
Yes. Only been using the field since released, but already noticed improvement if I compare to a month ago. Change in texture and better density. Of course the other fields that I use, plus some complements (minoxidil, biotin), could also have played a role in the growth progress.


does it?



I thought Lion’s Mane already has minoxidil in it? You are using it along with this NFT right?


Yes I use also “physical” minoxidil. But I use it years ago non stop and anyway had that shedding and loss of density that stayed many weeks, so indeed I think that the determining factor to improve the hair quality, has been the usage of hair fields lately, including this one


aaa, since lion man contains minoxidil, I understand why some people lost their hair so much at the beginning

don’t know about that, people have seen results with Lion’s Mane growing new hair follicles, people have posted pics even.


I was one of them. Lions mane gave me great results when I first got it, but somehow (maybe stress related), I started to loss hair lately. I noticed while showering that there were many stands in my hand. But since using all my hair fields combo lately (I was focused in other aspects), I feel that the hair quality has improved a lot, and precisely since I got this field, the shedding subsided very noticeable. I sincerely feel that this one helped a lot, as I said, I think it has been the “game changer” but as I said before, every tool could have its important role


Sure! I am mainly focused in this one, looping it about half an hour two times a day (morning and night), I also loop lions mane and platelet rich hair, for about 10 mins each, those in the morning.


No, haven’t tried those ones


that’s what I’m talking about I don’t know what’s next for this girl

it is worth giving up sugar and adding B vitamins, zinc Drink hives, horsetail, chamomile Ashwagandha for stress Vitamin C A good diet for hair is the anti-inflammatory one

This is my stack if it helps.

Subconscious Limits Removal Ver 3.0 (3x)
Limitless Horizons (3x)
The Torsion Field (1x)
The Kinetic Quasi Crystal (1x)
Platelet Rich Hair (3x)
The Lion’s Mane (3x)
Luscious Tresses (3x)


no problem and at this point I see no need in including older fields 2.0 or 3.0 unless you really want because all those things Captain would have considered in this NFT.


Ok I see your point but this much of hair loss could be due to some other health issue because hair is considered to be one of the top indicators of a person’s health.


Darsonval currents work great on hair I recommend it as well as good quality rosemary and mint oil. Peppermint has been tested to have minodixidil-like properties A good exfoliation is also necessary once a week


Yes Of course

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This is something I haven’t really talked about on this forum but twenty-ish years ago I was repeatedly very ill and lost a considerable amount of my hair. Every time I got sick less and less of it grew back. Eventually I was left with hair that lets my scalp shine through just a bit. It never got better no matter what diet and supplements I used. After a couple of very dark years of self-hatred I gave up and thought to myself, well… a fatty and a baldie (compared to how my hair used to be)… what can you do? :man_shrugging:

I stopped thinking about it. I used hats, scarves and caps. Life went on. I lost some weight and considered that a victory at least. No baby hairs, though. Never. The dead spots stayed dead. Sapien Medicine fields made what hair I did have look gorgeous but even they didn’t revive what was gone.

Then this one dropped. Yes, I bought it. I made a note on my calendar and will be back with a review in August. My plan is to listen to this 3x daily and have the image with me during the day. We’ll see… but for some reason I have a very good feeling about this.


Have you used Prp Mesotherapy Mesotherapy dutasteride hair treatments? I keep my fingers crossed and I believe that you will get your hair back :heart:


Good luck to U!! :shamrock:
Hope u get GREAT results!


No. I once asked my doctor about it and he was against it. Also, here it would have been quite pricy at least back then.

Thank you so much :heart: