Max Heal Potion

Ah i need to get it man. Its a bit pricey rn but I will get it soon gods grace :smiley:


Yeah it is super pricey maybe this easter sale hopes up.

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Yeah tbh its worth every penny :slight_smile:

Soon :pray:t4::pray:t4::pray:t4::pray:t4:


I sh*t you not but two listenings of this field and I am starting to recover my sense of smell destroyed by covid.
Mind = obliterated.


Using the same principal, it can be cast on the owner of the NFT itself and thus not needing the owner to wear it or carry it or play the audio… is it @Dreamweaver @SammyG ?
Because if it can be cast to target then it can be cast to owner also right ?


From the brainstorm/admission thread Max Heal (public)

max heal answer2


Thanks @steeler

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Since I can’t cast it, can I share this audio with my daughter ? Since I know that I can share the Gumroad audios with my direct family i.e. spouse, children and parents. But I also know that NFT works only for its owner … so if I am the owner of this NFT… can I share the audio with my parents for their healing, they don’t live with me so AOE doesn’t work in this case. Thanks

A little bit monumental for me, got this- it’s my first NFT. Yay!

I claimed it through the site and not through the email. I’m guessing that’s fine? I always hear about everybody claiming through email but the site just walked me right through it



Congratulations! wish you amazing results :beers:


Thanks Hauru you’re always so sweet :star2::green_heart::star2::green_heart:


I haven’t got it yet but I know this one will be great




No lady you cannot. NFTs only work for the owner, is just that if someone is in close proximity you can play it and they could benefit. With this particular field.

Because you are there playing it like if you were the healer extension


Thanks @anon73693188 … and you are sure about it right ? Since Gumroad audios can be shared with immediate family that’s why clarifying once again

Yes im sure. Gumroad is different than NFTs, except for the black label ones like (face esculptor and order by 3)

That are on gumroad but cannot be shared even with direct family.

The confusion is because Dream said yes this one can be played for others (that are in close proximity) which he has not said that for other healing NFTs (at least i havent read him saying that) but this is still and NFT that only works for the owner and to play it for others close by.


Thanks again


I’m also joining you in the party :partying_face:. Same here with regards to first NFT ever, could not resist this one to buy based on the remarks above :slight_smile:

Building a full healing stack :star_struck: (Plasma Flaunt, Acu Automaton, Hydrogen, Micro Kinesitherapy, etc.)


I have benign tumours in my body. Can I use this field and direct it to get rid of those ? Can it be used on a body with tumours since those cells need to die and not get nourished
@SammyG @Dreamweaver

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I am sure it would work on tumors but may take a while to see an effect depending on what else is going on with you.

Another thing to consider is Castor Oil comp press. The oil will penetrate deep into the body and break down tumors (and other things not suppose to be there) It can take 4-6 weeks of doing daily presses to see results. I believed you want 5 hrs minimum but longer is better. The same press can be used many times over if you apply a bit more oil. Something to look into.

Check out this video from a really intelligent woman:

Always good to supplement your energy game with homeopathic remedies.