Mandalas [Mobile Wallpapers]

i felt like i’ve drawn enough like minded friends to keep me company during this period of my life!

i hope it has helped a bit for those who saw it as my icon.

now my new icon is draw luck!


Your avatar image is the Luck mandala?

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Who makes these they are all so beautiful?

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look up sapienmed on instagram for the original mandalas!

as of this post, mine is Draw Luck!


Notice that it also works as an avatar?

mandalas will give off their energy when viewed as long as it is unaltered. resizing is fine.

here is some more info on them:

our friend OM used to have the higher self mandala as their profile pic for the purpose of sharing its energy with those who read their posts.


Thanks dear, you gave me a great tip, I’ll print it somewhere, maybe even on the mask.

does anyone know the range of the mandalas, specially the NEGATIVE ION ?

They grow over time.

From my experience it could be months feeling just within a room. But thats about it, after room range i started feeling them stronger but not larger


is there a description on what each one does?

Yes. In that New to Mandalas thread, I had suggested to you yesterday.

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i dont think it mentions what the new ones do?

Have you tried the Search function? That works a treat for me.


i tried searching mndalas but scince i dont know the name i cant find it.
thx for the help

Ahhh, got it. Yeah, that makes it hard for us to help you find what you can’t name.

I will notice (without criticism) that your spelling can be more accurate. Again, NO criticism. It’s just that I’ve found the search engine is more helpful to me when I’m more accurate with my spelling. I’ve found that I get more meaningful and helpful information back from it in those cases.

Hope that helps.


yeah i get u i was typing in a rush. but i still have bad spelling* .anyway i found it i link it in the other convo with had

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How to activate then ??? Or just say activate

The mandalas don’t need activation. Just carry them around with you (many options have been discussed above) when you want to use them.

Only the sigils need to be activated. (Instructions in those threads.)

ETA: I forgot that the cards are briefly mentioned in this thread. The cards too need to be activated (but aren’t really the topic of this thread). As is briefly mentioned above, the instructions for the cards are found on Patreon and on FB.

As is also mentioned above, you can find Sapien’s instructions for the mandalas on his Instagram.


How to boost mandala?

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Get booster sigil on pateron

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