Many health issues

Often, less is more, especially when the body and energy system are weak and need nurturing. We all sometimes guess and suggest fields, based on symptoms, and they may or may not be the right ones apt for your situation (unless the recommendations are based on intuition). Sometimes we don’t know what the exact cause is, which specific audio to use, etc. During such times, these two always help.


  • The Bushman Medicine (this invokes the ancient wisdom of the Bushmen, who do what is needed to balance energies).

If you can afford, Shamanic Medicine Blend is a great field to invest in - it is a highly personalized smart field that adapts itself to the need of the user, and can address a host of issues, especially when used with the Plasma Light (go easy on it initially though).

All these are combined together as a body of field work and knowledge base under an interactive smart program, that learns as it interacts with who ever plays this. It will combine and apply this body of knowledge to find and treat all the underlying conditions it can. It will learn by applying these varying knowledge bases to find the correct combinations of those approaches to heal you. It will remember /save what works best to the knowledge base and reference it in future uses, in this way it gets better at what is done.


I think you got excellent suggestions above.

I’d just like to reiterate that plasma would be a great field for you to listen to.
Please go slow, it’s much better than overwhelming yourself (lots of info in the topic pia linked).

It’s a very “general” field that can cover a.lot of issues.
There is also Plasma to Mitochondria, it’s a shorter one that you could add in addition.

If you have more place in your stack, I would maybe add five elements balanced a couple of times a day (not necessarily as part of a stack).
Good luck!


I think because in the hard times, we need strong will. To not give up, to not surrender, to always fight no matter what happen.


Thanks…I have downloaded the mandalas…will start using them first…then go on :+1:

Thanks a lot…yes…you are right…we need divine intervention at times…when we are not sure…I have downloaded the mandalas after that will start with Angelic intercession and higher self connection.

Can’t afford Shamanic medicne right now…but will keep in mind for future.

Thanks…yes…plasma is recommended by everyone, it’s a great field.

That’s true…I am really grateful to everyone for taking time to help me out. :slight_smile:


Hi Everyone,

Just an update. In the past few days I started using Energy blockage removal (most important ) and

and Etheric cord cutting finally…

With energy blockage removal I felt much light…however, since I am very sensitive to the energy of other people…my mind had become a chatter box…I couldn’t get over the negative energy of people in my house…also I found an acupuncture doctor…and feeling a bit relief from the treatment ( he is targeting liver first).

It took a lot of time for me to understand that my issues were more on the spiritual level rather than physical…

Have learned a lot from Sapien community…and I am really greatful to everyone for sharing there knowledge on this platform…

Also, I am listening to pure moonlight, Mars and Mercury field as per my astrological chart and its helping

Will keep on updating my progress…still trying to connect the dots and find stability. :slight_smile:


Hi @Alka, glad you are going better!

Just reading your thread. I would suggest adding the new Orgone Accumulator field to the beginning of your playlists.

It can have remarkable effects for one’s healing and similar to Plasma Light, it will address the entire system, emotionally, energetically, mentally, physically, spiritually, etc.

In this situation, I would suggest playing it only once at the beginning of a playlist, and doing so at different times of your day, at 2 or 3 different times rather than play the field 2-3x at once.

Hope your healing continues to improve and best of wishes to you! :pray:


Thanks a lot for suggestion! I have added Orgone Accumulator to my playlist…Will keep updating about my progress :slight_smile:


I’m very glad to hear this - Keep going!

Yes, I got this sense right away.

Keep us in the loop how you are doing, we want to know. There is much wisdom here, use it!


Thanks so much :smiley:

Definitely…will keep on updating…

That’s true…so much to learn :innocent: :pray:


Forgot, the PTSD Help field was released on Patreon after your initial post and would be excellent for a number of issues for you.

It is one of the most important fields and can address a wide range of issues on different levels, whether spiritual or emotional traumas, anxiety or depression, and may perhaps help with some of the sensitivity to negative energies and physical issues.

It should be added to your listening. :slight_smile:


Sounds like maybe you have candida ?

Have you tried frequencies for that on youtube? Have you tried eating chilli and garlic with your food ? Ginger also helps with everything stomach.

And a 1000mg vitamin c a day.

Also hcl and enzymes for breakdown of food.

Good luck with healing the stomach, i have had trouble with that for a loong time.

And another pro tip: celery juice every morning makes your stomach naturally produce hcl so you can improve digestive health even more. Theres also alot of other benefits of celery juice.


OP hasn’t been around for about a month. Maybe they will see your post though.


This is knowledge for everyone with digestive issues. If he doesnt see it someone else will.

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After a lot of research. I got tested for gut microbiome (not as extensive in india) as maybe in other countries like USA. Doctor’s said that since the time of my birth, I don’t have the bacteria to digest gluten, dairy and most of the vegetables and none of the pulses. I don’t like gluten much, but miss tea or coffee, and other vegetables too :confused:

IBS music helps with my constipation. But for vomiting haven’t found anything. Other people in my group decided to go for FMT treatment, but it’s very costly. And I don’t feel to confident about it.

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It seems you have gotten many responses, but I’ve been in a very similar place to you (I didn’t have fields then and things evolved their natural path to nearly opposite symptoms).

This is a free stack that is short and I got not overwhelming. Some of these audios work for me within the day or overnight so you can decide to keep them or not after just one day.

This isn’t a Dream field but I will make an exception this time.

This one works for me where IBS kinda makes things worse (constipates me…and for long enough I end up deciding to quit).

Just try it and see how it affects brain fog and your cognitive functions mostly.

Keep endocrine regeneration or listen to stem cells after a while.

Maybe use whole body detox and advanced detox.

Food intolerances are a form of autoimmunity but I can’t recommend that since you have low T…maybe someone with more knowledge and experience with the fields comes in.

So yeah the stack is just axis of steel, pancreas and endocrine system.

You could do a round of listening to the whole longevity series (the videos have that in the title).

You used the bacteria destroyer and that’s a bad idea unless you’re going to repopulate good bacteria with pre and probiotics later. Plus a lot of food that is rich in good bacteria and generally gut-friendly.

If you have patreon, there are more advanced fields there now that you could check out (the advanced tier fields, easy to see).

Your new diagnosis is not surprising. The problem is that you already have bad digestion. There are many fields for that so you may need to use the food enhancer and all the digestion improving fields…and that way maybe taking probiotics and a good diet can help you.

That is also why I can’t stop considering the autoimmunity field.

I hope someone chimes in with suggestions because the most critical thing for you is to get good bacteria in your body and get it working right. The bad bacteria can be taken care of by the new patreon fields now.

You also need to “jolt” your body. So you may need to use the nervous system fields, and then energy healing ones (like orgone, cosmo-volt, and plasma). Plus the pure energy ones like jing, prana, etc.

If you’re going to use fields heavily, you need to do this. Getting accustomed takes a while and your already sick body could get exhausted easily. So you need to prepare yourself for using the fields.

First using the nervous system fields, then the energy building fields, or the healing fields, and always grounding and hydrating yourself plenty.

This is no solution but a deep squat (heels on ground…you can rest your back against something, but deep squat is needed) will keep things down and the nausea will pass. You will then go to the bathroom so like I said it is no solution.

If that isn’t enough to keep the food down…some medication or something is being rejected by your body. Probably medication or supplement. You will have to ditch those.

Happened to me when taking a naturopathic treatment…but I took so much stuff I dunno what had the effect. Could have been triphala, carnosine or smth else I don’t even remember.

I mention so you stay safe with those, triphala is used too freely. It isn’t so good for a very weak stomach.

I recommend you have your bowel movements squatting too. This is just a must for people with bowel and stomach issues.

Also, I dunno what you have done during this time, since I know the original post is old. But if you haven’t, begin using aura deep clearing. Plus the cord, cutter, exorcism, and any video to clear negative energy.

Negative Energy repel, the two astrology fields (nullify negative effects and amplify positive ones), jealousy shield. Those audios will help you with your family.

I think you should do a round of listening to all intercession audios, plus Vaikuntha Loka, essence of faith and prayer, and grace of angels and saints.

You can also use Mass Meditations field. It will work on you too, shielding you and calling for intercession strongly. It can really turn things around for you.

Your family will bother you less too. But you have to speak for yourself. My family complains about me but don’t get aggressive if I play the field. Often they don’t even speak to me even if I initiate it. People won’t bother you once you have a nice energy and they don’t…they will wait to feel better.

All this after building your capacity for energy fields. Though the intercession ones (angelic and devic) could be an exception.

My apologies if you already did all this and I’m just repeating things.

But you lose nothing listening to those audios. And in my opinion are the first audios anyone should listen to when they find Dream’s fields. First a thorough energy clearing then calling for assistance and putting yourself in a state to receive it (grace and faith).

There is a card system in instagram that has fields that increase your energy capacity. You may want to check it.

First you need to use the attunement card, and wait at least 24 hours before using any of the others.

I wish you good luck and improvement :pray:


Ive also experienced a better digestion from using bacteria fields…

especially the smart bacteria slayer:

Constipation GONE

But for not having constipation again ive used gastro specialist and not eating so frequently, letting my body do the work .


Gut Health is the key for all issue. Take Probiotics or eat like yogurt. Gut health linked to depression, skin, autoimmune, thyroid and also parkinson. I pray for you. Good Luck.
( Frequency Wizard on youtube has candida killer and very good fields for Gut health.


This is also good

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Sugar free sauerkraut is full of probiotics and very good for gut health.

And its about 4 dollars for a BIG jar.


Thanks! Any fermented food and most of the probiotics makes me more constipated. I tried Intestinal cleanser but it doesn’t work at all. Though IBS and gastritis subliminal of lucy herzig works for constipation most of the time. But the problem is that after menopause I have got into a habit of eating dark chocolates or sweets.

And if I try to balance my hormones through fields or any herbs like ashwagandha then my infection comes back.

So menopause and hormonal imbalance has made things worse.

I have got a test for gut microbiome and it says I can’t eat gluten, dairy, coconut and most of the vegetables except very few. So they say I don’t have bacteria to digest.