The Voice of Reason Audio Release

The Missing Throat Chakra Audio.

Now presented as a single release.

Designed and enhanced along as the Mandelbrot Symphony Album release.

Here also a natural attractiveness is added to the sound of the words, which can make people often pay more attention to the speaker.




How does this sound?


Upbeat piano with simple chords, arcs and with joyful, inspiring melody.
Also for a 3 min audio the effect is very strong, can feel it right away. The clearing is intense, but gentle at the same time.


Hi :slight_smile:

Can you please explain a lil bit more in what this field is different from “Throat chakra clearing, growth and stimulation v2.0” ?

Thank you


Any testimonial on this after 3 days of release?

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Curious to the effectiveness of this vs Blarney Stone field :thinking:

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Well i just bought this (btw the sales code worked :heart_eyes:) so i cant tell you the difference yet.

But based on the older throat chakra and Blarney Stone which i used a lot, i would say Blarney Stone adds the charm part.

The old chakra one gives confidence and strenght to voice your opinion/feelings and interact with others.

With Blarney words flow easily sometimes like if someone was speaking for you, like you dont have to think what you need to say, words just flow, and you become like enchanting, persuasive, your words are accepted, there is an element of influence, even if what you are saying makes no sense lol sometimes we struggle answering something and we think like (omg what am i saying) but with Blarney is like people understands with no problem what you say.

Ill get back to your question in a week or so using this new one in case you dont want to buy it yet, however each person can experiment something different, so its worth to just try on your own. :)

Edit: i just read again the description of this new Throat Chakra… it sounds by it, that it offers something similar to Blarney, however im sure it feels more powerful being for the Chakra itself, like combined but enhanced in line with the other new chakra audios that for me are way different than the regular ones or different than we would normally expect the typical definition of each chraka’s work

So lets wait until we see how this feels.


This is a whole new chakra system with a plasma torus field flowing in and out of the chakras, connecting the back and front of the flow into a uniform flow. So it vigorously clears the chakras while pushing hard for their growth and… evolution.
The description of new chakra fields.


I hope using AI generated music (which I’m 95% sure this is) doesn’t become a consistent thing with the fields. not complaining, I’m just not a huge fan of it. but I’ll deal with it, because I like the field lol

I want a confirmation of this! These new fields are AI? and how it affects fields?


Psychic University confirmed using AI generated music. I think not for all tracks but at least for some. For Sapiens fields, not sure. But it does not matter - this should not influence the field, since the music is not the field.

Please do not derail the thread with further AI talk, you can open a new topic for that if need be.


Its been 2 days playing this. What ive noticed so far:

Today my throat is quite sore lol and ive had weird dreams with people i know where i cant speak.

Ive always been (as an adult) one to voice what i want to say, opinionated even sometimes, however i would either feel terrified, or anxious, nervous or end up crying while “supposedly bravely” expressing myself.

Up to when i was 12/13 i was ALWAYS sick with Strep Throat, sore throat, fever etc i was a very shy, introverted child, whom would always do what was asked whether i wanted or not just being afraid of saying no.

As i grew up i turned rebellious and i would still not say No or give my opinion until it had built up and eventually came out already upset arguing and not letting others talk because i didnt want to be silenced once i had found the strength to stand up for myself and 2 because i considered in those moments of explosion that i had taken a lot already i didnt want to hear any excuses, so for me it was not an irrational reaction.

But of course that led me to turn into an adult that would continue repeating the same dynamic:

Not expressing myself right away when i was still calm > build frustration when the situation kept happening > building resentment > then explode and immediately close the communication channel and just “run away” :grimacing:

Some years back i started healing and working on that, its been a long journey, specially to heal the inner child/teen that was taken advantage of for so long because i couldnt say No. Ive had a very good progress in the last year, communication have greatly improved specially when expressing my different opinion, the wounded child has finally grown up, but there was still a lot of bagage looking for a door to be released.

Thats why i was eager for this audio, because in every single situation where i could feel danger or fear, nervousness etc id feel like a brick in my throat building and like an intense heart beat right there that my ego would hook to, to reminding me not to let them take me for a fool or to not just keep quiet

Coincidentially the past 2 days were days i had to resolve the situation at work that needed an extreme change and it was incredibly easy to speak to like 4 different people in high management to come to a good deal for all of us.

It was successful; every single conversation

It flow in a way that felt natural to me, i was in control of my emotions without the need to be in control of the conversation like i always did and with a clear mind and thought process.

One thing i loved is that there was this good vibe or understanding unconditional care, love if you will between each party, like good energy around that provided comfort and joy even, to be talking. It reminded me of Plasma Flower.

It was soooo good.

I think the sore throat is coming from the dreams i had last night were i couldnt talk and i was pushed to be in places or situations i did not like, ill see how it develops and if it will dissolves as the days pass playing the audio or if itd be my job to just let it go as memories from the past surface.

But so far…

10/10 for this Voice of Reason :slight_smile:



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Does the picture have a field attached also, feels energetic after buying the audio…

How is it going now, and how would you compare voice of reason now with blarny stone and old throat chakra?

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Vaak siddhi :star2:


Sorry i didnt see this.

I honestly think given detailed results with these particular audios are not really relevant, the more i use them the more i realize they work in a very personalized way which i find amazing, out of all the Smart Fields we have available this serie feels super tailored to my needs and journey.

So whatever you feel you need in regards of your throat chakra, you would probably see it being addressed with this audio.

The tittle itself is a characteristic that i believe is the general concept we all can witness or feel at different levels. Unless you def are not interested in being the voice of reasoning :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

But then it has more towards how it can help YOU.

Same with all the others :blush:

As for the difference i think ive mentioned that or partially somewhere above

But lets see,

Blarney feels to me like a charmer, like eloquently getting what you want through words with strong touch of luck, is either that or its the essence of charm at its highest lol, i say this because i experienced several times that when i was looping it (specifically when going to or in actual meetings to sell something i wasnt sure about it, i didnt see a chance, or the meeting was to discuss difficult differences etc) i always felt and was very much aware that my words did not make sense a lot of times haha but they were “musically” delivered and the results were that everybody agreed to what i wanted.

That charm effect stuck in my head for hours after every time, like wth this field lol

The old throat chakra, i remember i LOVED it.

It was like the raw energy to clear and stimulate the chakra, i would feel as if there was nothing in my throat but a big giant swirl of security, tranquility and peace. Like if it was an energetic strong thick root for the upper part of my body.
And because i felt that, it was like if there was a hole with just swirls of energy nothing that tried to reach my head to disturb it could go up, instead itd be just sucked in my throat and transmute.

I feel all of that with this new one, its just that it went from the main thing to a secondary one and the main one became the one from this one: communicating with real meaning.


Hello, I just bought this😊 I wanted to know if the front cover jpg which is in the zip file is fielded like NFT or not?

Will it affect anyone listening, or will it only work for the buyer (me) ? My sibling wants to try this field, and I’m not sure how to transfer it since it’s an audio release.