Max no of NFTs to use at a time

We have already talked about how many NFTs are too many to possess. Now we should also discuss how many NFTs are too many to use at a time.
This is because several new NFTs are minted every week and some of the NFTs are really strong but irresistable to use considering the expected benefits. How many NFTs do you use at a time and still get results without getting energy overload? We also have our separate playlists to listen to.


This is the same question that can be applied to tags, audios and everything else.
It is subjective, some can go with 50 at a times, others with only 10, some with 100, others with 1000000,

I would do some tests, to see what are the limits, at what point one feel overwhelmed,
But it is subjective.
I use a lot, this makes also harder to know which one is doing what exactly,
Probably to get a good feeling of each single NFT, one would need to focus only on a few at a time, some 1 on 1 interactions :grin:
I do that when i really want to get a full taste of a specific one


Imo and experience

Once they have made a strong initial connection you dont need to wear them or carry them with you or have them close by. Specially servitors, deities.

They come right there when you connect and call them in.

How it works for me is that every time i have a new one i work with it only for like 2 or 3 days.

Then i carry them with me or have them close by for a month or so after that i dont need to.

If i have several relatively new i dont mix them at first.

But you know what, keep growing your chakras and your energy sensitivity and youll realize that just a slight thought about them and they come to you, youll feel it so youll know you dont need to have them with u all the time.


I am amazed by your detailed and insightful responses as always @anon51280824


Lol good because a lot of times i am like “were all those details necessary?” :sweat_smile:


All of them at the same time while using epsilon and ego dissolution on 2 separate electronic devices :ok_hand:

I’m kidding it depends how much you can take.
If you feel overwhelmed maybe take a step back and go up slowly and work with a few at a time.
Maybe you have some that are complementary so use them together and see how that works etc.


I forgot to mention about the ones that are just mandalas.

I also do the initial private contact lol

Then carry them with me

Then not

But just like a good old friend that you can hang out with any time and the strong connection is there no matter how long it has passed?

I do that. So every once in a while i choose one and take it with me the whole day. It feels special, i have made pendants with some, so sometimes when im getting ready i feel one of them wanting to go out with me so i wear it. I feel that just like crystals and stones they ask u to take them when you might need them.

Such a magical life we have at our reach eh? :slight_smile:


You bet…