New Perspectives

Then i hope this field gives you that back :blush::heart:


This field literally makes you high on life all day. Even with feeling sick with Covid, I’ve never been so optimistic about the future and able to handle whatever is thrown at me. I put on my BPIL tag a couple weeks ago and events were arranged so I got a phone call from someone I haven’t spoken to in years offering me a new better job (as a paramedic also but since it’s in a gated community, they are paying for my security license)- another certification under my belt. The hours are better as well. I’ll get to go home and sleep every night. Then, after I got that phone call, while not going into details let’s just say all events seemed to fall in to place perfectly where my boss and I ended up having a disagreement and I quit on the spot. So, while BPIL did it’s work to arrange the events, this field is giving me the optimism, confidence, balance, and patience to face everything that is thrown at me and be more comfortable with change. I feel like I’m looking at the world again through the eyes of a child in many ways. I truly feel I have a new perspective on life since using this consistently.




Congrats man :partying_face::partying_face:

And thanks for the reminder to not forget to wear BPiL now and then :stuck_out_tongue:


So beautiful. I teared up, LunaMoon. Thanks so much for sharing your changing views of life! :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


This is the only field so far for me that is working like charm. within 2,3 loops I feel positive, upbeat happy. Wish mythic and unbreakable works too.


Im glad it moved you, tho i share a lot about my life and stuff, its hard every time im not normally that wide open to share with outsiders in real life, and every time something worth sharing happens i hesitate sometimes a lot but then i remember that we are all in this together and if my experiences can even slightly inspire others to try the fields then its all worth it :heart:


Those two other fields have sooooo much elements and twists within them, you might want to go back and read all people have been posting about them, perhaps you are expecting something but lets say fields have some basic benefits and a whole pletora of other things that would show up as you need them, some could show faster than others, dont stop playing them or listen to them for a few days on their own not stack with others and watch closely, that way you may learn more about them than when mixed with other ones


Wonderful to see everyone’s lives changing in this thread! :pray: :pray:


Absolutely worth it! I hope I can become open enough to share when the time comes.


:point_up_2::heart: :earth_americas:


Up loves Earth?


omg! :joy:

I’m agreeing with Luna and adding that we can have love for one another on this planet!



I was expecting someone to post a High School Musical gif by now but I guess I had to be the one to do it…


Congrats on the new positition! I would suggest using Maha ganapati as well to help you on your new opportunity, haven’t used it myself but I plan to. I’ve been wearing the BPIL as well and have been making more mistakes at work that could cost my job lol. Let’s see where this goes…


Bro I am listening as I read your comment. So weird!

Thank you! And good luck to you. BPIL works on your long term best path so trust it’s all for the best


@Maoshan_Wanderer / @_OM hi!

via the Shamanic Blend Testimonials:

  • Mana Circuits
  • Shamanic Medicine Blend
  • Your Personal Supporter
  • Alchemical Crucible
  • Vibrational Guidance

This stack is my “go to” one for all issues lately. I love the smart fields with ever growing database of issues it can address - and tailored to one’s own physical/emotional/spiritual needs. And the stack credit goes to @_OM :pray:

I’ve been working with a kid who had blockages and nothing would work for weight loss for him. With this stack + Swords, he has lost 5 pounds and for the first time, energetic tools are working for him!”

Would you be adding new perspectives to the stack?
(Because I’m not tech savvy enough I had to cut and paste it, sorry.)


I’m not them, but above in this thread, they both extolled the virtues of a stack of Shamanic Medicine Blend-New Perspectives-My Personal Emotional Supporter. So, I’m guessing that they’d give you their seals of approval of adding New Perspectives into the stack you quoted (after Shamanic Medicine is what I’d do, in line with their previous comments).


Yeah I tried this stack today for the first time and it was perfect