Mass Meditation Project for a better World 🌍

@anon32464289 Maybe I’m confused but it was based from our previous chat. I thought this was to post ideas for Captain to create a mass mediation public nft…?

Are you just gathering folks to meditate?

Yes indeed :point_down:

Then :slight_smile:

I do think along with a new field, we need to create momentum and some form of support.

If we want some actual change, building some positive energy around it and a recurrence is what will make those meditations effective. Plus we won’t waste Dream’s time by asking him to create a field, then not use it :slight_smile:



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(ringing mini temple :bell:) Yes!


@Lucky @Maoshan_Wanderer we would love to benefit from your expertise if you have some time to spare.

Would you have some mantras to recommend to bless our mother Earth and all its inhabitants, to give gratitude, to celebrate it, to give it some support?

Anything else is welcomed of course.

Thanks :pray:


@Anyone, if you are aware of some powerful spiritual practices, such as the Homam, that could be suggested to Dream and reproduced by him, this would be lovely if you could share it here or by DM?

Thank you so much :pray:

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Thanks for reminding me. Good initiative :pray:
I’ve been looking to share this pitru mantras ( gratitude to our ancestors ) currently it’s pitru paksha running as per Vedic Calendar till this new moon and believed that we can easily connect to our ancestors and do some rituals for their blessings etc… These along with the honoured ancestors is amazing combo I’m doing of late…

Hope everyone enjoy this melodious vedic chants


The first draft is ready.

If you wish to have a read and give us your opinion, please send me a DM :slight_smile:

This is 2 page long and an organized list of ideas & suggestions for Dream to express his highest potential :sparkles:


You may want to add the breathing technique which was introduced by Dispenza. It’s a unique technique which is done before meditating. Based on this technique the meditator leads the stock energy in the first, second and third chakras towards the crown chakra through the spinal nerves. It is so good if you ask captain to make it automatic.


And here is my cue (meant to share since last weekend). If off-topic, excuse.

I’ve bought Joe’s meditation that comes with a separate file guiding you in the technique (#recommend).
Adding to what @anon34550888 said, from my noob understanding, you basically have to pull the energy upwards while doing Mula and Uddiyana bandhas.

Have done it for a little while a couple of months ago.
I struggled. I had issues contracting and breathing in at the same time. Could only breathe in all the way up, then do the bandhas. I couldn’t understand how one (me) could focus on these 2 processes at the same time. Could barely (or not) hold the breath for the amount of time.

What really caught my eye about The Internal Alchemical Crucible was the incorporation of these bandhas which instantly took me back to Dispenza. During the guided practice, he’s even going on about Transmuting lower energies, using the body as an instrument of consciousness and so forth (which I’m really digging getting drilled through my subconscious). I thought ‘hmmm I wonder if this… would have an effect…’ Like an Automation?

This bandha thing + tummo (+ my associations with ‘Joe’s’ technique and kundalini [‘kryia / breathing technique’?] – in my understanding, they’re all in the same sphere, that of cleansing and transmutation) are probably the main reason that made me keep TIAC in my stack, 1x every 1-2 days for… about 1 month now? So I thought :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: If this field does what it says it does… I might have struck gold

Finally, after a couple of months of no breathing practice, I wake up at 1 AM and do it.
Like… pleasant wtf… Smoother than a baby’s bum. A la carte. No need to think about it or force. It was… Automatic. Even now that I think of it, the mechanics of it now make complete sense, a new skill ingrained, as if having learned to ride the bike. Not sure whether it was an after-effect of having used ‘Slow Down Time Perception’ but I held the breath… I wanted it to last more, I prolonged it, time passed so quickly. Effortless.
Pretty sure it was TIAC, I’m still smoking, no cardio…


Anyone from here, and this until Dream has a look at our draft: Justice for All Meditation - Saturday 3rd 2022 - #78 by inf1nity

Let’s do it 🧘‍♂️


Hi everyone!

Now that draft is submitted and we are awaiting Captain’s feedback, we have gathered the group in one.

If you wish to join it, so we easily align for further mass meditations, please DM me :sparkles: