Manhattan's Mathematical Madness

Are you ready to unlock your hidden mathematical madness ? Prepare to embark on a transformative journey of brain growth and mathematical mastery. Our innovative program, designed to stimulate the frontal lobe and activate the corpus callosum, will propel your mathematical abilities to legendary heights.

Experience the power of Mathematical Intuition, where your brain’s innate understanding of numbers and numerical patterns is amplified. Our Number Sense Amplification subfield will enhance your ability to recognize and comprehend numerical relationships, allowing for lightning-fast mental calculations and heightened numerical intuition.

Become a master of Symbolic Manipulation with our Proficiency subfield. Develop an extraordinary skill set in manipulating mathematical symbols and equations, enabling you to effortlessly solve complex mathematical problems and engage in advanced mathematical reasoning. Discover the joy of seamlessly working with algebraic expressions, equations, and mathematical notations.

Gain the remarkable ability to represent and translate real-world situations into mathematical frameworks with our Mathematical Problem and Situation Representation subfield. Learn to view the world through a mathematical lens, opening up a world of possibilities for creative problem-solving and innovative thinking.

Enhance your Mathematical Fluency and watch as calculations become second nature. Our Fluency subfield will elevate your speed, accuracy, and automaticity in performing mathematical operations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Say goodbye to tedious calculations and embrace a newfound sense of mathematical agility.

Immerse yourself in the realm of Numerical Pattern Recognition, where you’ll develop an astute eye for identifying and understanding patterns in numerical sequences. Join us on this remarkable journey of brain growth and mathematical mastery. Empower yourself with the skills, intuition, and fluency to tackle mathematical challenges with ease. Unleash your mathematical madness and step into a world of infinite possibilities.

Embrace the power of your mathematical insanity.

PS: It includes more, you know, the secret sauce


Old Brain Growth added


What have you done?! :laughing:


When you can finally solve basic algebra equation with this


Lol jokes aside, thank you Doc. Every new brain fields I see I add it to my wishlist shopping cart and it keeps getting bigger.


wow, wish I could go back in the past and gift my 12-year-old self this field.




Hahaha fr this while in school would have been dope😂

Its dope now as well just less of a priority !!!


Learning never stops

I’m thinking of taking some advanced mathematical course to test myself. Used to hate math but found the value of it thanks to Manhattan method and alchemical revision of genius.

It’s really exciting lol.


@Dr_Manhattan does it have the alchemical trauma of math for those who had limiting beliefs from solving mathematical problems.


Nope, “only” wiring for mathematical abilities from basic, math wiz with a sprinkle of psychic math understanding.

The Alchemical revision of Genius should cover it though


Thank you if there’s psychic side to it them im sure it will help psychological issue of math understanding


This is really great. The only question I want to ask is, is it suitable for children?

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I’d say not before 7-8 and only 2-3 times a day.


Thank you for your reply. Besides, Manhattan is great

Imagine becoming like sheldon cooper.

Snapping Synapses
Mathematical Madness
A Key to babel

Will buy the above ones for my kids though, lol, if they feel like they wanna give these a shot, heck yeah boys and girls, lets do it.


All those fields feel like Neo when Morpheus was uploading all the fighting skillset into him

“I Know Kung Fu”

As soon as my PhD Burse will reach me, I’m planning to get most of those amazing brain fields

This one will help for sure with econometrics!

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My priority would be getting snapping synapses and a key to babel in the future.

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HAHAHAHAHAA INSTANT BUY! @lawliet listening to toshifumini hinata - reflections with this. :smiling_imp:

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How much does it differ from Numeracy advantage NFT?