New here need some guidance plz

New here. I have a ton of issues. Don’t know where to start. I have Lyme and autoimmune issues. Along with gallbladder pain etc… my whole body is fucked up. But the worst is the agoraphobia I’ve developed. I need my freedom back!! I’m alone most of the time and just want to drive again. Do I start with the physical stuff or emotional? I do have a history of trauma. I am hypersensitive too. Thx


Hi, Phyllis! Welcome violet sparkles Transparent

Any issues can be searched by using the magnifying glass at the upper right of the forum page. There’s also intro info available here.


For example, a search for Lyme brings this up

Hello and welcome to the forum,

I’d recommend you to start with this playlist

And these two fields seem important for your physical issues as well

Also for gallbladder,


Welcome to the forum!

The good news about this is there is no One. Right. Answer as to where to start. It’s rather like cleaning a room. Start where you want and go from there.

Now, we all have our preferences for cleaning a room. Some of us will start with the “easy” things, perhaps in hopes of racking up a string of successes to further inspire us. Others of us may start with the “biggest” thing, just for the relief of getting that out of the way. Still others have a certain method to our madness (like picking things off the floor before trying to vacuum the carpet). But the reality behind all of this is that, when we start somewhere and we continue to do our cleaning, as long as we continue to our cleaning, we will wind up with our clean room, no matter where we started.

So, it really doesn’t matter where you start…as long as you do start. Isn’t that good to know?

Now, I wonder if you actually do know where you’d like to start because you sort of tell yourself and us this:

Why not start here? Seems like as good a place as any, right? :man_shrugging:

And if not here, where would you like to start?

It really doesn’t matter because (in addition to what I’ve said just now) at the end of the day, you’ll probably discover that they’re all intertwined, that the physical influences the emotional and *vice versa."

Have you checked out our Ultimate List of Morphic Field Stacks thread? Maybe that will inspire you to your first steps? Or you might want to research the Point of No Return (PONR) stacks or field? Or you might want to look at some of our general healing fields (like the The Politics of the Body heal every disease, The Shamanic Medicine Blend or the Reiki fields, etc.)? Or maybe some self-love fields to give you resolve to take your first step? Or maybe some higher self fields to get your own clarity?

I’m not throwing all those options out to overwhelm you but to underscore how you get to play (and that really is the operative word and attitude there) with all of this.

There’s an old Chinese proverb which says “a journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step.” I’m eager to see which first step you take on your journey!


@WellBeing Man, I really appreciate the effort you put into helping others. And I’m sure I’m not the only one.

@Phyllis What about ‘‘I have a ton of challenges’’ instead? :smiley:

Not saying you should switch to this perspective, but try to see from this angle for a bit.

Every healing is a journey of self discovery and understanding of the human body & mind. This is not exclusive to emotional healing.

If you see them from the lens of challenges, you’re likely, in the process, to understand more about what you need to do to get the results you seek. In the end, this tends to speed up the process dramatically.

When we look too much at these emotional and health aspects from the lens of them being something bad and harmful, we tend to focus too much on the endpoint. Thing is, some types of healings are an exhaustive process of trial of error, and understanding about yourself and the thing you’re trying to treat. I would say more often than not you will need this understanding to get the results you desire, so seeing from this perspective is likely to help.

That said, I recommend starting with the combo Energy Body/Aura Deep Clearing + The Politics of the Body playlist.


Thank you so much for the advice. I will play with it. SO APPRECIATED and GENEROUS :heart:


Hi Phyllis,

I was diagnosed with chronic Lyme two years ago. I was really fortunate because I never was bedridden and my symptoms were manageable. Since Lyme and coinfections are bacteria and target your immune system I would generally start there. I joined a bunch of Lyme forums on Facebook and just read as much as I could. There are a couple of people who have their own protocols and books that describe them. Lyme can be devastating though so I would not take it lightly. I have some friends who had it, even my boss, and they all when different routes and the good news is they are better now. But it’s not something I personally would rely on fields for, if I had the money to also treat it in 3d. So with the fields, I would probably do immune supercharger, parasite and bacteria destroyer. Maybe infrared, and also detox since you will be killing stuff and you don’t want to feel sick from the die off. If you’re killing things you want to rid your body of it, not have it recirculating in your system. Anyway, it’s a whole thing, Lyme. It takes a comprehensive approach for most people. I took homoepathics for 8 months and my tests came up clean a few months ago. Also, I didn’t let it take over my conscious and didn’t assume all the horrible things others experienced would happen to me. Dr. Kim Deramo on YouTube treats people all the the time with Lyme simply through working on underlying beliefs because she feels all disease stems from our subconscious beliefs and patterns, like Louise Haye. Anyway, I hope this helps and best of luck to you!