Max Heal Potion

or bouncers at the club? :wink:


Anyone get their image issue fixed I still dont have an image in my phantom wallet


No, still have the same issue here as well

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Make sure you guys check your network connection and all, I used to have similar problems

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Everything is all good on that end


Nothing wrong with my network I just don’t have a picture or a description but I have a slot for it

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I checked my app this morning and see the image finally showing up. You might need to swipe down and refresh.

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not working for me yet

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Same here, this seems to be the only NFT which is not loading the picture. Rest are loading ok (including Virus Slayer NFT which I just got)…


Yes, I got it transferred to my phantom wallet, I use an extension, last time did on Edge, this time on Brave and it worked fine.

Sorry about the trouble with the loading/network
But its still a legit purchase and will work.


Haha yeah, I mean we got the image to download, we have the mp3, so I guess it ain’t really a nig issue?


Is there a limit on how often we should loop the audio? Would it be safe to play overnight?

If you look at what it does it could be overwhelming to your body.
“Slowish” (what you can handle) and steady is better if you want to heal.
Your body sometimes needs resources if a big demand for healing comes up all of sudden then without the building blocks it could backfire and make you tired and fatigued etc.


This should do that and more, there are no limits, this is the best health field created so far in my opinion. I have only used it one day this field and already im feeling great improvements in my general health. And this field is new, it will improve more and more.

it has the effects of game-based healing spell, so there are no limits. Spell + science base combination.


:heart: :heart:


I think phantom had a change or something? On top of the DoSh*t classification for some of my nfts, they now show the number of holders for nfts, including max heal which says 56.

The DO SH*T collection of nft has 647 holders, from what it shows me, which is probably including a multitude of projects (for me it includes conquering heaven, crimson moon etc)


the wallet on my computer is like dead, all black. but the same wallet on my phone works fine… this is so strange

If the NFT company shut down. All data lost. Will it still work? If so, I think the legit trade is the key of working. Money is the bearer of the will(good and bad).