Manhattan's Mathematical Madness

In the Gift of Numbers NFT this benefit is listed

  • Complete Improvement and Healing of the Reticular Activating System (RAS)

I understand this is a totally different field but since they both work with mathematics I thought there might be a chance this benefit is also included in this field and I was wondering if you could confirm whether it is @Dr_Manhattan


Bro maths is beating my ass, but am still having fun, because am like ahhh, I see why I got it wrong. Anyway that means I need to loop this moreeeeee

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Nice awareness - enjoy the process!

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My updated playlist is

Alchemical revision of Genius
Mathematical Madness
Manhattan Method

I loop it overnight and whenever I have time, so far regarding school, I am not getting As in my engineering exams but I am able to learn the solving process of every problem with little time. I am understanding way better, it is not difficult to make sense of it. I just need to be more precise in my calculations if I want As.


I love the art

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A little bit of background info. I graduated HS years ago, so I was pretty rusty but got this field in October in preparation in going to college. I started the placement tests in the middle of this month. So safe to say I didn’t do much math until recently.

Placement scores:
Test 1- 22
Test 2- 37
Test 3- 41

Things to note:

  • A score of 30 reflects adequate preparation for college math.
  • I had to do quite a bit of math in between each test as its required before each placement test. So, I would say the studying is mostly responsible for the higher scores.
  • This was only studying intermediate algebra so it’s nothing crazy.
  • I have other brain fields like MM, CC. etc.
  • Minimum 30 minutes daily with this field.

What I attribute to MMM:

  • I’m understanding each concept more. Back in school I was really just remembering formulas and doing as best I can with that. With this I got a lot of topics down easily that I had no idea how to do in HS. It’s like looking at a problem/graph/etc. and knowing how to approach it.

  • Mental math. My ability to do mental math has improved by a lot. Before that I usually did it by paper and didn’t have much confidence in doing things fully in my head. I can visualize and move pieces around much easier than before. What’s even better is I know there’s more room for growth in this aspect.

  • I view challenges differently. Even if I don’t get the concept at first, it’s not as frustrating as it used to be as I know it’s only a matter of time before I get it down.

Final thoughts: I can tell I’m only at the beginning stages of this field. So, in 2024 I’ll probably have a lot to report once I start doing courses in my math heavy major. An area I need more improvement is memorizing formulas long term. Short term is fine but long term can be a hit or miss for me. I also need to improve my attention to detail as I find myself overlooking things often. Overall, this field is great.


Kudos for your practice and your planning
Gratz purple

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So if I want to improve my spatial awareness and become better at geometry this field is my best bet for that right? When I was in school I absolutely hated geometry, calculating angles and doing the folded out cube section of a standard iq test, that last one was my arch nemesis :laughing:
Now more than 10 years later it still shows when I have to build certain constructions like a simple closet without step by step instructions, it’s a struggle for me. Visualization of 3D objects is still quite difficult. Hoping this field can fix that deficit so I can have a more balanced brain.

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I would go with Manhattan method based on your goals


Awesome, got a reply from the expert himself haha! :smiley:
Thank you for the quick answer. So the MMM field is more geared towards the numerical side of math and not so much the geometry side?
If I decide to buy Manhattan Method, is there anything I can do to enhance and focus the effect on my spatial awareness? Like complementing fields, visualization exercises, maybe building as much Ikea closets as possible haha :rofl:

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Exactly :smiley:

That’s interesting. It should help a bit.

You can also use boosters:

Superhuman genius 2-3x
Autism treatment

Blueprint of life
Brain key
Snapping synapses
Opus Manhattan

These are just suggestions


Haha check this, after your recommendation I was exploring the Manhattan Method field by scanning through the comments and I came across this one from Jojo:

It was comment 777, talk about synchronicity and ultimate confirmation that this is the field I was (subconsciously) looking for :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:. So also a thanks to you @Jojo haha!

Cool, thx for the tips! I’ve read that brain key is almost an essential fuel for the advanced brain fields, would the free fields still suffice as enough fuel to enhance results and capacity to listen the field? Luckily I have blueprint of life also and plasma brain of youth which the last one can replace the autism treatment right? I also have malleable ego, that in combination with the new subconscious limit remover guarantees significant results, it’s like I’m listening to each field for the first time again when using that combo, my ego has no choice but to accept the full effects of the fields so excited what it can do with the Manhattan Method, since I have accumulated a lot of limiting beliefs regarding my intelligence, the reason you can read below.

Additional question, I experience developmental trauma from severe traumatic abuse when I was a toddler. This resulted in a highly sensitive dysregulated nervous system in which I frequently switch between trauma responses, the freeze/collapse response being the the most dominant one in which I get stuck in. I experience the amygdala hijack where my prefrontal cortex gets shut down due to the more powerful limbic system taking over. (Wondering if that stunted the development of my spatial awareness :thinking:). I’m working on it by focusing on feeling safe in my body by doing therapeutic somatic exercises and so far this has been one of the most effective modalities in mitigating the effects of a dysregulated nervous system. In turn this also increases my susceptibility to fields, because a body and mind that do not feel safe aren’t going to allow even the most powerful fields (at least in my case)
Any contraindications regarding The Manhattan Method or other brain fields?


Well, the wiring happens even without boosters, it just makes things happen faster. The free fields are still potent, the premium ones are just more so.




As expected but better safe than sorry! It is settled then, I’m buying Manhattan Method! Will be hopefully the last time I have to post messages on the forum with a foggy brain haha!

Thank you for your guidance! :pray:t4:

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This is what happens when you loop Manhattan’s Mathematical Madness

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As guided by my higher self, time to return to the root for a bit.

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Im trying to decide if I should buy this or not.
Would you still recommend this for ADHD?

I’d just get manhattan method, proactive, brain game, and abp.

If more prefrontal growth is needed after 1000 hours of manhattan method, then I’d get this.


Because mathematics is an offshoot of the fractal like anything else, common patterns of attraction emerge and permeate the language itself.

I realise now that abstract algebra formed as a byproduct of this characteristic, so that maths has a means of recognising its own patterns.

It just goes to show how versatile it is despite its limitations.