Love based fields

ive been at a very “neutral” state of being since last year where im mostly in a state of neutrality, neither good nor bad (but with little bit of both)

and sometimes when im dreaming in sleep, the vibe of some dreams is very positive (homely/loving feeling) which i can remember clearly afterwards throughout the day.

and like i said im in a neutral state most of the time so whenever i wake up after one of those dreams, it really sucks to fall back from such a positive state to a neutral state.

so i wish i could experience that loving and homely vibe throughout the day… and im pretty sure that the feeling that i feel in my dreams is of love because i would feel the exaxt same way when i was in love with a person.

so my question is - will the love based audios help me feel the way we feel when we are in love?
if not then could you all suggest me any audio that will help me feel the same way without involving any other person?



Yes, but love for me can be felt in many ways, not just ‘when we are in love’, romantically. There’s self love, passion for what you do, caring of others, intense feeling of joy, etc. Consciously making the effort to fill up my own love tank, that emotional connection starts within me.

To be in that vibrational alignment, aside from the above suggested, these help to fill up that tank (see what resonates with you):

Quantum Love Node (Patreon)

Your Self Love

Become Whole Self Acceptance and Self Love

Love Gratitude and Appreciation

Love Gravitation Wave

Unconditional Love Infusion

Environmental ones as well:

Vibrational Riser

Unconditional Love Environment Saturation

Unconditional and quantum state of love to you


thanks guys :grinning: