Flower of Life (Album)

“Blueprint of life” field has “Flower of life” included in it right ?


After reading this thread, I decided to add flower of life on my daily stack. I played it in the morning, then I took a nap.
When I was sleeping, I felt a vibration that I usually got from sleep paralyze. Then, I didn’t know whether its dream or anything else, I was in somewhere that kind a feels like an ancient greek road. I looked up to the sky and I saw floral pattern everywhere. Suddenly, I heard a deep voice says " Elohim". I was kind a startled and woke up.


What a beautiful experience @priatampan , the vibration when dreaming also happened to me, it was intense but pleasant.

It is interesting what you say about hearing the word elohim, it is a powerful word, I think you have been blessed in some way in your dream experience or astral travel.

Once I was between sleep and wakefulness (not related to this audio) a voice told me something in my right ear but it is a word that I had never heard and I don’t know what language it was in but it must have been important because my whole body vibrated.

Anyway, mysterious and wonderful things happen in the subconscious or the astral world when we sleep.


Thank you for your insight.

After that happened to me, I wondered maybe it was in astral world. But, I am not really sure. When I heard Elohim I felt my body vibrated just like your experience. It was powerful so that I startled and woke up from my sleep.


Just wanted to remind people of this gem that is still one of my main choices whenever I don’t feel good and no other audio helps. Literally fixes so much discomfort and things not working how they should. Love this field.


bumping this one!


This is one of the most intriguing free fields for sure. Can anyone share their insight about what they discovered about this?


All I know is when I listen to it it enhances my beauty quite a lot and fixes body imbalances, aches and pain.


I always had a history with repeating numbers in my life. I used to always check the time at 9:11 when I was in school. Since I started listening to flower of life in my night stack, I’m seeing repeating numbers multiple times a day every day… it usually wouldn’t bother me because what the hell, I’m aware we have a RAS and that’s probably the main cause, but the frequency is kinda scary… for example yesterday I checked the time from 10.00 am to 9.00 pm and every single hour was like 10:10, 11;11…21:21.
Today was the same.
Did anyone experience the same thing?

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These are mirror hours :slightly_smiling_face: . There can be several interpretations. Do some research on the net to get more details.
Personally I get them almost every day . For my part it tells me that I am on the right path :pray:.


Here are some effects one might associate with being infused with a Flower of Life energy field:

Enhanced spiritual connection: The Flower of Life is often viewed as a symbol of spiritual unity and connection. Being infused with its energy field might be believed to heighten one’s sense of spirituality, leading to a deeper connection with oneself, others, and the universe.

The Flower of Life is often regarded as a symbol of spiritual unity and interconnectedness. It represents the idea that all living beings and elements in the universe are interconnected and part of a larger whole. When someone is infused with the energy field associated with the Flower of Life, it could be hypothesized that they may experience an enhanced sense of spiritual connection.

This enhanced spiritual connection might manifest in several ways. It could lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of one’s own spirituality, providing a sense of purpose, meaning, and direction in life. It may also foster a stronger connection with others, promoting empathy, compassion, and a sense of oneness with the world around them.

Additionally, an increased spiritual connection could result in a heightened awareness of the underlying unity and interdependence of all things. This expanded perception might lead to a greater sense of awe, wonder, and reverence for the mysteries of existence.

Increased awareness and consciousness: The intricate patterns and interlocking circles within the Flower of Life could be seen as representing the interconnectedness of all things. Infusing an energetic field with this symbolism might hypothetically expand one’s awareness and promote a broader perspective on existence.

The Flower of Life’s intricate patterns and interlocking circles are often seen as representing the interconnectedness of all things in the universe. Infusing an energetic field with the essence or symbolism of the Flower of Life might be hypothesized to expand one’s awareness and promote a broader perspective on existence.

When infused with a Flower of Life energy field, it could be imagined that an individual might experience an expansion of their consciousness. This expansion may involve a heightened sense of self-awareness, where one becomes more attuned to their thoughts, emotions, and actions. It could lead to increased mindfulness and present-moment awareness, allowing for a deeper appreciation of the experiences and sensations of life.

Furthermore, an expanded consciousness might also entail a broader perspective on the interconnectedness of all things. It may foster a sense of unity and oneness with the universe, enabling a person to perceive the underlying patterns and connections that exist within and beyond themselves. This expanded awareness could lead to a deeper understanding of the interrelationships between individuals, communities, nature, and the cosmos.

Balancing and harmonizing energy: The Flower of Life is considered a symbol of harmony and balance. Being infused with its energetic representation could be associated with restoring and aligning one’s energy centers or chakras, fostering a sense of equilibrium and well-being.

The Flower of Life is often associated with concepts of harmony and balance. Its symmetrical and interconnected design is believed to represent the inherent order and balance in the universe. When someone is infused with the energy field associated with the Flower of Life, it could be hypothesized that it may have a balancing and harmonizing effect on their energy.

The energetic infusion of the Flower of Life might be thought to restore and align one’s energy centers or chakras. Chakras are believed to be energy centers within the body that regulate various aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It is believed that when these energy centers are balanced and harmonized, we experience a sense of vitality, emotional stability, and spiritual well-being.

The intricate and symmetrical patterns of the Flower of Life may be seen as influencing the energy flow within and around an individual. By being infused with this energy field, one might speculate that it could help to clear any energetic blockages or imbalances and promote the smooth and harmonious flow of energy throughout the body and energy field.

Additionally, the balancing and harmonizing effect may extend beyond the individual’s energy centers. It could hypothetically foster a sense of equilibrium and well-being in various aspects of life, such as emotional stability, mental clarity, and a sense of overall balance.

Amplified creativity and manifestation: The Flower of Life’s complex geometrical structure might be seen as a source of creative inspiration. Infusing an energetic field with its essence could potentially stimulate creative thinking and support the manifestation of ideas and desires into reality.

The intricate and geometric patterns of the Flower of Life symbol are often seen as a source of creative inspiration. Infusing an energetic field with the essence or symbolism of the Flower of Life might be hypothesized to stimulate creative thinking and support the manifestation of ideas and desires into reality.

When someone is infused with a Flower of Life energy field, it could be imagined that it might enhance their creative abilities and open up channels of inspiration. This could result in a heightened flow of ideas, innovative thinking, and the ability to see connections and possibilities that were previously unnoticed. The symmetrical and interconnected nature of the Flower of Life may be believed to facilitate a greater sense of harmony and coherence in creative endeavors.

Moreover, the manifestation aspect relates to the idea that the Flower of Life symbol represents the interconnectedness of all things and the power of creation. Infusing an energetic field with this symbolism might be thought to align an individual’s intentions and desires with the underlying creative forces of the universe. This alignment could hypothetically support the manifestation of their goals, dreams, and aspirations into tangible reality.

Healing and revitalization: Some people believe that the Flower of Life holds healing properties. Infusing an energetic field with the symbolism of the Flower of Life might be thought to promote physical, emotional, or energetic healing and rejuvenation.

The Flower of Life is sometimes associated with healing properties and is believed to promote balance and well-being. When someone is infused with the energy field associated with the Flower of Life, it could be hypothesized to have a potential impact on physical, emotional, or energetic healing and revitalization.

The intricate and symmetrical patterns of the Flower of Life might be seen as influencing the flow of energy within and around an individual. By being infused with this energy field, it could be imagined that it may help to clear stagnant or blocked energy, allowing for a more harmonious and balanced state.

In terms of physical healing, it’s important to note that the Flower of Life energy field is not a substitute for medical treatment or professional healthcare. However, some individuals might believe that the energetic qualities associated with the Flower of Life could complement conventional healing practices. It might be thought to promote a sense of relaxation, reduce stress, and support the body’s natural healing processes.

On an emotional level, the Flower of Life energy field might be hypothesized to assist in releasing emotional blockages or trauma. It could be seen as creating a supportive and nurturing environment that encourages emotional healing, self-reflection, and personal growth.

Furthermore, the revitalizing aspect of the Flower of Life energy field could be linked to the idea that it represents the interconnectedness and life force energy of the universe. Infusing an energetic field with this symbolism might be believed to amplify and replenish one’s own energy, leading to a sense of vitality, rejuvenation, and overall well-being.

But at the end.

You have to experience it for yourself :white_flower::cherry_blossom::hibiscus:.


The most fascinating thing the Flower of Life field does is that it opens up your heart center … this is your direct link to the unified field of consciousness … without a well developped heart center, nothing you do will yield significant results … be compassionate …


I was drawn to this field when I focused on finding “pure” order/negentropy field

To me, this is what flower of life is
The concept of order itself


I love this field.
Play it daily.

To me it has always felt like the Divine Feminine counterpart of the Divine Masculine The Blue Print of Life… but that might be just Me.


You might like reading this:

(All of these are true to an extent, btw - meaning, this field can act on all of these aspects simultaneously)

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Oh i know all about it :) i had actually prepair a long document re that along the 22 Enoch Keys to be combined in an NFT with other Elements 2 years ago, but it was too long and complicated and i was busy so i dropped it.

But thank you, ill still take a look, might find something new …


One thing to note about this one … closing your eyes to meditate on it, just like Taste of Vaikuntha Loka, is IMMENSELY & INDESCRIBABLY different than just passive playing.


I’ve been eyeing this too:

Dunno if open eyes would work as well though.

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So it acts as a Herkimer Diamond (bringing energies together in their most synergistic form)? Makes me wonder what it would do alongside the Herkimer Diamond field.

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The sound of waves makes it seem like a portal to the most relaxing beach imaginable.