Mandelbrot Symphony (N/A)

Thats great!

You know, one of my dreams when growing up was to be a singer, writing my own songs and all, when i found out about this connection, i started to go back in memories, my reproductive system was all fine until stopped signing, i used to sing at school, always in the shower, at home would always be using something as a mic, would choose places where there was karaoke etc.

Then adults happen lol and we start losing our way and start shaping into whatever/whoever we are asked/expected/supposed to be!

Im giggling now because JUST A WHILE AGO, i finished singing haha, the ac remote control was my mic this time :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I honestly dont see myself becoming a singer now, but i will def be singing my lungs out consistently like before! And i think its been happening because all the healing and acceptance of the energy expanding and healing down there lol

So the association with the devil @zea is because the blockages are lifting?


Def Devil card is associated with the Lovers.

The Lovers speak of a decision in love matters, usually involving attachments and/or something “taboo” or not well seen. Hence why the images are similar…

Would you take the decision and choose love but releasing attachments?
Or would you choose not to take the decision but keeping the attachments?

In a love tarot reading usually, when one of the two shows up the other follows.


Oh, you’ve now given me an additional perspective to this pair! tx! (I just went intuitively, did not study tarot much, but I observed some of its ‘scenes’ in my life)


Since you dont know much about tarot let me give you a bit of further info.

Check this card

symbolizes that people are bound by the laws of the Earth and natural laws

And if you noticed its the same angel in the lovers card, temperance talks about remaining calm, balanced, centered, together, pretty much not letting attatchments move you around chained.

Thats why the female and male are not chained in the lovers, with the temperance behind, its like reminding them that everything we do here starts with a decision, and that we are always free to take a decision, if we do it without ego/devil attachments then we could reach that calm state and the laws of the universe would have your back.

Now compare it to the devil image and you understand the difference.


Thank you, I’ll be processing this! :hugs:


Has anyone used the root cause successfully? Any stories?


After more use, have you noticed anything?

I typically feel every audio, but I agree, not feeling much for any of these chakra audios.

I do feel a strong response from Song of the Core however.

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Still the same. I feel the older Chakra audios when I loop them for longer.
I do not feel the new ones when I loop them. As mentioned, this maybe because of my various energy body upgrades and without me even knowing and understanding what is going on. The aliens for sure also did some stuff on me lol.


Ngl. I had something weird happen.

I randomly remembered @anon73693188 having this as a pfp a long time ago, and then something else happened. (Thanks luna for the inital concept.)

My brain saw about 12 images about the subtle body, and then I was guided to the sapien shop, and scrolled a bit, then I randomly began counting down (4, 3, 2, 1) stopping at mandelbrot (although I couldn’t actually see it before arrival.)

Like the purchase was automated or guided. The only other time I experienced this was when I first joined the forum and got MM and CC.

Either way, I’m happy I purchased.




Looking forward to your reviews!

How it feels when we start turning into a beautiful tree

I can imagine amazing branches expanding upwards once this reaches that brain of yours how it is now :partying_face:


Btw guys,

I haven’t listened to this in a bit. Just added it back into my energy stack yesterday.

Boy oh boy,
I mean the workload is ridiculous already, with overtime and I am fully feeling more than ok. And I honestly don’t know where else this energy is coming from but from this.

If you haven’t listened to it in a while, I suggest to get back to it


I am listening to heart throbbing daily for 1 hour for 40 do I know it is fully developed?

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Which one is the throat chakra?

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Do the old fields work? I have the Combo versions of them like “Crown and Ajna”.

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i have been using the song of the core with the assumption it is a solar plexus audio but there is a dedicated audio for that

is it the lower dantien?






I assume it’s included in being rehomed


Is that the only field (Mandelbrot Symphony) that work directly on all chakras? Not anymore options to buy them separately?

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