Mythic (Mythical Combo)

I have not experienced anything significant with physical healing, possibly because I don’t have any health problems and I have also listened to other audios of Sapien for months. I suggest listening to the fields dealing with your specific problem instead. This one, I think, is for general healing purposes.


For those who are interested in the effects of this field, here’s what I experienced with this field and what I can share.

As others have mentioned, results will vary by individual.

The TLDR is, the clues are in the description…research and meditate on “Nine Tailed Fox” then combine it with the stated description for your own personal, not to be shared, version of what this field will do for you.

I have this in my baseline stack, right after Blueprint of Life. I had played it for days and days, seemingly to no effect. However, I kept getting called back to the picture of that fox (it’s very captivating!). It occurred to me to focus on the picture…the picture may have clues.

Turns out it’s a nine-tailed fox, which, for those of you who know anime know, is a very special fox. A Nine Tail is at least 1000 years old and is extremely lucky, amongst other excellent qualities. Once I realized that, I was able to establish a relationship with the fox and the rest came through.

It occurs to me to mention that one must be discreet about specific results as foxes don’t like their business “in the streets” as it were.


Awesome review.

Me like im sure a lot of us went back to check the fox haha



Hi fi Master @_OM I want you to know that after using this divine will field I have had the experience of being in the state of Satori that you taught me, without thoughts, I am only in the here and now. :pray::pray::pray:


Just dropping by to say I found the plasmatron field to be great after vaccination (I got the moderna one), probably the best one of the ‘%plasma%’ fields I tried.

I listened a handful of times in the evening, I didn’t dare to sleep with it on loop :sweat_smile:


Its not about being transparent or not, is about being clear about what obstacles are you finding.

Sometimes people expects to have the same results as others have shared about and with fields like Mythic for instance, the results are completely personal, we simply share our experiences with the fields in a way to open the mind of others to the endless possibilities that a field can bring to them or how in many ways it can manifests.

Most of the times those type of fields start working with the most urgent, obvious or needed aspects of you which many times we are not even aware of, and when we arent aware of that then it can be hard to notice what is going on within.

Some fields take longer to manifest for some people because again it works at a personal level and you dont know if the things you need the most are buried deep in wherever call it body, mind, subconscious, emotions, energy systems etc. And focus on that first because usually the unknown blockages are exactly why we don’t understand why we cant move forward or see results.

For instant if this field by the description is supposed to help you align with your Divine Will, its not gonna show you the next day. It might yes, when? When you are someone that has been working on that and with the higher self and previous practices and in tune with the signs from each and every one of your energy systems for a while. Is that you? If not my friend you gotta be patient.

Because the field first is gonna have to dig and look for the questions and the answers by itself. Then find the blockages, then understand your expectations and hidden desires etc to then start aligning you.

The field also takes you to a deep deep deep detox that doesn’t necessarily mean you should have been in the bathroom for a whole week for you to believe is detoxing you, no. Specially with this field the detox mentioned can be about sooo many other elements that perhaps for some wouldnt even involve the gut or the liver haha :blush: but more of a

Mental detox
Energetic detox
Emotional detox
Subconscious detox
Detox between your 3D self and your higher self

Detox = all kinds of blockages.

So if you want to understand how this works or why from your perspective hasnt worked then you need to explain in more detail

1- what exactly were or are you expecting to feel or see (according to what you understand of what this field does per description and per other members reviews)

2- what were the reasons, goals, expectations you had when you decided to buy that field?

Who knows maybe you misunderstood what the field does and we could advice you a different approach if you tell us what you are looking to accomplish.

Either way. I can tell you this even if i dont know you and know nothing about your life…

Even when we think we get to choose what to buy,

The fields and your higher self are the ones that choose what you need.

So having this field is no mistake. Just trust the process and enhance the connection to your higher self so you can find the answers on why this field is in your life and how its working that you arent seeing.

Try to listen daily at least once or twice:

Higher self connection
Imaginarium Divine
Depths of the soul

There are actually many others but those could rapidly connect you to the answers.

@AkiraTheWild @uial maybe you would want to move this to Mythic? :heart:


Certainly, thanks @anon46520955 ! :pray:




lol nice.


Hi Guys , since this has Aspects of Blueprint to ingrain in us, and Plasma Light to charge/amplify and Orgone ( literally the Life Force) , would this generate/inject a good load of refined Life Force into our body?

Would love your opinions on this notion


I don’t associate the actions of detoxification with the actions of injecting/inserting/adding. They seem to be the opposite processes to me.

I would think of this field as clearing space in your mitochondria so that there’s then space for whatever you then want to add.

One man’s opinion.


Looking forward on this as my next purchase.

If I buy the field for myself and share it with my parents will it work for them? I have already purchased quite a few protected and ‘mythical’ fields like the MBL that were not relevant to sharing.

Please can someone explain about the levels of protection and how does its design work in general? What is the level of kinship with which the fields can be shared?
In terms of sharing is there a difference between a field that is ‘legendary’ and ‘mythical’?


What I’ve experienced myself is that it works with my parents, though it does not work with friends (however close they are, and even for a trial).

Plenty of powerful fields so they can make their mind up though :100:


Thanks Boris!

My question is about what is the policy on protection and kinship level (and if there is a difference between ‘legendary’ & ‘mythical’ items), a classic FAQ question on this matter.
In the case of friends it was clear to me that it would not work.
For Parents I was not sure.
But what about Siblings? Grandparents? Uncles? Cousins?


*Biological children and legally adopted children
*Biological Siblings
*Wife or husband

It will work for them.


What time length is the field?

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There are 3 fields to this album:

Detoxified Plasma Life 4:28
Divine Will 8:01
Full Body Negentropic Coherence 13:55


Waaaaooooo i thought I was all the 3 in one audio :flushed::rofl::rofl:


We’re blessed to have a field that does this.


I’m really happy with my purchase of this field. As for those who may not yet grasp the full length of these trio I really encourage to incorporate Vibration of Divine Love or alternatively use this instead Divine Love