
O good idea

1 month update:

No major changes .
Unsure if it slows down hair loss at all. Which would have been something I would have noticed relatively quickly .

I does make my hair look more fluffy for a few hours after listening like they just fall better. Which is not unlike the shiny and revitalized hair , but tbh I was expecting more than that from this audio.

Weirdly enough when i take some of the things that are included in this field in real life, like the procyanidin B2, I get a better and more immediate effect.

It might make my pre-existing vellus hairs grow out more quickly, but that is speculation so far.

With all that being said the jury is still out . Maybe after 8 months or so I will be able to give a proper review.
Iā€™ll keep listening.


did the hair grow a lot faster compared to the new baby hair on the hairline?

No, my baby hair is what I suspect is growing faster.


Great that is worth every penny to me lol, in my case my hair grows faster and need hair cut often.


me toošŸ˜‚

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Hi alexander,

How is your energy and auric body? I find those may play a part in ones receptivity and integration of fields. Having a healthy and strong energetic foundation seems really useful in letting fields do much more work!

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Since I have this nft my hair itā€™s looking much better .
Iā€™m taking care with easy steps but results are very nice.
Iā€™m using aloa vera gel every time I notice my hair is dry keeping at least 30 min before washing, itā€™s working wonders.


This is working for me.

Thicker hair in the corners of hairline. Barely any dandruff even though I havenā€™t washed my hair in days. I donā€™t even have this printed out, nor do I play the audio, itā€™s just sitting in my digital wallet.


instead my dandruff has increased a lotā€¦who knows why


Itā€™s still August, soā€¦

The hair I do have on my head is shiny, healthy and unexpectedly getting darker. Not the white hairs, those dudes persist, but just my hair in general. Growth is quicker, singular strands a bit thicker. Thatā€™s the good news.

Bad news is, shedding is off the charts. Just absolutely crazy. Every shower I take and everytime I comb my hairā€¦ more shedding. Iā€™ve been through all of this before so Iā€™m not freaking out but I am worried, yes. More scalp is showing. Iā€™ll keep listening and will report back if anything changes. Not stopping now.



the old has to go for the new to come :blush:

Maybe you can also check yourself for stress factors. An on point endocrine system is not unimportant.

we will all get there next year after a full hair cycle :partying_face:


Iā€™m trying really hard to keep my stress levels in check but thereā€™s a lot going on. Stress is definitely a factor and what fat person has ever had a perfect endocrine system? Iā€™m working on fixing things. Also extra nutrients, hair massages, that sort of thing.

May we all have those luscious tresses after the field has worked its magic! :pray: :heart_eyes:


i ordered myself an earthing blanket / matras cover this afternoon.

great investment imo. 100% grounded. deep sleep. nutrient absorption. stress release.

probably have to check for the original site in your country if interested. i have high hopes for this one.

i also started a spirulina & chlorella detox program this week. should be great for hair & skin too.


Also added plasma flaunt and blueprint of life


I have a lot of new, very very thin and white hair, like the one of a newborn kid (they can be well seen under some certain light reflection) and a bit less of the previous hair I had.

In the long term we are winning, when those newborns will gain strength, width and colour I think the quantity of hair in my head will be 3x time more than when Iā€™ve started to use the field.

In 24 months Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ll converge to the archetype of the luscious Tresses

Dermatitis sadly returned, and I believe is somehow related to the air quality, for 2 months I was free from it then when Iā€™ve returned to my regular house, boom. Back again :sleeping:


Donā€™t forget to check out that new hair field on gumroad @GamiroCFC


Itā€™s a great addition to Luscious Tresses!


Quick review ā€“ I havenā€™t really been using it much, itā€™s just sitting there as part of my collection. But last night, I had this dream where I was wearing some kind of hair mask or helmet that healed the scalp. The funny thing is, Iā€™m not even actively using it, itā€™s more like one of those things you own and then forget about it.

So yeah, weā€™ll see if the dream translates into reality.

PS: I donā€™t have any issues with my hair, but ideally, Iā€™d like it to be thicker along my hairline and keep it that way! for age :)