
Achievements in more than a month :sunglasses:

My shampoo also contains anthocyanins


How we’re all going to feel in a couple of months from now.


The store has been closed. Thank you again for your support of this project and those who purchased it. :heart::sunglasses: @Lucky @Alexander @Kalacakra @DavidBert44 @RobbyHa Desiree

Captain_Nemo :fire:


So how many copies were left before it got closed?




Dang, would have been awesome if it were 15 only, nonetheless we could hope others can access it through Buying/Selling later!


Have to say this gem is really great, I can already see a difference in the texture of my hair


Hey @Shivy-SzN did you get the copy of this? haven’t heard from you at all!!


Hey man yeah I did, just haven’t been consistent with it, I have just added it back to my stack, will update in the future

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200 buyers… Didn’t think ppl would be that passionate about their hair, lol.

Ig, congrats to all princesses here :smiley:


I don’t think we added anything into makes hair less curly. Maybe other group members can chime in .

If hair is getting straightened,maybe that’s just a because it was s getting more healthy…

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BTW can we get the real description?
I think someone mentioned that the description in that s thread is not the real / final one.

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Yes we don’t know what Captain exactly considered in making the NFT but as told by Doc, all fields related to hair and scalp were considered.

Now only the results will define the draft.


Phillip said they left out certain things that weren’t directly related or something. So you have to ask @Dr_Manhattan directly


Ok I’d like to know what that is. Because it could easily seem like prolactin inhibition isn’t related to it ,but if you read the studies on it , then you sure see that it related …


I’m shedding/losing more hair than normal. Definitely not what I had in mind. Someone HALP :sob:

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It’s normal. When I listened to Lions Mane or Hair 3.0, my hair from the temple and hairline was shedding immensely, hairline was receded but after a few weeks later from the first 2 weeks (I think) of shedding it returned to normal and I grew hairs in spots that were dormant.


Do you think this is something like a “hair healing crisis”?
What could be the reasons for that process?

Message from @Ugninis from a forum post relating to hair!

The life cycle of the human hair follicle is 7 years. Anagen (growth period), catagen (resting period), telogen, period of hair loss. Disturbances associated with hair loss are related to these phases:
shortening of the anagen phase - when this phase lasts not 2-7 years but much less, sometimes a few months, i.e. there is a rapid transition to catagen
rapid transition from catagen to telogen phase (although catagen is short, 2-3 weeks) and violation of hair adhesion in the hair follicle in telogen. Roughly speaking, the hair should still be in the follicle for about six months, the process of pushing it out of the follicle is slow, and it goes out immediately. And that follicle stays empty for six months. My point is. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing to the hair - fields or serums, the follicle will still go through the cycle that was started. If there is a pathological process, and anagen changes into catagen, it will happen anyway, you can’t (and can’t) return the follicle from sleeping to the growth stage. Just like it is impossible to make a hair grow out of the telagen stage. It has to fall out anyway. I know from the experience of people working with specific hair pepids that any action on the follicle is only acceptable at the anagen stage. And by no means should one use products affecting hair at catagen and telogen stages (the exception is increase of hair adhesion to follicle wall at telogen, so “procapil” peptide works, otherwise in 5-6 years a patient can simply get fibrous inflammation and follicle scarring, but all this is a question for developers of “miracle peptides”, international trichologist conferences regularly raise this question).

For example, the captain describes the mechanism of implementation of the “hair serum” (audio legendary field) as the activation of specific enopeptides. And that’s super. I.e. the natural follicle cycle is regulated, the processes in the anagen are optimized. But those hairs that are going to fall out will fall out anyway. And that’s normal.
Do you know why it is hard for trichologists to work? A course of adequate therapy is designed for 3-7 years. And most people want results right away.
And let’s not forget the stresses. The “hair loss” that a person sees now is the result of stress 3-4 months ago (or less if the person is chronically stressed, and the stress-limiting system is depleted). Those follicles that went into catagen will not come back, those with late anagen will not come back either, they are already preparing for hibernation.

But what I wrote above about hair - I meant the following:
The captain enhances and activates certain processes, but there is standard physiology and biological laws
when a person wants results instantly it’s not quite right.
For example, if a bald person looks in the mirror after 6 month and thinks “the field is not working” - this is not correct mentality and it does not mean that the field is not working

some processes and results take time to form
biological cycles and the chain of mechanisms must be completed
much depends on ourselves and the sequence of use + love of self


:pray: :sweat_smile: good to know