Need a direction

Hi there,
First of all congratulations on your being brave to open up despite you finding it difficult. It’s s great first step.

You carry quite a lot of baggage, like many others too. In your case it manifests in relationships.

In essence you need to reinforce the forgotten belief that you are a loving human being and thus able to be loved in return.

That being said, you are required to overcome your personal traumas and rediscover self confidence. There are actually countless fields to aid you with this, so it’s not that easy to construct a perfect playlist.

Also don’t worry at first if you can’t make it perfect, just by the fact of using the fields you make progress.

The very least you will require the point of no return playlist, which includes forgiveness, trauma- and depression relief. You probably need the PTSD, vibration of divine love and the self-worth field. There are others, for instance you mentioned emotional release, that really helps to keep motivated when days are difficult.

Your mindset is of utmost importance. You need to be persistent but at the same time gentle with yourself. Patient yet not lazy.

I think you already read a lot here so you will have an idea what to listen to. You will progress by listening to your intuition, it is guaranteed.

Eventually you’ll figure out which fields you need and when you don’t need them anymore and only for maintenance. It’s a very dynamic process and should be treated like a journey.

I hope you overcome every obstacle


Good for you, for loving yourself so much that you’re championing for your healing. Not everyone would do that, so (I think) you deserve great congratulations.

To answer your question, I would recommend to you the PONR stack (either the original version (and, for your described situation, I would add in all the optional fields mentioned there) or _OM’s Modified “Point of No Return” Stack. It’s all laid out for you and does an amazing job.

Can you add your paid fields in there? Sure. You can do anything you want to do.

But if I were in your situation, I would make a commitment to listen to the PONR stack (either version)–only–on a consistent basis for the next 3 months to heal the underlying issues you’ve identified for yourself.

If I was pressed to add something to the PONR stack, it might be Archetype of Parental Love and/or My personal emotional and mental supporter.

You’re on your way to the healing that you want. Good for you!


Thank you with all my heart. I am very critical of myself while indulgent with others. I don’t forgive my mistakes actually

New Release : The Journey of Forgiveness (Guided Meditation)

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Thanks. Grazie

And because there’s so much gold in this post which is available for you:


But I am Italian. Can I use these?

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Yes, of course. They’re energetic fields (not subliminals), just like the ones you’d purchased. They’re not limited by measly little things such as human language.

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Thank you with all my heart. I have really suffered as much as I did not think. And I still have aftermath. Loneliness is the predominant feeling. A little wanted for character, and it would be good in balance, but now it’s for defense.

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The PONR stack (as well as the rest of my reply) will help you with that.

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Thanks. I create the Playlist with the point of no return. Thanks with gratitude

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Fino a 2 anni fa ero una persona calorosa e con sentimenti davvero belli… Ora mi sento arida. Lo sono anche con i miei cani che erano la mia vita. Non so non ho più amore dopo averne daro troppo.

In my country, we have an saying, “Energy flows where attention goes.” I think you titled your thread perfectly.

So, I’d like you to ponder, “Is my last post a direction I want to head in?” If not, then you might want to begin to focus your attention differently, so that you can head in a direction you want.


I feel how much suffering you’re enduring from your words. You’re desperate now, but you still haven’t gove up. This already showed the resilience inside you. So recognise your inner resilience and start from there.

Apart from point of no return stack, outlook retrainer (if you can afford, shamanic medicine blend) is a nice addition in my opinion. I personally like outlook retrainer a lot.

The information you gave in OP is very detailed and complicated, and I don’t think you would resolve them all from 3 months of ponr stack. Seek advices from medical professionals and also members of this community continuously to make judgements for your own healing.

Wish you well.

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This sounds like Qigong or Yoga…:thinking:

I did not hear that in those contexts but it’s a relatively common that expression in many circles in my country. Guess that might have to do with its universality? :man_shrugging:

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I have the preconceived notion of this concept is Asian. Maybe I am dead wrong.

Even more universality!

Now I am really confused…:crazy_face:

Well, is the origin or source of the idea all that important (to this conversation or to your use of that idea)? If it’s not (and I personally don’t think it is, but I tend to look towards a direction I want to go) then maybe you can find a way to let go of the origin and just use the idea in whatever way is helpful to you?