Muladhara - The Root Chakra project (Private)

Muladhara (Mūlādhāra, lit. “root of Existence.” Mula means root and dhara means flux.) or the root chakra is one of the seven primary chakras according to Hindu tantrism.

Muladhara is considered the foundation of the “energy body”. Yogic systems stress the importance of stabilizing this chakra. Kundalini awakening begins here. It is also known as the seat of the “red bindu,” or subtle drop, which rises up to the “white bindu” in the head to unite the feminine and masculine energies, the Shakti and Shiva.

Root Chakra is the centre of Apana Prana. Apana is the vital force required for all the excretion functions. Apana prana is necessary for removing the toxins from the body and refreshing the earth element . If the earth element is not refreshed regularly, it rots in the body and causes a variety of physical and mental diseases.

Its characteristics simplified:

With this project, we aimed to take care of The root chakra fully. Cleansing, healing, deblocking, activating, stimulating, you name it, overall, we can say, developing it to the fullest!

But not only Muladhara itself, but also other, minor and micro chakras in its area as well. (as they are said to be 114 chakras in total, 7 being the main ones, 21 minor, and 86 micro chakras).

More about it:

What is the 114 Chakras Map? - Chakra Practice

Moreover, with the ways, we went about it, not only Muladhara is taken care of, but to some extent, even Svadisthana and Manipura (2nd and 3rd chakra) are stimulated.

The Lower Dian Tian is stimulated as well.

Aside of direct stimulations, this provides:

  • Smart personalized Crystal alchemy beneficial for Muladhara

  • Smart personalized Herbal alchemy for Muladhara

  • Intercession of Muladhara-related deities

  • Automated (not only) spiritual Muladhara’s practises (Pranayamas, Chanting, yoga, earthing, etc)

  • Earth element mastery

  • Spiritual mastery over Muladhara, energetics around it

  • Unlimited energy for Muladhara

  • Development of Muladhara-related traits, such as:

 Instincts
 Inner strength, courage, resillence and being anti-fragile
 Abundance and proactive mindset
 Groundedness and mental and emotional stability (ability to navigate our emotions with
greater ease and remain centered and grounded in the face of emotional challenges)
 Self-confindence and self-esteem (Knowing and feeling we are capable of facing anything,
knowing that inside us, resides infinite potential)
 Healthy sense of trust, safety, belonging and community
 Capability of Acceptance and letting go
 Healthy connection to our past

  • Clearing of Mental space of traumas, fears, phobias, limiting beliefs, etc.

  • Alchemical revision of Muladhara

  • And some creative space for Dream also

I could continue, but everything is in the draft, and the implications the root chakra has, are too vast to cover here.

Full description, as it was submitted: Muladhara.pdf - Google Drive

Thank you Dream for this amazing field and thanks to members for participation!

11 copies

Audio + Mandala


My experiences from using this field for 2 days:

After it got released:

What I have noticed so far:

  • Rock-solid confidence. Somewhat like when u have really strong spot
  • Doer-like qualities. Probably has a lot of to do with the secondary enhancement of the Solar Plexus chakra. I often felt stuck, but after that, it’s way easier for me to just do things.
  • Feeling grounded. Practises and working with crown chakra often may feel like dissociated from the body and the world. This helped me with that.
  • I care less about unimportant things
  • It seems to be helping me with increasing healing my breathing issues, but for now, rather early to say.
  • Helps regulate unhealthy attachments
  • Feeling more primal force and inner strength

I may go further, but it may not be as representative, given I recently added & acquired some other fields as well, even tho not rly related.

PS: Now we have the base, we will soon take the next step, the next chakra.


Beautiful energy!


Congratulations! Seems like a vital project. Glad to read your description and experience


Couldn’t agree more. I feel so motivated and full of energy that I’ve been cleaning my home for the past two days and plan on doing the more difficult chores that I’ve been procrastinating for a long time.

I had an easier time at work thanks to this. I always have a hard time talking to people and asking them for stuff, I always get anxious. Today, it was easy to ask a group of people if i could work in the lounge they were in.

Can’t wait to see what might happen next with this.


In this thread, let’s have some some library for information about Muladhara.

There used to be a field that was for Muladhara and Svadhishthana:

Sacral and Base Chakra Clearing, Growth and Stimulation

But these were later replaced by Mandelbrot Symphony series (Song of the core is for stomach storage centre, for Throat chakra, there is a field separately: Voice of Reason)

And for Muladhara, there is The root cause.

Here are sources and info that helped me understand the chakra a bit more.

These videos helped me with insight on Muladhara (and not only that):

And for more patient:

Basics in text-form (+ poses, practises, habits):

Mudra variations for Muladhara:

Perhaps this may be worth trying:

Possibly to be updated with more later.


ChatGPT: The root chakra, also known as the Muladhara chakra, is the first chakra located at the base of the spine. An imbalance in the root chakra can manifest in various physical, emotional, and mental symptoms. Here are some common symptoms associated with an imbalance in the root chakra:

  1. Physical symptoms:
  • Fatigue or low energy levels
  • Chronic lower back pain
  • Immune system disorders or frequent illnesses
  • Digestive issues or constipation
  • Problems with the legs, feet, or knees
  • Weight gain or difficulty maintaining a healthy weight
  1. Emotional symptoms:
  • Anxiety or excessive fear
  • Restlessness or feeling insecure
  • Anger or aggression
  • Difficulty in staying grounded or feeling disconnected
  • Lack of motivation or a sense of purpose
  • Feeling stuck or unable to move forward in life
  1. Mental symptoms:
  • Lack of focus or difficulty concentrating
  • Poor decision-making abilities
  • Persistent feelings of worry or a pessimistic outlook
  • Difficulty in letting go of the past
  • Obsessive or addictive behaviors

It’s important to note that these symptoms can have various causes, and a medical professional or a holistic practitioner can provide a proper diagnosis and guidance for addressing any imbalances. If you suspect an issue with your root chakra, it may be helpful to seek assistance from a qualified practitioner experienced in chakra healing or energy work.


Could anyone share the HQ image?

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Hello is this still available?

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Hi Drfy,

this is a community project, which was already completed, the copies were sold inside the group and it has limited number of copies (11) of the NFT field.

You can only get it from another owner, but right now, no one seems to be offering it in The Buying/selling thread.

Perhaps, in the future, we will consider a remint.

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Anyone can share the original image of Muladhara mandala?Thank you!

Please can you put again on wetransfer Muladhara png ?Thank you!

PM me, with proof of your NFT ownership.

I don’t have this mandala,I just ask If you can post freely in a wetransfer link,for everyone like last time.If You don’t want I understand.Thank you for your reply.

I would have to post it every week, no use for that. I’m sure it will be soon added to other image downloads.

But anyways, new owners can get the image easily.

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Did you felt your body getting warmer? I was able to feel it after some time as if temperature rose up a little.

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I don’t think I have noticed that. But it’s hot where I am anyways.

Do u have this NFT?