Mole Remover

I have a big mole on my scalp, so I can’t get buzz-cut hairstyle.

What field can help me?


Hey sorry bro, I don’t think there’s anything for moles…

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Maybe the Cold Laser field


Can you link it?


Just a little head’s-up: The Temporary Invoicing program has been discontinued. If a field hasn’t yet made it to one of the official Sapien sales sites, then at this time, it’s not currently available for sale.


Try The Symmetrical Body

Edit: It seems I was wrong. Mole Remover - #15 by Moonhaw

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Actually this might not be a good idea…

So if he had the mole on the right side of the scalp… Eventually he would get one on the left side of the scalp lol (but only after the bigger asymmetries are out of the picture)


Oh, i use this for my pectus excavatum and scoliosis

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You should try rader chest pulls for this

All you need is a pole


You should feel a deep stretch on your sternum when performing this exercise, the cartilage itself may feel sore afterwards


Also note, you probably don’t have to worry about getting symmetrical moles as the field will target what’s most important first


I know about this, but i prefer pullovers

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Lat pull overs affects the rib cage and not so much the sternum, I’d suggest doing both :)

Much love bro


I read that as a joke. Maybe it’s not.

Edit. Probably not. See Mole Remover - #15 by Moonhaw

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I can tell you from my experience after running symmetrical body for over a month: It does not help to reduce any moles (and I have many on my body). I mean the field literally lengthened one of my arm to match the other in a couple of weeks and is helping my muscle imbalance, but not the moles. I plan to stop running symmetrical body as soon as I fix my muscle imbalance so it won’t start copying my moles across my body.

I am also waiting for a field that specifically deals with moles to be released.


Good Report. I’ll edit my post above.

Ok if you are open to use non-Sapien fields below is a combo I am having success dealing with moles:

First of all you need to have understanding that moles are basically caused by the combination of genetics and sun damage, so we can deal with these with the following two fields from PU:

This removes damages caused by sunlight, so moles are targeted by this approach (also other ailments that can be caused by sunlight exposure)

Set intention to remove genes that can cause moles to remove the root cause of the problem.

If you want quicker fix use the patreon one and it is cheaper plus you get access to tons of other good stuff. If you want a full fix use both.


@Moonhaw how many time a day did you listen and for how long until results was visible ?.

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Let me see… if strictly talking about moles, like I start to see improvement after a week or two?

Ok my biggest concern is a wart that started out from a rough patch on my face and went into a big one on my face a year ago and I can’t clean my face properly because of it. After using both fields I have mentioned it starts to get better and I think it can completely heal in another month or two. Keratosis is genetic and one type is caused by sun damage while another type is due to aging, so I got them covered.

Moles I think some smaller ones are fading but big ones are still there haha. PU has said that a file specifically to deal with moles would be the best to deal with moles but this will help.

I did take a picture when I start so here is another one.

May 3rd

June 10th


Hey can you share the channel link. You think they got whitening field? Or something fading dark spots

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