Brain Growth Work

Any result?

Wdym this is different? Ik they are separate audios; however, I was wondering whether you still need pbe for permanent and added benefits.

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You can use both.
They complement each other well.

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Ah okay thanks man.

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Hey guys,

I am thinking about “Brain Growth Work” or “Attention and Focus” to train my focus in preparation for @anon22855873’s course right here.

Does anyone here have some experience comparing the two?

Thanks :pray:

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Currently testing two combos, while focusing on the Bindu of the Sri Yantra or the Bindu of the Original Archetype (Image enclosed)

  • “Attention and Focus” + " Enhanced Brain Hemisphere Connectivity"
  • Brain Growth Work

Curious about your own experience guys… :brain: :muscle:


I think brain growth increases corpus callosum connection, which also improves creativity.


Anyone here looped brain growth work for longer than an hour? If so, what happened?

headaches…recommended listening once or twice a day


The loop is strongly discouraged! :-1:


Mhm yeah, I have not done this, just thought about it.

I did a while ago.
Nothing major… After a while my sleep got weird.

I would either sleep 10mins and looked like 2 hours… I needed more short naps, but I had more brain power also.
If you don’t really have a complex output to put the brain through that use, I’d suggest dont do it.

Also, you’ll face impairment in the first days. I had my creativity through the roof, I could see numbers, formulas, etc… But after a while is not so useful in an actual class, for instance. Hearing the teachers and seeing the words or so, would get me too tired after a while… And I couldn’t nap there lmao…

I believe looping is too much, but you might consider upping the dosage. But hardly anyone has experience with brain fields nor using this audio for a while, 2x times a day, let alone increasing… Only a few among the forum…

I’d suggest sticking to normal and perhaps one day or another seeing how You feel…

Brain fields are quite complex, and you can be doing more harm than good, especially in the long run.


This is the trick with any brain field :mechanical_arm:


If you don’t feel any effects with the second listen, can you listen more?


What do you mean by feeling effects?
Here’s what you should do :

1- Find a task or something mentally challenging you are doing
2- Start using brain fields and challenge your brain continuously
3- Track the results
4- Consider upping the dosage
5 - Track again…
6 - Decide
7 - Case study.

You become sort of your own case study my friend. You’re not supposed to “feel” like a genius. Nor you’re supposed to feel like someone whacked you in the head.

You should, however, experience some tangible and measurable results. Which is why going through brain stacks is a continuous study process.
At least for me I even had a diary. I tracked as much as I could. I mean, let’s say you increased your brain power, but it requires more sleep, is it worthy? Or after a week you become foggy, was it worth it?

You really need to see how you feel and study. It is not a one time thing. Don’t think you’ll be hearing that field once and beat whatever you’re doing like peanuts… :blush:


I have done it for 3.5 months though with nothing, that’s why I was asking if I could up the dosage. I have challenged my brain as well.

What’s your stack and what have you been doing?

All of sapien’s are from philip, I have been doing cognitive tests to test improvement as well as noticing real life.

Man the Less the better , compliment with propper nutrition , Captain stated that could be a good thing to have in mind to develop your brain/boddy


I dunno, maybe Sapien’s work, is better for others and not everyone.