Muscles Beyond Limits

Yeah bought from store quite expensive too!

The only nutrients I am taking is increasing my protein intake the other fields I am using are from energy course. I have been through them as per instructions. So my understanding is that after listening to that can use up to 10 field’s

I am just rotating those from the course along with M.B.L

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Feeling this, finally jumped on the band wagon. Been listening for almost two weeks 4x per day.

Metabolism is ridiculous, energy is up and down even with Super Mutant, but finally it’s stabilizing.

Along with Andro, every workout is like a newbie gain workout.

Edit: Ah also using a few automated workout fields 5x per week. It has helped develop more areas since I’m calisthenics (rings specifically) based.


I’m going for week number mmm 3, yes 3. The first two I’m only noticed the recovery I’m mentioned earlier, but now the pump it’s amazing and I clearly see some gains in arms legs and chest. I’m gain like 0.5 kg in this time, I think it’s all muscle ( im at 8-9% body fat rn and a full time frutarian lol, so no matter how much I eat, I cant gain fat hahaha)

Later I will make a more extensive and detailed post.


Hey brother! big profits in a short period of time, I am convinced that you will achieve much more !!! Remember, You are the best!!! :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


Thanks brother! i appreciate so much your support and love :pray: :pray: :pray:

And you are the best too :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:


When’s the ‘Fat Loss Beyond Limits’ coming? Now that’s the ultimate field that I will have my credit card ready for.

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Already exists man


‘Fat Loss Beyond Limits’ sounds like something that would turn someone into looking like Skeletor. Just in time for Halloween.


Skeletor was absolutely shredded.



I guess it’s working. Passing by the local drug dealers I see everyday and in their eloquent way of expressing things here:

“Lo que necesites amigo… Hasta anabolicos si quieres para que te pongas hasta mas mamado cabron”

“Whatever you need friend… even anabolics if you want so you get even more swole bastard”



lmfao shit made my day when I saw this, they def sound like Dominicans



Showed someone progress photos and were like “you take testosterone???” :sob:


So with this fields ,I’m gonna gain muscle without working very hard ?

I mean this is my routine ,Monday to Friday

3 set of 25 rep Puch up them 3 set of 5 rep of pull ups

1 session in wake and the another session in night ,
The same set and rep

Saturday and Sunday rest

And the next week I increased 1 repetition with the same routine

Does this audio make ,that routine enough to gain massive gains ? Or is the st bicep that do that ??


It’ll be much easier to put on muscle yes, but you’ll also need to put in some amount of effort.

Take it like this, you got the (name spiritual audio) but don’t consciously have a meditati(on or practice in place you’ll still gain benefits but missing out on so much more you could be getting with the aid of the audio.

Ofc you can go on your pace and see what works for you.


I never meditate with audios i use only pacively and feels it work ,but i just want to know is this make ah person to gain muscle easy like mesomorph guy or the ones that have privilege with the genetic ,that could do workout or minimal workout and have massive gain in 2 week or less


Hmm, this audio creates the conditions for your muscles fibers to spilt into more pieces

Think of it like a electrical circuit. Amps, volts, watt

Anps is the unit of measure for electrical current. Current is the speed or rate at which the electrons flow through a conductor, electrical current is equivalent to the flow rate. (what this audios is creating)

If you got more fibers you’ll be training more for the same amount of work as before (theoretically)

I don’t believe it matters if you’re mesomorph it not, what matters in this case if you want to look shredded or whatever is how much fat you’re carrying around. You’ll put on muscle regardless with this audio.


Dammm so this also make hyperplasia into another level :dizzy_face:,it work all the fibers slow and fast fibers ?

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Nah man I’m basically a monk that stays home most of the day.

So when I go out they notice there’s a difference.

I just eat my eat my 150g of protein mark a day and I run automated workout plus a few workouts a week.


Would this effect hair loss?


No, it’s only targeted to muscles