Mythic (Mythical Combo)

Not to mention that free matchmaker you receiving :star_struck::star_struck:


:ok_hand: :ok_hand: :clap: :clap: :pray: :pray:


:joy: you’re very observant brother. Can’t let nothing get past you lol . That would definitely be the cherry on top


More to come … :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Late to the party but better late than never. Pretty hyped for this one, especially after reading @uial 's post. Thanks Dreamweaver for releasing this mythical combo!

Well, my life has been pretty abnormal for the past year or so, no going back now :slight_smile:

The cover art for this release is probably my favorite so far, it’s beautiful.

Beautifully written @uial


Stealing my words coming up here right noww :triumph::triumph::triumph::triumph::triumph::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down::arrow_down:

Babyy you know what I’m playing it with? :woman_mage:



Hmm i think hum Of the universe would go great with divine will!


Damn bro. Great idea. Will try today.


Bruuuuuh haha


Ok well good idea boys and girls! :joy:


It’s the brodetta :smiley:


(I’ll take full credit of this amazing idea) why thank you very much!


I was in the same situation looking for a flat too . I added BPIL ,alien intercession and look at me now!
My new appartment smells like cigarette smoke because the former owner smoked :sob::man_shrugging:


Damn this “Negative Alien Agenda”…



What is meant under “energy system”? There seems to be more than just one definition.

“The human body has two main energy systems it gets its power from; the aerobic and the anaerobic system.”

“Energy systems refer to the specific mechanisms in which energy is produced and used by your body. Like most mammals, you generate energy via three systems: phosphagen (ATP-PC), glycolytic, and oxidative.”

"Meridians - the energy channels of the body.
The simplest definition is that a meridian is an energetic highway in the human body. Meridians allow for the flow of energy, known as Qi (pronounced “chee”), to circulate throughout the body. Meridians exist in corresponding pairs and each meridian has multiple acupuncture points along the pathway."

I wonder, whether this includes the following 11 systems. :thinking:
In my understanding “energy system” is something else than these “human body organ systems”. But sometimes the description does not specify everything in detail, what is included. So I just wonder whether this is part of it or not? “Full Body” sounds promising, but then it might be limited to the energy system and centers. But from other posts it sounds like it is applied to organs too, not just the energy system.

Human body organ systems - the 11 organ systems include:

  1. Integumentary System (Skin, Hair, Nails)
  2. Skeletal System (Bones, Joints)
  3. Muscular System (Cardiac, Smooth, and Skeletal Muscles)
  4. Lymphatic System (Red Bone Marrow, Thymus, Lymphatic Vessels, Thoracic Duct, Spleen, Lymph Nodes)
  5. Respiratory System (Nasal Cavity, Pharynx, Larynx, Trachea, Bronchus, Lung)
  6. Digestive System (Oral Cavity, Esophagus, Liver, Stomach, Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Rectum, Anus)
  7. Nervous System (Brain, Spinal Cord, Nerves)
  8. Endocrine System (Pineal Gland, Pituitary Gland, Thyroid Gland, Thymus, Adrenal Gland, Pancreas, Ovary, Testis)
  9. Cardiovascular (Circulatory) System (Heart, Blood Vessels)
  10. Urinary System (Kidney, Ureter, Urinary Bladder, Urethra)
  11. Reproductive Systems (MALE (Prostate Gland, Penis, Testis, Scrotum, Ductus Deferens), FEMALE (Mammary Glands, Ovary, Uterus, Vagina, Fallopian Tube))

Does this field include coherence for human body cells?
Does this field include coherence for some of the organs (which)?
Does this field include coherence for the 7 main chakras?
Does this field include coherence for some of the energy bodies (etheric, emotional, mental, astral, etheric template, celestial, causal)?
Does this field include coherence for the subconscious mind?
Does this field include coherence for the ego?


Really wanted to get this field but there’s no option for Paypal on Gumroad, hoping this will available on Teespring or Sapien’s website

6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Cant pay with paypal on gumroad :(

Just pondering over a couple of thoughts here.

  1. Since the 3 sub-fields form as the 1 Mythical Combo, will it be more right to play them , in the order as listed in the description , one after the other in a loop for a total of three times , rather than completing 1 sub-field three times then move on to play the other sub-field in
    line ?

  2. Also , while playing in a stack/playlist which includes other fields , is it advisable not to insert those other fields in between the 3 sub-fields thus breaking up the Mythical Combo’s synergy which will result in sub par results of the initial intended benefit of the Combo ?

Seeking all your opinions on this :pray:t5::blush:

Is there anybody who shifts to different dimensions with Mythic

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Can you please explain what you mean with Dimensions