The Plasma Flaunt

Iā€™ve got an experience similar to that! Although it may not be the plasma flaunt.
I think Iā€™ve just got too used to vegetarian food, coupled with a month of 8-arms yoga field, my body can no longer take fast foodā€¦ I was so hungry after a long flight, and thought I could do fine with ā€œa cheat mealā€ā€¦ it messed me up 2 days straight!


Does this clear clogged arteries?




I bought this a few years ago and swear the description has since been updated. Can someone confirm this is not the original description as before when it was released? I remember it being so vague and many had questions on what it actually did? Curious when the update was made, but I love all the new details added. This will help me personally with visualization when listening to the field!


You can simply click on the pencil in the right corner and see the edit history.




Thanks! Decided to finally give in and buy PF after seeing this & the ongoing sale.


Just came back from a wedding with loud music, I was expose to the music for a few hours and my ears were just so painful it felt like they are going to blow up and there is also the very loud ringing.

Did 3 loops and the pain and ringing are reduced by 90%.

Itā€™s amazing.


This field was one of the first I purchased and I have had massive results with it.

I believe it is one of the most powerful health related fields available to date.

The plasma effect feels energizing at present but I remember when I bought it I had a strong detoxification.

Benefits after using it for 3 months:

Healthy, smooth and rejuvenated skin
Improved functioning of bodily processes
Mental clarity
More energy
Better hormonal functioning
Increased muscle gain
My mood improved a lot.

Thank you so much for this amazing field!

:rosette: :cherry_blossom: :rosette:


ah, that! I never passed that stage despite 3 different attemptsā€¦ How long did yours last? I was getting knocked down like really hard for a few weeks.

But this time, I think Iā€™ve got a much better 10-day strategy to ease the process before I start PF!

Support all that with Negentropic Jing + A Minor Blueprint of Power.

Also, this time, Iā€™ve already went through a month of Soul Restoration, 8-Arms Yoga (Purity Alchemy), and Holy Paladin, so I think Iā€™m already much better energetically and mentally. Iā€™ve been eating healthy, 99% vegetarian, have no interest in vices like PMO or lust. Iā€™ll continue this spiritual side with the Architect of Reality predominantly in the next 30 days starting from Sep 5th.

I hope the divine will bestow a boon upon meā€¦ :smiley: Iā€™ll try to guide the PF with the eye regeneration fields.


I had a long detox phase with Plasma Flaunt, especially when I listened more than 5 times.

Now I do 30 minutes and it energize me as well, if you are still in the detox phase you are probably not done detoxing, some people need more time than others.


how long?

I think the reason I never got over the detox period in the past is because I wasnā€™t able to change my eating habits, was addicted to cigarettes, etc. Thatā€™s no longer the case, and today I just realized that Iā€™m not even feeling the full body detox fieldā€¦ :smiley: I must have already done a good job. Iā€™ll still be cautious and start slowly.




@Rosechalice I think it goes without saying that your gifs/images are always highly appreciated. :smile:
Thanks for the encouragement! :raised_hands:


YW Green Tara


After that, I accidentally looped the Full Body Detox for 20+ mins on the 2nd day, and still no sickness at all! I just got a little tired, but thatā€™s nothing compared to the flu-like state I used to get from that field.

It seems that 1 month of Purity Alchemy, Soul Restorations, and Holy Paladin have covered the physical aspects too! (of course, my own effort and better choices were involved). I had done a few rounds of Bhooted Boots, Voodoo Detangles, other clearance fields, etc too. Like once a week.

Iā€™m still sticking to the plan, and hopefully Iā€™ll rejoin the Plasma Flaunt game in about a week!


Can this help with Varicose veins?

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@Fender_Cad , hi, I remember you getting incredible hair results from this field.

Were you using any other fields at the time? Could you share your stack please?


I used it a lot too, I think more than 500 days; nothing special could be iteration of others. Try reading other forum topics, maybe those on the endocrine system and rejuvenation.

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Thanks for the reply. I was actually mainly curious if you had BPoL in your playlist.
Iā€™ll look into the endocrine system topics too. thanks. Of course I want all my organs and skin o be rejuvenated, but Iā€™m especially focused on reversing grey hairā€¦ it really adds 20 years to my looksā€¦