Dream's specialty

She clearly said it was made with love.

And her patreon payments used to be simply send her love.
So i figured, they just developed a perpetual energy source.

Crowd sourced. But i dont know anything really.

I guess its fine one or two people remember it.

Maybe its like an anime and i didnt realize, you need to dominate to carve out the respect and keep it.
Being gentle makes people assume you are a pushover


Also she still has the so many fields like “Male Enhancement” which got you a strike from Youtube and had it removed, like twice, even after re-wording it, it’s crazy how they try to control the narrative!

then there is MEF Dynamics who claims he’s the “best compared to the rest” in the comments, saying A-List celebs use his work, he seemed to be all about himself!


Its sad really.

We could of had it all.

But you just didnt realize till its gone


One of the things that really make Dream stand out is that, unlike many so-called creators, he doesn’t make his own work look like BS with unbelievable statements. Zero red flags. Truly amazing.


Sir, Dreamweaver, I’m sure all your fields are really powerful and special but could you let us know which ones are especially literal cheat codes, magic, your favorites, masterpiece, your go-tos, out of the ordinary? I would love to try them. There are just so many to choose from. Any genre is fine.
(Apologies if I’m sounding inappropriate.)Thank you.


I always say
Blueprint of life
And plasma flaunt


Thank you for replying!
I just recently got Plazma Flaunt.
I also have Deep Facial Remodeling
and the combination is making me looking younger! I really appreciate it.
One more question, which ones do you get help from when nothing seems to go your way and need help? I assume playing Blueprint of life removes it?
Thank you.


Maybe somebody can suggest something to you.



Personally recommend angelic intercession. But lots of approaches possible


OK thank you for replying!

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Great, thank you for your comment!

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Sir, Dreamweaver, I’m sorry,
one last question please.
I’m struggling to find my life partner so
I got Matchmaker 2.0 and Vibration of Divine Love.
Will this combination be your suggestion too? Adding Blueprint of life must be powerful.
Thank you.

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i am so deeply saddened when i see that Dream puts to the heart all the bad aspects, and they remain there, when in this community almost all people are so happy with his extraordinary creations and think so highly of him and consider him their friend, even if they never had the occasion to communicate with him.

So many people, maybe thousands or tens of thousands were helped in various ways, many were helped hugely, in extremely important situations of life.

The vast majority of these people are well aware of the chance they had meeting Dream’s work, that’s why they continue to use fields daily and be a part of this forum or just read it everyday. A lot of us have read the forum for years before becoming a member and write.

You are really in our heart, Dream, please don’t forget that.
We may be imperfect and egotic and dumb, but the vast majority of the people that were touched by your extraordinary creations know their paramount value and really respect you and really love you.
These are not big words, just words that express what people feel towards you…

I know it’s hard to accept love and praises and being told you are a hero, but let’s get real… your whole work, every creation is outstanding, and has helped so many people in ways nothing else could have helped them, and so many times for free, or for prices that never reflect the real value…
What price can be put on health?
What price can be put on emotional healing?
What price can be put on spiritual evolution?

You help so many people to heal themselves and to open their minds and hearts, to see and feel that miracles are possible in this world…

We are so, so, SO grateful…

:star2: :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


You made me cry🥹


Dream’s effectiveness, understanding and mastery is so remarkable that once you start using his creations, there is no turning back, no creator compares to him. Others have said that he is a unique artist and I think so too, and the most beautiful thing of all is that he keeps improving and sharing his wisdom. Something that I love about Dream is that he shares his wisdom in a way that you as a seeker continue to investigate and reflect on different ones, even with his fields he always leaves a margin for you to continue discovering the possibilities that exist with his tools. I can’t thank him enough and I know that many people here feel the same, I am happy to be here with all of you :low_brightness: :dizzy:


glad i did :slightly_smiling_face: i wish Dream hears us…


He does


I like how you mention potion because I used subliminal warlock frequencies to get taller for a week.

Result: horrible nightmares, felt a lot of fear, weird random headaches.

I stopped using and am back to normal now


I am no expert in morphic fields nor a “trusted member” or any of those fancy sounding stuff, nor do i have an adequate vocabulary to put everything correctly, but I do believe I can give my fair share on this question as a non-biased long-time listener and user of Dream’s fields :slight_smile:. It might be especially useful to new people that might be hesitant and are lurking the forum.

First of all, Dream’s fields feel so pure for me, the energy seems neutral, which is one of the aspects that attracted me to this channel when I discovered it in 2019. There are literally zero side effects if you follow the instructions, and everything just feels right.

I come from a muslim background but never was really into islam (just my family). Then I converted to Christianity as I thought it would find me peace and answers to my questions, but that was not it either.

Then, when I finally came accross Sapien’s Medicine channel, my life quality improved and things started falling into place, and I transformed spiritually a lot. For example, prayers under the “Angelic Intercession” or “Sword of St. Michael” fields were much more useful , divine and effective to me than all of the islamic and christian prayer chants the whole life.

Another reason what separetes Dream to other creators in my opinion is that his fields do exactly what is stated in the description. No exaggerations or false promises. Nothing more, nothing less. Some fields serve as direct tool, while others aid us to open and explore the possibilities on our own.

Now, after couple of years listening to Sapien Medicine, I cannot imagine going a day without listening to a field.

Dreamweaver is truly a divine being.


Nah, You too OP for that. :pray: