Max Heal Potion

:point_up: This plus the suggestions in the How to Better Connect with Servitors/Audios/Items/Mandalas and the various threads we have on how to work with NFTs.


Just for clarification I read the description before and thought that saying “heal” was more like an active command with which we could heal our self or others actively and carrying it around was more passive in effect.
Now that the healing others part was not integrated I wondered If saying heal has an effect or not for the nft owner.

Maybe you understood correctly in the first post but reading it again I thought I asked the question rather weird.

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I’m not understanding what you’re wanting to know.

If you’re using it for yourself, just carry it around passively, as you had read in the description. Even then, the more you actively connect to and participate with your NFT, the better results you can have with your healing.

If you’re wanting to heal someone else, then you’ll want to direct your NFT to do so, with the “heal” command.

Or were you wanting to know something else?

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Has that weird bug with the NFT image and name not showing up in the wallet been fixed for anybody yet? Mine is still appearing that way.

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This has not been implemented in the NFT.

No special effect.

I see the description has been edited since I posted my reply. Thank you.

There will definitely be someone living up to million years old and telling the story of people who were apart of this forum.

On a real note, so many fields that can extend your life by triple the amount.


@Dreamweaver @LittleOwl
for the audio field using on others , what would be the lowest age to use this safely

If I want to use this nft, to treat my family to reduce vaccine side effects and get back to health

Also can? @LittleOwl

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Play it around them, it should work


Don’t think there’s any age limit for healing… if someone needs healing it will heal them, if they are perfectly healthy nothing will change for them


After 4hrs+ of troubleshooting finally got the NFT. Phantom wallet app on Edge gone but thank god for Brave.

@Dreamweaver @LittleOwl I got 2 mp3s, one 15.3mb at the time of purchase and other 5.1mb at the time of claiming. Anyone is fine to use?


what an immense surprise this is

may this gift help as many people as possible


Wow! This is a dream come true! More like a fantasy turning into reality! Thank you Captain


I imagine this + Eternal + Plasma Flaunt as the holy trinity of healing fields.

Simply put
Eternal: providing the optimal environment
Max Heal Potion: The actual medicine
Plasma Flaunt: A surgeon

Could it be simplified it like this?
Would love to hear your thoughts or some nuance on that.


Couldn’t have said it any better


Small correction

Max Heal Potion: The actual medicine
Plasma Flaunt: Anaesthetic
Captain: Surgeon


I think so,
I do

maybe the smart bacteria and virus slayer
and i think thats the ticket for the long show


when captain is the surgeon, maybe the flaunt as a toolkit

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may be