Motivation/drive advice

Hey everyone,

What would you listen to if you felt like you’re unable to take action towards your goals?
I know it’s a super complex topic because not one individual is the same but some ideas or personal stories would be so welcome.

Thank you!:heartpulse:


The Unbreakable


Resilience (or, antifragile)


Aside from the recommendations above, I would also recommend the Knight Warrior Mindset and the Lion or Thor / Mjolnir mandalas.

Aside from fields…If I made such a statement to myself, I would SERIOUSLY question my current state of life in general. Why am i unable to take action? What does that even mean? If I have fitness goals, can’t I do a single push-up a day? If I am learning a new language, am I not able to go through ten vocabulary cards a day?

Further you say…you feel like you are unable to. That feeling is there for a reason. Is it fear? Fear of what? I recommend the exercise I suggested recently: Look at your current self; now imagine your current self in a few years - without any changes. How do you feel? Now imagine your improved self in a few years - how does that feel?

If you have the freedom to feel like not being able to take action - then it is seriously time to take action!


Why are you judging? You don’t know me. You don’t even know if I’m asking for me.

Like I said, it is a very complex topic and everyone is so different, without getting into this insane polemic and debate. That’s why I left out any details.
Maybe you think you’re helping but you’re being judgmental. Not what this thread is about. Thanks.


I have re-read my post and don’t find it judgmental.
But it’s ok. As you said i don’t know you. You do you, I do me.

The fields I’ve mentioned help, in my own experience. Hope that helps


Oh and the Abundance Mindset from the Mind Settings album here will help a lot


Thank you!
I think I’ll go with the Unbreakable since I understand it contains some of the other ones as well.


Unbreakable makes me feel like I can do anything, but “resilience” makes me actually go. I would listen to both.


Project Aether Snake, if you can get it.
It produces willpower pockets on demand


I got the Unbreakable,guys with the discount we got.!
I will test it. I’m a woman in business and I do need to show up for myself especially after a long health recovery. Thank you,all💗


Mucha suerte, tener habitos antiestres o energizadores ayuda mucho.

Tu puedes, mucho amor ;)


Type David goggins on YouTube and watch few interviews/ short videos from him. Go on his Instagram page and watch his videos.

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“Flight to Fight” and “Resilience” and “Excalibur” and “Ego Dissolution”.

Ego Dissolution is important, because quite often it is the ego that resists us with executing a certain task because the ego cannot identify itself with doing that particular task.

Plus, “The Manly Man” if you are a man.

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And maybe you can add dopamine redux to your stack? Good luck! :boom:

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Thank you everyone for the recommendations!:heartpulse:

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So sweet🥰

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And a tip, be aware of self-sabotage.