt find anything

They sent me this video. I also like what theyre doing.This seems to be helping but i must be consistent

Someone else also had this issue in the video comments and was suggested this:

So ill keep trying it as well

I assure you that i dont practice such things nor do i willingly feel the urges. I’m celebate and have no interest.

I already actively try to improve myself, asking for help was a big jump for me

This is all over the mind-flesh. Which aura field?


While i had them, they didnt do anything

Tried, it seems to no effect

If by having intrusive thoughts of demonic and obnoxious and disgusting and at times subtle feelings of arousal or perversion out of nowhere -it’s a lot less now -i’d say it seems yes but it also tried to attack in my dreams to bring out what seems like my worst fears

I was already doing that, it attacked me as i was doing such things. More specifically sexual trauma. Like what Sammy said, they like to get into weak spots. I didnt let those things get in the way of my day

It seems that it’s internal rather than external but ill keep trying that

I already had this around the time of the attacks and asked for help also from looping angelic + alien + cosmic intercession, nothing happened to pull this off. This seems like a “strongman” spirit

Someone gave me it as a gift but later i realize that - at the time i didnt know - it didnt seem to work because it was not gifted properly - regardless i got to save up for that

It seems he’s not. I tried to contact, no mails back

I’ll try to do this:

Can i get to talking with you about this via DM?

As for anyone else i havent mentioned, i’ll try and give updates


@Divine_Lotus I think Lion Zen can assist you very well wen store open again . Sending you all love and healing keep going you are not alone :hibiscus::revolving_hearts::sparkles::pray:

It could be hidden in your subconscious, I was in the same situation like you, been using succubus incantation and it induced some kind of curse within me. After few years of trying to get rid but unsuccessfully, I have switched to using subliminal, first was social one to cure my communication skills. Then moving on to other areas status, romance, etc. Last year there was one subliminal that catched my eyes it was Khan Black The Crucible by Subliminal Club. I brought it this year and the first loop of it made me purged something deep within me, have you seen the movie called Inception, I experienced the same thing, I had dream within dreams that full of darkness, bad horrible ghosts and devils. But somehow the subliminal gave me strength to confront them. Used it for 30 days then I was free from the influence of the succubus that was eating/sucking/holding on to my sexual energy. Hope this will help you somehow, best of luck.

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Can you share link as I did not find it, thanks

have you tried listening to hildegard von bingen?

Reminder that this is the Sapienmed Forum. If energy projects by other creators are suggested, the info should go into a private chat rather than the public forum.

Thank You Tara