The Plasma Light and Infrasound Bioactive Beach

Exactly what the man said @IlikeLosAngeles

is this a substitute for stem cell & anti-aging + DNA repair + longevity audios?

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Not in my experience or understanding, no. Those fields do different things.


No, but it will powerfully boost the fields mentioned if you use it before 'em.


I’ve noticed very different effects from all of those fields you mentioned, I would use all of them together to age as gracefully & as healthily as possible.


Info that can be overlooked. Sharing for reference so it doesn’t get lost


Its giving me better blood flow, i can do this two times tops before it gets overwhelming.


Been looping this audio for a couple of hours and the I have this hunger within like never before, nothing in my schedule has changed… It came out of no where.

My knee have been feeling better tho.


can you explain me in layman terms what does it do?

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That’s been done a few times already upthread. Check them out.


This works wonderfully with the Alchemical Crucible / Revision series

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This field truly is amazing, one that will forever be available and has infinite applications.

Bill Harris from Centrepointe had this idea of awareness being curative.

which means that if you are trying to engage in unhealthy behavior whatever you deem that to be:
smoking, drinking, partying, porn, gambling etc.

you can’t seem to help yourself, you can’t seem to stop it right what this principle is saying is that the reason you can’t stop it is because you’re doing it without awareness if you were to do it with full awareness the behavior could not be continued it would have to stop on its own accord. You don’t need to plan on how to address any behavior or have it figured it out through willpower.

working with Plasma light (IE. Negentropy) could rapidly assist in anything you bring your awareness to.


Great tip(s), @Zen, thanks.

Yeah, that seems really accurate.

Awarness has the capacity to inexist existences.

Therefore it erases/clears whatever it focuses on back to the void/emptiness.


So for example thinking about an addiction while listening to this could help with it?

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Yes, but understand that it requires constant awareness, a certain duration of awareness you can’t just be aware for a second or a minute you have to be aware throughout the whole thing. So what this principle is saying in practice is that if you’re smoking. Usually, you and everyone around you consider smoking to be a harmful activity, but when you smoke you’re not fully aware of it. So with this principle tells you is that if you were to smoke without trying to change anything about how you’re smoking, without trying to force yourself to stop if you were just to smoke with full awareness, fully consciously over and over and over and over again you would not actually be able to continue to put that cigarette in your mouth at some point it would just hit you like a lightning bolt to the head. It’s like “wait a minute what am I doing here?” “what am i thinking?” “what am i doing?” and you would just put it down because the awareness would reveal the damage that this is doing to yourself to such an extent that you couldn’t really authentically genuinely continue the behavior for that to happen.

It requires constant awareness it’s not enough just to say oh yeah I know smoking is bad for me and then just to continue to smoke unconsciously that’s not going to work.


Try it and let us know!


See you in 10 years!


I’m thinking of adding this to the OM PONR stack at the end. Would that be all right?

ChatGPT on the Therapi device : The Theraphi device was developed based on the work of Nikola Tesla, Georges Lakhovsky, and Royal Rife, who were pioneers in the field of energy-based healing. The device creates a coherent plasma field that is believed to be similar to the plasma fields found in nature, such as lightning and the aurora borealis.

The plasma field generated by the Theraphi device is thought to stimulate the body’s cells and tissues, increasing cellular energy and promoting regeneration and healing. The plasma field is also believed to have an anti-inflammatory effect and may help reduce pain and swelling.

In addition to the plasma field, the Theraphi device also produces infrasound frequencies. Infrasound is sound that is below the range of human hearing, typically below 20 hertz. The infrasound frequencies produced by the device are believed to have a calming effect on the nervous system, promoting relaxation and reducing stress.

Theraphi therapy sessions typically last between 20 to 30 minutes and are administered on a weekly basis. The therapy is non-invasive and painless, and patients can remain fully clothed during the session. Patients typically report feeling a sense of calm and relaxation during the session, and some may experience a mild tingling sensation.

Here are some potential benefits of Theraphi therapy:

  1. Increased cellular energy and metabolism
  2. Improved circulation and oxygenation of tissues
  3. Reduced inflammation and pain
  4. Promotes cell regeneration and healing
  5. Boosts the immune system
  6. Enhances relaxation and reduces stress
  7. Improves sleep quality
  8. Supports detoxification processes
  9. Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  10. Promotes wound healing and tissue repair
  11. Enhances athletic performance and reduces recovery time
  12. May help with certain skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne
  13. May help alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression
  14. May help with certain autoimmune disorders
  15. May help with pain management for chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, and migraines
  16. May help with digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  17. May help with respiratory conditions such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  18. May improve cognitive function and memory
  19. May help with addiction and substance abuse recovery
  20. May improve overall well-being and quality of life
  21. May help with certain neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis (MS)
  22. May help with certain cardiovascular conditions such as hypertension and angina
  23. May help with weight loss and metabolic disorders such as diabetes
  24. May enhance the body’s natural healing abilities and promote longevity

However, as with any medical treatment or therapy, it is important to consult with a healthcare provider before trying Theraphi therapy to ensure that it is safe and appropriate for your individual needs and health status.