New item: Shielding Protection 2.0



Hah I see what’s going on, it was your idea about the torus field!!!.. :thinking:

Now looking at the Heart being the center of the subcousciouness in a sense because of the torus field it gives, makes sense having the dog tags and where they most land in the body… at the center of the Heart :face_with_monocle: field goes around and around …

It’s one of the reasons the Heart gratitude meditation from HeartMath technique works so well etc…


lol i’m giving DW a hard time.
It is interesting syching tho! but we do that a lot. :wink:

There’s no way he heard about, studied, understood, and replicated the torus field in just 4 days. He’s good but not that good! lol


I know this is updated and better, but how much of the Shielding field is in the Eternity Redux? Would I need this field or does the one in eternity do a good job?

Right now I don’t really have any real physical attacks and I’m doing well against psychic attacks, but I’m thinking for the future as society changes.


Better to live chat them




Just beautifully explained :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: now if only they played this video in every school in the World :exploding_head:

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UPS handed the parcel to USPS and it just shipped my tag from US. I got to know this when I chatted with UPS and tracked the item in USPS.

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For the future, I’d get it if able.


I have the original protection field, just got the shield/protection dogtag 2 weeks ago.

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How big of a problem was this before this update?

I’m thinking of purchasing this but I doubt the amount of people or entities who could do this would be so few in number as to not even need this.


I’m surprised its not labeled as v. 3 in thesapienshop

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damn boy

I am trying to buy the new Shielding dogtag @ thesapienshop, but its forcing me to make a paypal account and I dont want to. On other websites when I HAVE TO pay with paypal they allow me to pay via paypal as a guest, without making an account. In a quandry.


just do it, what else is there to, and paypal accounts arent that bad, you buy can trees for 1$

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Theo, don’t forget that along with Shielding v1 (I’ll call it v1 for practical reasons, even if it’s not totally correct), you’re also wearing Michael mandala + other “amulets” we had discussed in another thread with you. Speaking from experience, I can tell you that you’re pretty much safe.

This combo literally acts like a “return to sender, address unknown” for me. Even though as Uial said, nothing is 100% guaranteed of course.

Also, would you mind telling me in how many days you receive(d) the tag? Since we live in close locations (you in Europe though), I’m curious.


Sorry @Bronyraur saw that just now, it came after 3 weeks.

Does anyone know if you have an entity attached to you (right side of the head fully plugged type) if I wear the shielding will it be free to leave? Since I wore the shielding I feel my “aura” (don’t know if its the aura) around me shielding and nothing coming in like from the enviroment or other people, even If I sit close with someone I can’t really feel them as before, in a sense I can’t blend with anothers mans “energy” lets say. But the thing is I will do anything to remove that entity for now because there was an incomplete detach with it and it keeps coming back. If my aura is closed but only open to possitivity can the entity detach and eventually leave?


Yes, it will be free to leave. The Shielding item won’t prevent entities from leaving. :slight_smile:


Finally received the new shielding tag. Feels great. Feels much more powerful. I think this torus flow is probably being undervalued by most of us. I didn’t know what to expect but it exceeds my expectations.

Feels like I’m constantly being cleansed. Like imagine the difference between soaking your feet in a tub of water versus setting them in a flowing stream.

They say our heart emits its own torus flow. I’m wearing my pendant on my chest. It may be an unintended benefit but I think it’s complementing or enhancing my own torus flow, bringing a bit of empowerment with it.

Letting go of negative thoughts is easier. Anyone know what it’s like when it’s too easy to hold on to negative thoughts and not easy enough to let go? Caring too much what’s going on with or in a negative person, thoughts like that, it feels like the motion is there ready to carry it away. And I let it do so.

It’s like “you don’t really want to care about this, right?” And I’m like “yep, that’s right, bye sucky thoughts.” Before, I was like “I shouldn’t care about this” and the thoughts were like “too bad.”


It’s entirely an intended and intentional benefit…