Magical Day Thread: Share it here!

I am so happy today. I have been praying for this one girl from my AA class every morning. She used to be really strung out on meth, and lost custody for her sweet little daughter via C.P.S., who had down syndrome. Well, I had bumped heads with her about 6 months ago over something petty. She’s a Christian, and she doesn’t believe in chakras or anything like that. And I guess our personal beliefs had gotten in the way. I didn’t like how she was trying to speak for me on what she thought might have happened to me after meditation, and she thought I was trying to brainwash her with the chakra stuff, amongst other things. Lol. Battle of the egos. And we’d kicked it off really great the first couple of days of knowing each other too. I know, what a shame. Well, I never gave up praying that she would have full custody of her daughter again. She had changed so much, from who and what she had used to be. She had 3 jobs, and working hard, and she’d fought tooth and nail to get her daughter back. Well today, another friend of mine Noreen, called me to wish me happy day today, so I had asked her about Jennaveva. And she’d got her daughter back! Her daughter is very blessed to have a wonderful mom as her. I am so happy that she’d gotten her daughter back. Prayers are powerful man.


chúc mừng năm mới! Happy Vietnamese New year! Happy Chinese new year too! Hope you guys have a good one there! :partying_face: :grinning: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hope everyone in Texas is okay, and hope all your guy’s power and water are still on. I had read that 2 million+ people in Texas has their power and some with their water off because it’s 18 degrees outside. We were blessed to have neither here where I am at, so I am grateful for that. So hope you all and your family’s are doing good too. :pray:


Haha, they were swarming me today. I had even petted a couple of them. I wish I could feed them more often. Love these sweet little beauties. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


First time to the beach in almost 2 effing decades! Lmao. I am so stoked! I love the ocean so much. Not as much as animals or music, but I will be one with her today. :heart_eyes: I haven’t been since a small child, come to think of it. Making my playlist now. Granted it’s a dirty one like Galveston :joy: , but I am FREE! An important gem, first impressions are SO important. They will remember it for years later. So try and always put your best foot forward always. Surf’s up image


So like since the day I skydived, I’d realized besides for breaking my fear, it is one of my dream jobs now. I wish I had done it when I was younger, but in the streets, you don’t think about living life. But sadly, I have to have 500 jumps(at least) :frowning_face_with_open_mouth: under the belt in order to be an instructor. So I guess I will have to work up to getting my license first, with a minimum of 25 jumps. It reminded me that post was to go here instead. Lol. I wanna skydive to this song next time if I am able. I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH. Lmaooooo I cannot stop playing this shit. Going on day 4. :grin: Like on replay type shit though. While I do actually understand some of the words, I usually listen to the tone, the beat, and melo. Drum, kicks, snare, synths, strings, kick, high hats and etc. And usually I play my own emotion and and ideas about what the song could be about. Lol. This whole time, I knew this song was about a girl, but I thought it was a love song. Nope! :rofl: But the sound, geezus!


Damn. Well that was intense lol
Dude imma have to stalk your posts more lol
I like them


Straight up. I started up again with that and I’d like to think its working


Haha, oh you mean them weird and goofy posts? Lol. Thank you.

Always remember, whomever you pray to. Believe and know your prayers will be answered. Don’t let up and keep at it. And it will be. Heartfelt is key.

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Yes. I think i’ve already seen it working for them or so I’ve heard :) they got their ass saved whereas for the others in a similar situation, not so much. Not saying “i” did but “it” did.

Actual literal praying has been something i stopped for a while because it reminds me of all my childhood trauma. All i did was pray and pray and pray so once the state intervened,i would then suddenly do so at those horror-like facilities. I remmeber an ex convict was at one of them. He was really inapprorpiate to me but once he heard me sing some prayers, he just left me alone. And
Once i became an adult, i just couldnt anymore let alone for others. I was finally free from those hellish situations that praying just reminded me of all that. So much so I couldnt even do it for my (ex)soon-to-be fiance albeit i always hope he is well haha.

Sometimes i wonder what changed for me that something just comes alive in me to do so for them.
Perhaps the season in my life changed or the simple knowing i was just supposed to for them overrode my fear for my own sanity. It felt good and feels good.

I like how you write it’s soulful. im hella weird too btw lol if you havent noticed ahaha
Its fun being us eh

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Damn brother!!! Your post is a Dejavú for me!!! Just today I posted that I want to skydive and I find that you want to be a skydiving instructor!!! Heavens!!! I love that idea! In my BlankPanter testimonial I recognize a very great fear of heights but I am willing to jump in a parachute!!! I want you to train me!!!

You will surely become the best skydiver in the world!!! :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::heart::heart::heart::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:


Bro, do it! You will love it! Also, if you want me as an instructor now, we will be in Final Destination 8 most likely for real. :sweat_smile: :rofl:

This song is sooooooo playa. I am in love. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I am glad I fell in love with an “Anthem” that is appropriate. Lmao. It’s been hours already. It’s playing as you read, on repeat. Lol

Okay, forgive me if I am all over the place. But it’s been awhile. Lol. First off all, I got so addicted to the Bad Bunny Dolphin song (dubbed by the one-and-only @Atreides :grin:) Some crazy synchronicities happened with that song. I am too lazy to type it because I have alot on my mind. Lmao. So it’s been like a week since I literally listened to that song, on repeat for D…A…Y…s. But now I found my new “Anthem.” I dub these songs I play non-stop for days or weeks through and through. But I found another one! (Forgive me all my fellow Reggaeton addicts, as I am late. I am new to this shit, BUT I LOVE IT SO MUCH. I been using it and it boosts my confidence SO MUCH. I like the vibe of it. So playa man. So positive. I now automatically and naturally add facial expressions, tilting my head with a half smile, change my tone easily correlating, I even love to sing outloud and move my head to the beat at the plasma place. I do it all now without even thinking. I used to always try to remember to do it when I was introverted. Now I just feel my words through my facial expressions. (And I see dudes and females be watching then looking away when I look), I love to smile so much and make people smile everywhere I go (all you guys with all those bad ass NFT’s, I know you know the feeling. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: I even get so happy when I see people winning on shows and like they were born with birth defects, and it fucks me up. lol. I cry everytime. They give me so much inspiration and they are literally so strong. I am not tryna be this or that, I am always just me. I am not a guru, I am not some holy roller. I am not enlightened. (Nor am I ready right now, but it will be for sure in one of my lifetimes) And like, I put a cool ass Hatian girl on Sapien Medicine today. I try to literally tell everyone I get cool with about Sapien Medicine. I vibed good with this black girl today. She’s had her eye on me for awhile. But I had my eye on her African friend. But she doesn’t work anymore. I gave her a nice big hug cause she gestured she thought I was going in for a hug. But I was just gonna squeeze her arm like I did earlier. And like, I also recently added the Charisma Glamour to be arsenal, and it makes me feel like being SO MUCH MORE SOCIAL. Like, it’s so crazy. I geniunely have so much fun interacting with people now. I have always gotten looks and stares since I was like in the 8th grade(When I removed my glasses and my baby fat went ghost overnight it seems. I only recently feel confident enough to wear my glasses in public, Lol), I have always been super anti-social by nature. Like, I came outta my my mama’s womb like that. So I would have to use drugs to make me ‘normal.’ That’s why I KNOW 100% that it’s not ‘set in stone’, about our birth charts and etc. Some weeks ago, as I was telling @DR_MANHATTAN , I felt my old ways of my ego coming back, though I had been doing good socially, I started to have moments where I didn’t want to talk to people. They were few, but I felt it was something I needed to work on. So earlier I had stopped on the way home at the Dollar Store, to get a phone mount for my phone. (I do senseless things ALOT of times. I try to stop, but even for someone with complete mindfulness all around the clock, but I still find myself doing dumb shit. Like cutting my nails and throwing it out of the window while I drive. I know I know, I will try and work on it. ) And at the Dollar Store I talked to an older woman, and a small Hispanic woman, and made them smile just saying a couple words of small talk. Lol. Then I went to Fiesta just so I could make small talk with some random people. I had this song playing the whole time! Before it was the Bad bunny song at the mall outloud! (Before I knew what it was about.) I got hit on my some girls in the beauty department of Macy’s at the Galleria, and I had played that song! I am so sorry guys. Lol. Oh! So to all the pretty people people of this forum, try this! Get a song that really gets you in “The Zone.” Something that makes you feel really confident and sexy. And ask your servitor to loop either the Charisma and Glamour, Extreme Self Confidence, Become Whole, or something of that nature. IT’S FREAKING POWERFUL MAN. Lol . I swear on my life. Listen to me guys. Lol. I love music so much.

Also, last week I was at the Plasma place. And it had hit me outta nowhere, “True Self of Others” works!!! This girl named Celestina , who was a supervisor there, she was talking to this older black lady. And I was listening to her talk, and I couldn’t stop staring at her. She looked so beautiful. Lol. And she turned and said it a sexy high-pitched tone, “Hii!” I never thought that she was pretty before cuz I had felt her lips were too thin(But it was just an illusion!) before, since my family practically brainwashed me. So since I was young, I only liked girl with mainly full lips(the top matching thickness as the bottom) but now I am starting to see everyone that smiles at me, so beautiful. Not like I am attracted to everyone, but I see something beautiful in them, that makes them like them as a person, and not just a piece of meat. I also realize a new thing I try to be conscious of at the plasma place(Or anywhere else for that matter) is I never want anyone to feel left out. Like I feel bad sometimes, that I only talk and give the ones I like most of the attention. And there be like 2 or so chicks that that be tryna catch my eye, but I don’t try to lock eyes with them cuz I don’t want them to get the wrong impression. I don’t care anymore. I would rather make someone smile then have them asking “What’s wrong with me? Why isn’t he giving me attention?” Hence is why I try to put as many people as I can on Sapien Medicine. The Charisma and Glamour makes me want to talk to everyone. I also got into contact with one of my L’il bros that is Chinese. I ain’t seen his ass in over 16 years. I told him about Sapien Medicine! He has always been overweight, but one of my big goals now is to help him shed this weight, and turn my bro fine as fuck so I can be his wingman! :grinning: I am going to chill with him on Friday. And he randomly got shrooms lmao. I also met with a guy from the Plasma place, and he showed me lots of pictures and stuff, of this company he works at. Marketing and it’s famous too and even recommended by famous mags and etc. I can’t wait. Until maybe next week(I told him I need to study this week, next semester will start). And he said he gon break me off 50%of sales. This will be really fun, and I get to talk and charm people for work? My fine ass bro @GianLee knows what i am talking about. :wink: Before I would have dreaded having a job like this. Lol. I also decided I want to get licensed for NASM, then I can be a fitness trainer. (Dude, get paid to work out and help people? Lmaooo I fuckin win man! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:) Black girl at plasma place asked if I was a fitness trainer. Lol. Gave me an idea. So to all of my guys/gals or Sapien Medicine. Don’t let anyone tell you you are ugly, or this or that. (Fuck them, we got Sapien Medicine and Subliminals. Maybe had they played their cards right, we would tell them! lmaooo. They probably wouldn’t believe in it anyways. Their lost.) So to all my guys and gals, just stay consistent and watch the magic happen. I been using some of them fields for like almost a year. Lmao. ALSO, DO NOT FORGET TO TRY WHAT I HAD SUGGESTED about the "Anthem’ songs. I love to dance to reggaeton. It’s like drugs. For reals though. Haha, I love country and rock (My ex turned me out lol) and I grew up to rap and r&b. But now I am stuck to Reggaeton. Some Kumbia and Bachata is great too. My hormones been really crazy lately. So I had to get that shit in check. I hate wasting Jing by myself. So I don’t. (Try not to lol. Sometimes maybe once a week.) I heard two of my bros got in a argument. you guyss are too playa for that man. TOO PLAYA. Haha, I am gone man. Much love you guys. Oh! Another thing I want to tell people is, just say “fuck the ego.” I don’t mean to like shun it, or act like it’s bad. Just understand it, and "Not give a fuck.’ When you catch yourself (I.E. switch ‘What if she noticed my elbows are ashy’’ to “So what if she thinks my elbows are ashy.”) I even played a joke and told her when she asked to see my elbows, “Oh, you mean them ashy muthafuckas?” (Thanks to the Anger Management! and Extreme Self-confidence :sweat_smile:) She didn’t laugh too hard, but she told me to use cocoa butter. We really vibe good together. To all the guys having dating problems or etc. just shift your mindset to "Playful’’. Focus on having fun, and just getting to know the person. Detective game. Just taking everything light. Life’s not that serious. Lighten up. The one I been using lately alot to get a good convo started is, “Hey, how you doin. It’s hot!” And I make a face of displeasement, and I always get a good geniune laugh. But I am being for real. Lol. I hate the sun. Unless there is hella wind, which is not the case around here. Lmao. Now I rambling on.

These audios have helped me out so much. Thank you Mr. Dream.
-Childlike Wonder
-Extreme Self-Confidence
-Depths of your soul
-Become Whole
-Your Self Love
-True Self of Others
-Charisma and Glamour
-Anger Management
-Patience and kindness (I need double reinforcement, just in case. :sweat_smile: )


I had met up with a couple of my bros I ain’t seen in a hot minute.(Over 17 years for one lol) It was so fun picking up with them, and I had all the staff laughing. Felt like we were in a movie. You know how old friends pick up many many years later? :grin: Well he had some shrooms, and I had eaten some. (My first time was over 15-17 years ago lol) and I had the best experience ever. I felt like such a little innocent child. I thought everything was so beautiful at Wal-mart(And kept saying it aloud. Cupcakes looked so beautiful and even a staff member named Savannah described shrooms as being 'beautiful too lmao), and I kept on saying thank you to my friend. Lmao. He is not a big psychedelics dude, and been holding on to it for a whole year. Lmao. And I meditated to a mantra from Kali, and she showed me a love so pure and unconditional, I could not stop crying. She’s given me so much, and she doesn’t stop. Even throughout the day when I think of her, I feel her presence so strong, and I am so shy around her. I start to cry. I love her so much. If it weren’t for @Maoshan_Wanderer , I would have never known of her love and presence. And he never pressured me, or judged me because I was Catholic, or said that my religion was wrong. But would always answer when I would ask. Her protection is stronger than any assault rifle or pistol could give me. And even in the SW of Houston, things always go smooth for me now. It is her, my beloved, my Divine Mother. She is the reason I have dodged death over 7-8 times. She is the reason why I have such a beautiful family and wonderful friends. She is the reason why I have food, water, and milk each day. She is the reason I am finally stepping into the role I was always meant to play. I am making friends whever I go, and I am not strapped but I feel so safe. And also, I had literally the best day in a long while at the plasma place. The staff love me lol. I even got an extra $75 dollars. Lmao. I make the dudes and chicks just have a good time(Might be the Charisma and Glamour heightening effects with me just enjoy being social combined with it. lmaooo) I also finally gotten off the Bad Bunny song again, and now I am back on this song! Lol. I used to love this song when it came out. I love the hook, she smashed the gas on that hook lmao for reals though. Beat is hella stupid too. Lol. I love it.

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I started to read this the day you posted but few things intimidate my brain more than a paragraph with more than five lines in it. I figured I’d build up some focus and discipline and come back.

Then… Synchronicity of synchronicity, in the very few minutes I’m here on this thread (days later) I see you typing a new post. What are the odds? Seriously. Lol.

You’re an interesting guy. For real. You’re like Neil Strauss but not creepy or something. Probably not the best comparison. You know what I’m trying to say I think.

Like if Neil Strauss was Saruman then Gandalf would be you I think. Perfect analogy? Probably not. But close enough in the weird way -whatever way that is- my brain works.


Who the hell…? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Lol. You could’ve said Michael Myers… Lol :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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He went from extreme introvert to extreme player. But then he seemed to fall into the darkside of things just doing whatever to get laid. But you’re trying to help people be happy.

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Haha, I am just an average joe man, that loves to have fun.

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Hmm. No. You sound at least a little bit epic. And I’m being conservative in saying that.