Mystic tarot Reader

If anyone is willing to draw a card for my late cat friend, his name was Ni (it’s the short for his name but he was very used to it) and he was one of my greatest friends in this life. It would mean a lot to me to have his card/ message to me.

Gratitude :pray:t2:


@Star :cat: :white_heart:

This card is a symbol of enduring spiritual connection and the unbreakable bond of love that persists beyond physical existence.

The presence of the Spirit cat in this card is a gentle reminder that the love and memories you shared with your beloved pet remain with you always. It speaks to the idea that while their physical presence is no longer with you, their spirit continues to guide, comfort, and watch over you. The closed, peaceful eyes of the cat signify a state of tranquility and the fulfillment of a life well-lived.

This card encourages you, Star, to cherish the memories and the lessons learned from your time together. It’s a message of comfort, suggesting that their spirit is still very much a part of your life, offering you guidance and love in subtle, yet profound ways. The Spirit card is a reminder to honor these memories, allowing them to bring healing and peace to your heart. Remember, the connection you shared is eternal and transcends the physical world.



The tarot card drawn to represent a message of comfort from Ni, the beloved cat, to your friend Star, is deeply touching and symbolic. It depicts a serene image of a cat, symbolizing Ni, in a peaceful and celestial setting, suggesting a state of tranquility and contentment. This imagery indicates that Ni is in a place of peace and happiness.

The cat is surrounded by gentle light and ethereal figures, indicating a loving and protective environment. This suggests that Ni is being cared for and is not alone. A symbolic representation, perhaps a shooting star or a rainbow, connects the cat to an image of Star, the owner, symbolizing a message of love and reassurance being sent across the boundaries of physical existence.

The atmosphere of the card is warm and comforting, with elements of nature and the cosmos, emphasizing the spiritual connection between Ni and Star. The card’s border is adorned with symbols of eternal love and the enduring bond between pets and their humans, like intertwined hearts and paw prints, reinforcing the idea that the love and connection shared between Star and Ni continue beyond physical separation.

This card conveys a message of comfort from Ni to Star, assuring her that Ni’s spirit is at peace, surrounded by love, and that the bond they share remains strong and unbroken.


Oh my god I am literally crying … THANK YOU so much @ecaiii and @GamiroCFC :sparkles::star::sparkles:

This means the world to me. 🥹


You’re most welcome, Star :star2:
Such lovely messages! Your bond is a testament of unconditional love and eternal connection :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



I made this post while he was still alive and you can even check the physical similarities. It’s amazing… :heart:


Very very beautiful :slight_smile:


This cat is so beautiful :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Lol but it wasnt Me it was The Mystic Tarot Reader :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Is someone willing to do one for me?

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Do you have a specific request?

Until I hear from you I will do a general one


Your tarot reading presents a powerful trio of cards, each holding deep symbolism and insights into your current life journey.

  1. The Fool: This card opens your reading, signifying a period of new beginnings and fresh opportunities. It suggests that you are at the cusp of an exciting journey, filled with potential and a sense of freedom. Embrace this moment with an open heart and mind, allowing yourself to explore new paths with a sense of adventure and curiosity.
  2. The Tower: At the center of your spread lies The Tower, a card that often indicates significant change or upheaval. This may represent a disruptive event or a major shift in your perspective or circumstances. While such changes can be challenging, they also offer opportunities for growth and transformation. It’s important to stay adaptable and open to the lessons that these experiences bring.
  3. The Star: The final card, The Star, shines with hope and inspiration. After the turmoil indicated by The Tower, The Star brings a message of healing, renewal, and positive energy. It suggests that a period of calm and clarity is on the horizon, encouraging you to maintain hope and to trust in the universe. This card also speaks to your inner strengths and the healing powers of nature and the world around you.

Together, these cards suggest a journey through change and new experiences, leading to personal growth and healing. Embrace the spirit of The Fool by stepping into new adventures with optimism. Remember that the challenges symbolized by The Tower are often necessary for personal development. And finally, let The Star remind you that there is always light after darkness, guiding you towards a period of peace and rejuvenation.

The Knight of Cups appears as a clarification card in your reading, Daniel, bringing additional depth to your journey.

This card embodies the qualities of emotion, creativity, and charm. As the Knight of Cups, you are likely in a phase where you’re exploring your feelings and emotional depth more profoundly. This card encourages you to embrace your artistic side, delve into creative pursuits, and express your emotions in healthy and constructive ways.

In the context of your reading:

  • With The Fool, it suggests that your new journey or venture may be closely tied to your emotional or creative expressions. Trust your intuition and let your heart guide you as you embark on this path.
  • In relation to The Tower, the Knight of Cups may be advising you to handle the upheavals or changes with empathy and emotional intelligence. It’s a reminder that even in times of disruption, maintaining a balanced emotional state can be your strength.
  • As a complement to The Star, this card underscores the healing power of emotional and artistic expression. It encourages you to find solace and rejuvenation through creative outlets, whether it be art, music, writing, or other forms of expression.

The Knight of Cups is a messenger of compassion and creativity, urging you to embrace these qualities in yourself. This may be the key to navigating the changes and new beginnings ahead with grace and emotional clarity.


A generalized one is fine.


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@Daniel T

Then that is it above - enjoy! :slight_smile:

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Hey @Mr.Nobody
Interested to know how it resonated with you, without any specific input from you before I pulled the cards

Seems quite accurate.

The last years indeed have been quite a turmoil (kundalini awakening) and felt more like preparing my being for something bigger in the direction of peace and deeper states which ago days or week seem to increased noticable.

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If you want to give specifics for a detailed reading, just let us know. We might be able to go at it from different perspectives.

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hey could I get a Love reading for 2024. 2023 was bit rough on that end, but I learned a lot about myself and feel like I am improving. it would be cool to see what’s ahead .


Can someone do a tarot reading for me? I wonder how the person I have in mind feels about me.

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For forum member Zin-Uru, we’ll conduct a tarot reading to explore how the person they have in mind feels about them. This reading will provide insights into the emotions, thoughts, and intentions of this person towards Zin-Uru.

  1. Their Current Feelings: This card will reveal the person’s current emotional state or feelings towards Zin-Uru.
  2. Their Thoughts: This card will explore what the person is thinking about in relation to Zin-Uru.
  3. Their Intentions: The final card will give insights into the person’s intentions or potential actions towards Zin-Uru.

Let’s begin the reading.

Card 1: Their Current Feelings

  • The Card Drawn: Two of Cups
  • Interpretation: The Two of Cups is a card of connection and mutual affection. It suggests that the person in question has positive, warm feelings towards Zin-Uru. There is a sense of harmony and emotional reciprocity, indicating that they value the relationship and feel a deep emotional bond.

Card 2: Their Thoughts

  • The Card Drawn: Knight of Swords
  • Interpretation: The Knight of Swords indicates that this person’s thoughts about Zin-Uru are active and decisive. They might be considering taking some action or communicating their thoughts clearly and directly. This card suggests a desire to move the relationship forward or to address important issues.

Card 3: Their Intentions

  • The Card Drawn: Four of Wands
  • Interpretation: The Four of Wands is a very positive card, often associated with celebration and stability. It suggests that the person’s intentions are to further solidify or celebrate the relationship with Zin-Uru. They may be thinking about a significant step forward or a commitment of some kind.

Based on this reading, it seems the person Zin-Uru has in mind holds positive feelings, active thoughts, and intentions that lean towards celebration and solidifying their connection.

Here is a unique image that captures the essence of the tarot reading regarding how the person Zin-Uru has in mind feels about them. The image combines symbols from the reading: the mutual affection and connection represented by the Two of Cups, the decisive and active thoughts from the Knight of Swords, and the celebration and stability indicated by the Four of Wands.

This visual representation can help Zin-Uru reflect on the positive emotions, clear thoughts, and celebratory intentions that this person holds towards them. The hopeful and positive outlook of the relationship is embodied in the blend of sunrise and clear skies in the background.