Negentropic Maxilla Masterwork - Gumroad Project

Thank you very much for the explanation, Psimindset!

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You welcome

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That makes sense!

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It works with your maxilla.

If your palate room is an issue, this is a must.

This precedes any fields like Auto Mewing etc.

Your tongue needs the room to do all of that in the first place.




does the masterwork also include auto mewing?

The Marquardt Masterwork should cover that.

New Release : Negentropic Marquardt Masterwork


Thank you, Shellhead100! I’ll make sure to use it before the Auto Mewing field :slightly_smiling_face:



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Hi @anon328739 can you DM me?
I’m unable to DM you

does this field help with building the masseter muscle?

no, it isnt an automated workout


Is it maxillofacial? Upper + lower jaw? For example deep bite condition requires both upper and lower jaw to be worked on, will this audio help?

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Hi I couldn’t help but notice how this field mimics An MSE device. Will it still work for me despite me have 2 dental extraction on my upper jaw? I actually plan on having implants in the future and thus a reverse extraction revealing the gap left by it.

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Did you figure out? i have the same question!


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Been listening for a couple months already. Feel the effects of it while listening and some pain/discomfort. just no results to show tbh will continue listening.

How many times a day?

I can relate to some degree,
I will share something I noticed in my journey, maybe it will help you and others

I wasn’t seeing results at first… So I thought… It was confusing because I FELT the difference, I felt the field, sometimes pain, some days my tongue would feel in a different position, when I would wash my face I would feel with my hands that something is a bit different than usual, the guasha would fit my face differently… I couldn’t point what is changing.

I noticed over time that in photos it’s much harder to tell the difference (front view and side view in my case)
in videos where there is motion and you see all the angles - You can tell there is improvement.
The mouth is moving a bit different, and there is more volume to the face!it’s just really hard to tell in photos when it’s two dimensional (for me at least)

I am not sure if it would be the case for others using this field, but I would recommend making short videos of yourself talking about whatever you choose (your day, present, future, your feelings etc.)
And then over time and every couple of weeks/months seeing what’s up… :slight_smile:
I’m usually doing in the same spot in my room, with the same lighting, same posture, same distance from the camera, it’s like mini vlogs hehe…

If someone is trying it out, I would love to know if it helped!


How long you’ve been listening to it and how many times a day?

I have this field since the end of February and I listen to it most days(maybe missed a couple here and there)

I listen at least twice,
This is one of my favorite fields though, so a lot of days I’m looping it for 20-30m…and changing from active listening to passive listening… Some days I will spread my listening time and sometimes all in one sitting… It depends on my schedule, and how I feel

Sometimes I would feel like I’ve had enough and will pause it in the middle until I will feel like listening again later that day/the day after…

So to sum it all up,
2 times + Intuition, and what I feel like👌

About active listening:
for me it’s super important to clear my mind and FEEL the area the field is working on and try to amplify the feeling for a couple minutes. Even if it is for a minute or two a day… It gets easier and quicker over time

I don’t think it’s 100% necessary, but for me it is :rofl:
I’m not an expert, I don’t know what I’m actually doing, and I am just trying things around