
Generally Trichologists administer treatment and the results take 7+ years in some for Re-growth of anything, even subtleties to be noticed given the cause of Hair loss and the Hair Growth Cycle, read the same thing in a forum post regarding Legendary Hair Serum too! Grinding Dream’s Fields daily for few years will do the trick!


Yes, I absolutely see this as a long-term solution and I’m not expecting overnight results. I’m good at doing the same old, same old every day as long as I think it’s worth it and Sapien Medicine is!


I can confer, been using Hair loss V3 with Dutasterided Scalp for 2 years with few week of gaps here and there, hair fall during shower is next to minimal, sometimes none, now the NFT switch will do it!


This is a long ball game, only if some peeps initially understood this back in youtube comments, fearing hairloss due to the initial shedding using V3 by going through the in depth detail of Hair Growth Cycle, they wouldn’t have Scampered so much!


Yeps, this has the Entire package, can add in Platelet rich Hair/Plasma Flaunt or combine it with Max Heal Potion NFT by targeting Scalp Purification!


In Poland, many people already perform the treatments and the results are great, but most often you need to change your diet, eliminate vitamin deficiencies, eliminate parasites, and perform such a treatment every two weeks. It is known that it is an individual matter and up to 2 years of work.

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Anyone else who also has this itchy scalp when playing the audio? I’m constantly rubbing my hair. Maybe those are the exercises. I just didn’t know i had to do them myself. :grin:


No and the exercises are automated.


Yes I have, and sometimes feeling itchiness after having played the audio. It’s likely a healing of some kind taking place to the scalp/hair roots. :slight_smile:


yes think so too!

setting up the right conditions :blush:


OK! I’m sure this nft is a gem, my hairline is getting neater and tidier, let me see if my gray hair will turn back to black :grin:


:blush::ok_hand:bro compared to the last photos that I had seen your hairline seems more covered

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Yes! Bro, I will update again in three months :heart:


How are you guys using the mandala?

Meditation with it!


I am super grateful in being able to purchase this field on time, and it’s actually my first limited NFT ever!

I am focusing mostly on the texture modulation aspect. I used to have 4C hair (tight kinky coiled curls), but after listening to the Smart Texture Stylist on and off for 2 years and now this past month, some free fields, frequencies, and subliminals on yt on changing hair texture from different creators, it has changed to 4A~3B, quite quickly too. It has also helped with my senhorric dermatitis + dandruff!

My goal is to get much looser, maybe in 2C~2A range and I’m super excited to do this! especially recently as I have feel like a lot of these manipulation audios are finally working on me after like…6 years basically.

I don’t have pictures on me right now from when I had 4C hair but you can Google it and I had the typical 4C hair as I always had them in braids to priotize growth.

Here is my hair currently at 4A~3B texture:

I now understand when non-black people complain about frizzy hair lol.

I’m still struggling to claim the NFT as I always get the try again error, but I’ve been listening to the audio today along with Smart Hair Stylist, and I have to say I felt a lot of pressure on my head, as well as my throat (I’ve been having health issues around that area lately), so yeah! I’ll update in a week, and then every time I see significant progress. I am so grateful to have a lifetime of good hair, really, thank you everyone for your efforts that led to the creation❤️.

Thanks for reading and happy listening/meditating!!


I always admire your results


How ?
Do I have to look at mandalas?


Yup, stare at it and try to feel a connection, what I like to do Is to imagine like a Ray of energy coming from me and coming from the image meeting and blending together midway.

But with the audio is even easier to connect with the field as the energy is also within the sound.

Another thing you can do is printing a t-shirt with it and wear it, or having it as a necklace like this


O super Its beautyful

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