Hi friends,
Yesterday our member @Starlight shared this sad news with us asking us for help
And while the offer sending servitors and prayers from some members is greatly appreaciated, this is a time sensitive situation and we need as much pull in once intention and energy from a hopefully larger crowd.
We will meditate using the mass meditation and set the intention to help Kelvin find his way back, or for people to find him ALIVE.
Seems like the Mass Meditation Streaming is not on now, so we can use this one:
Please choose the times you could join
- 7pm Eastern Time today
- 8pm ET today
- 9pm ET today
- 10pm ET today
- 10am ET tomorrow
- 11am ET tomorrow
- 3pm ET tomorrow
- 5pm ET tomorrow
0 voters
I set as Max 5 but of course you can join all of them even just for 5-10 mins.
Please invite your magical friends to assist (Ssrvitor, Deities etc)
Today for him, tomorrow might be for you or one of your loved ones
Thank you!!