Looking for Some Guidance

Hi, I am here to ask for some guidance. Sammy confirmed to me by message that Universal Om permanently raises your vibration, I noticed that the process is complete, I think that’s why I feel that Universal Om doesn’t seem to affect me, plus the journey with this Nft was always pleasant (I never went through the detoxification process that some users reported). Can you guide me to an upcoming audio to raise my vibration, really everything has improved in these last two months, I can’t be more grateful. I have Vibrational Light and Guidance in mind but now I can’t afford it. Or maybe recommend me some free audio that can raise my vibration even more than Universal om, I feel the integration is complete
@Maoshan_Wanderer @Gnosticmedic27

I could use your opinions. Thank you very much! :heartpulse:

Surely for it to be complete you would have to have the same vibration as OM its self ?

And if there was no detox phase at all nothing came up and bothered you then that probably means it hasn’t done everything it can…

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what is your stack for raising vibration?

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Thank you! Do you think I should double my listening? Maybe listen to it for 40 minutes

Universal Om x2
Tejas x3
Exalted State x2
Universal Om again


Carry the Mandela and listen to as much as you feel guided to see what comes up then… just be careful especially over this next week or so with pushing it

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Lovely stack that nice and simple and effective

Panchanga Yoga

Have a look at this might interest you with the path you are on

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May be try this stack in the same sequence and see how your body responds. Use this stack before any other stack for any other purpose you may be using.

Energy Body / Aura Deep Clearing Cleaning - 1x
Energy Blockage Removal - 1x to 3x
Clear all Negative Energy and Entity Removal - 2x to 3x
Etheric Cord Cutter - 2x to 3x

Break of 15 mins to 30 mins

Tejas Alchemy - 3x
Exalted States - 2x to 3x
Universal Om - 3x

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Thank you very much for all your advice!


I never understood Panchanga Yoga, I think it is an incredible tool, but I could never see where to buy it, it tells me that the page has not been found. I live in Uruguay, maybe that’s the problem, what is the price and how can I order it?

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It is sold under a different company and it cost me £80 :slightly_smiling_face:

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Try the love audios.

There are three audios Dream created (not free) - Vibration Series - Creation, Divine Love & Transcendence. And he does not do anything randomly, including the sequence.

I see these as the A, U, and M of the OM - Creation, Preservation & Dissolution/Transcendence aspects of the Divine, or Sat (Pure Existence), Chit (Pure Consciousness), and Ananda (Transcendent non-sensory Bliss of Non-duality). The energy of AUM is five-fold - starts with the gross A - spreads across a, u, m, the nasal sound, and the non-verbal bindu which transcends even the Crown Chakra.

While OM is recited by everyone colloquially, it was not the original practice. Only monks & renunciates (Sannyasins) would recite OM traditionally. OM represents the nameless, stateless, changeless, formless absolute Divinity which is non-dual - while all manifest the world of duality (count here wealth, health, etc.) arise from this space, it has nothing specifically to do with any of that as its highest expression is Transcendence over these aspects of duality. Hence, only those few who chose to give up their cravings for aspects of duality were initiated into pure OM sadhana - and not householders who still wanted to maintain a body and mind and exist in the manifest world.

While the renunciates usually give up all other mantras related to form, householders and normal folks like us cannot easily comprehend the nameless, formless absolute divine unless one has prepared oneself through ardent practice. For most, the path lies in getting to the formless through the form - hence the use of deity mantras which invoke OM in the form of a deity so that we have a ladder for ascension. For most, trying to get directly to OM is like jumping up and down to reach the skies, while deity mantras are like using an airplane.

There are different ways to raise vibration.

  • Through the agency of the Body which is God’s Temple - Yoga, Qigong, Soul Restoration, Ojas/Tejas fields, etc.
  • Through the agency of the Breath - Pranayama, Dantien related fields, etc.
  • Through Deity work - Dream’s mantra meditations album, when meditated to, can cause wonders
  • Through Divine Love - The highest expression of the Motherhood of God, the Divine Mother, is through Love. The album Quantum Love, is amazing at raising vibrations

Most of us do well with a gradual, disciplined, and consistent approach than an immediate leap. So, give these a try - pick one of these, or a mix of these, and stick to them consistently.

As I always say - nothing replaces actual meditation, self-reflection, and contemplation. If these are combined with fields, results are bound to be spectacular.


Thanks for your guidance Mao! The dream mantra meditation tracks I never found, I think there are some on patreon, which I have downloaded. For now, I will continue with Universal Om (I think it is equivalent to vibration of creation), and try to add vibration of divine love.
I’ve been trying Tejas for a couple of days now, it’s still too early to feel the effects (I have a little more energy that’s true). I hope that Tejas, universal Om accompanied by Exalted State will give me a vibrational experience to aim towards, maybe I can add Essences of mantras.
I will take into account the love fields, I think they will allow me to accelerate the process. Thank you very much! I love learning from you :raised_hands:


If you search the forum, several times the links to the entire album have been posted.

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is this correct chanting?


Mantra Meditations Album

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Thanks Rose! :purple_heart:

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