The Acquisition of Abdominal Definition (N/A)

Yup … regularly… took a break for two days in between as I had upset stomach … but I feel more hungry and didn’t notice any change so far. …
But it could be too early to see anything … been just over a week. All I was wondering is if it gives gains in abdominal area then I should first use weight loss field and then this one later

Probably not really going to give you huge gains… mainly give you shredded defined abs, no fat


UHM… yes lol


Bought :stuck_out_tongue:

Finally i can have abs without looking all too skinny in a shirt lol


This is the field that will decide for me how good sapien’s field is . I won’t invest more if I don’t see visible results on this one.



So what about these results?


Hope this new field works great too!


but you know there are free workout fields… right ?


This field definitely helps to get muscle gains, it has a mild workout/pump in it from the Muscles Hungry for Fat field as well as elements from Muscles Beyond Limits. Instead of the weight loss field, I would suggest:

  1. Torsion Field
  2. Acquisition
  3. Core Strengthening
  4. Stomach toning

Maybe enhanced fat metabolism, or Muscles hungry for fat to get the full effect rather than just elements from Acquisition.

Most importantly though, do some actual Ab exercises: crunches, sit-ups, planks. Gotta put all those muscle stem cells to work!


Thanks :+1:t2::+1:t2:… why torsion though ?

And are you saying this field alone would not help me with stomach shrinking ?

Torsion field from what I know, allow fields that affect the body to have more effect/ be implemented better that’s why I use it before physical fields.
Yes I’m sure this field can shrink the stomach on its own, just may take a while.
It’s always a good idea to complement the fields by doing actions on your end if possible.


New perspective is definitely working. But others come and go. Mythic - 0 idea how it helps. Abs one will be the ultimate measurement , visibly for me. I love the music that’s why I keep listening. I like to be transparent, if it works great, if not, I think, we should tell that too. Some people are very biased and field starts to work on them within seconds. But, I never have experienced those so far. I have spent aprx 600 bucks , it better works lol.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Mythic: New Release

Thanks :blush:

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This is strong.

Dont overlisten guys :sweat_smile:


I listened today for an hour almost… So far not much. But, usually I listen 2 or 3 times.

Guess this is just a suggestion for mere mortals, eh?


It is!!

You can always go beyond limits!!!


Hello beautiful people!!!

How are you six packs doing with this field?
Is this one a good addition to Muscle beyond limits and St. Biceps? What do all the pumping folks say :slight_smile:

I wish y’all a nice weekend!!!


Hi @johnathan4all

I discovered Sapien a few years back. In my experience, many of his fields have been extremely effective, some pretty quickly and some over time.
There’s been a few that I didn’t get the results maybe as quickly as all the others, and only a couple that I didn’t get any results from, but when I used subconscious limits remover it helped.
Everyone is different and responds differently to the frequencies- also I find that if you tell yourself
“I allow and accept this frequency to work instantly and with total ease now- thank you you for healing me at a physical and cellular level”
can change the above or add in whatever feels right for you…
I definitely think this helps- also visualise and feeling the change as though it’s happening and happened already……

I definitely wouldn’t discount all of Sapien’s because 1 or a few didn’t have the results you wanted.
I’m my opinion you would be missing out on these very special gifts he’s provided for us. Also y never have to pay for fields- he’s provided so many that are free and 100% help many people.
I have had great results with thr muscles hungry for fat one and cardarine- which are completey free
Haven’t tried the one you purchased- so can’t say anything about that.
Also I found the fewer I play the better results I get. Sometimes to many can lessen the effect.
Also some have been very effective in the past and less effective when I’ve played 1 year later. - I thinks it’s because I am using too many frequencies so I cut back and notice a very big difference.

Hope this helps


@ELA2200, I could not have said it better. Thank you for this post!