The Soul Restoration Series


Today we are revisiting the Soul Restoration series, it’s been iconic, one of those next level moments that happened right after the creation of this forum during the Covid Lockdowns. There were… and still are 3 of them, for 3 important areas :

1. Core center

2. Heart Storage Center

3. Brow/ Forehead storage center

Why were they so influential ?

Well because, morphic fields are energetic creations and by taking our whole energy system to that next level, we get a compounding effect directly enhancing our bodies and realities but also enhancing the effects of other morphic fields and our endurance while using them. We all want to be better, stronger, improve faster and this is the type of deep repair and enhancements that makes everything else seemingly fall into place with superhuman vitality.

In the fast-paced world of new creations and innovations, it’s easy to overlook the powerful tools that have already been made. Yet, these fields have stood the test of time and continue to offer incredible value and transformative power.

By revisiting these classics of Sapien Medicine, you can tap into their enduring wisdom and lasting impact on your well-being.


Amazing synchronicity, bought all of them yesterday.


Right timing indeed hehe


Nice, I am using all 3 of them on a daily basis.

These fields significantly, over time, increase one’s capability and maximum storage amount of Jing, Chi and Shen.

Here is also a lucid dreaming hack I found:

Before going to sleep, loop Negentropic Shen for 2 hours.
Then when you go to sleep, put Soul Restoration Forehead Storage Center on loop. It also has a very nice and calm music, which means it does not disturb the sleeping.


I don’t use them everyday
But when I do, I prefer to spam them.


yeah, these are essentials.
So, especially if there are new users here who haven’t seen them yet, it’s an opportunity.


Same here. They are made for being spammed because they all 3 have such a nice loopable and smooth calming music, it never gets tireing and always feels good. I wish ALL fields would have music like these three.


Core restoration has changed my life in a few weeks plan on getting the other two soon don’t sleep on these

And even if u have Your Energetic Being get these 100%


I did get this to initially ward off the desire to consume porn and cut off all negative sources that are draining my energy and it has tremendously helped me.

Soul Core specifically. Can’t go a day without playing it at least once.


So I had core for many months, but I didn’t have the other 2.

I got the brow and the heart and I felt a lot of baggage leave, however I did go through some conceptual memories of the trauma and it made me a little sad.

But after continous looping, the negatives subsided and I was left with a much happier, wholesome state of mind. Ready to crack jokes and socialize.

Feels like “me” has began coming back, which is true, because technically it actually has. The soul fragments from those dark months in 2020 and other instances made me feel broken with a loss of sovereignty of dignity and willpower, that I never gained back, even with semen retention, meditation, etc.

But I’m feeling back and better. I’m beyond fried from brain fields, but I have more energy in a way. More desire to speak, greet, and thank people for who they are and for what they’ve done.

It was 100% getting the other 2 even though I had Your energetic bring and Soul core. Right now I’m just vibing. Feeling much better than last week.



It should help with all that brain field spamming


Plus Song of the Core from Mandelbrot Symphony.

(Different focus, but overlap is there)


I can buy one this week and the other two later. Which would be best to get first?

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I would start with the core (part I) and work my way up


I will buy them all this year


what order do you stack the series , three treasures , mana circuits and ojas together?


I would put mana circuits and soul restoration first, then the three treasures, finally ojas


what results have u guys seen from combinining them all? im thinking of adding superhuman mutant for maxiumum power aswell lmaooo

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would u reccomend playing these 3 audios at the same time from different devices or wouls that overwheln

It feels good, lots of energy in a calm powerful way.

I did a few times when needed. It worked fine.


Just have Core at the moment. Liking it more and more as the days go on.

Really keen to get the other two. Leveling up your energetic body is addictive.