I am at a very bad phase in my relationship. I need to see a direction and opportunity. Which fields can help me attract harmonious energy in relationship and also clarity?
1-Attract Love
2-Uplift yourself and people you meet
Lovers tarot and Rune of jera for harmony
Deleted my last comment cuz i misread and thought you meant you wanted to attract a harmonious relationship…
Thanks @IAmJonathan … and I do want harmony in my relationship… lot of discord right now
That’s a paid field isn’t it ?
I am stuck at a place where I cannot decide which path to take … will this field help me there ?
Most definitely! That + Imaginarium divine is really all you need… when it comes to being on the right path, breaking cycles, understanding others and much more those 2 fields will help you for the rest of your life
You really can’t go with out conceptual realizations tbh… check out the conceptual realizations thread and the Imaginarium divine thread:
Many amazing testimonials great insights that will aide you in your way…
Ps. Imaginarium divine can definitely help you in your relationship as well, as you’ll have higher guidance from your higher self and you’ll create a bridge between your subconscious and conscious, enhancing you abilities to understand what to do within your relationship to better it
The Lovers, Spiritual Growth and Temperance, Conceptual Realizations… Annd Anndd… Slow Down Perception of Time
Sorry @Lanos you had to see that
Suggestions provided are good especially conceptual realization and Imaginarium divine
Soul restoration (heart and brow) to calm you down and allow you to act more in control of your thoughts and emotions when dealing with conflict with your partner.
share please when y’all are done
wordsmithing at it’s finest
Ah man theres been some prototypes but we’ll show you when we get the final edition!