New Release: Five Elements Balanced (Mongolian Medicine)

Nice that this thread has been bumped :slight_smile:
I have had this track in my morning playlist for about 2 months, which means i listen to this at least once a day, no exceptions.

It’s not so easy to put my finger on what this fields has been changing exactly, also because I added a lot of other fields and also working on myself in other ways… but i think it brings balance in a lot of ways, habits are also “normalizing” a bit.
it especially makes sense in the context of what I have read about ayurveda, some habits i’ve had in my entire life of being a “night owl” (i have always loved working out in the night after 10pm for example), sleeping in whenever possible, skipping breakfast because I am not hungry, preferring to have a larger meal at night… these are all attributes of one ayurvedic type (related to 2 elements).
Slowly this is coming closer to what would be considered ideal from an ayurvedic perspective.
I’m eating more during the day and not much in the night (without conscious effort, i just eat when i’m hungry); most days I even have breakfast - unless I went out for dinner, then I really cant :D

I even went for a run in the morning last week, and although I can’t say I liked it, I didnt hate it as much as I normally would hate any type of morning workout lol

TL;DR: There have been a lot of subtle changes resulting in better overall balance.


Ohh i just realized these are the same 6 healing sounds of Chi Kung.

This audio should pair greatly with the 3 treasures!!


Yep. It’s part of my “3 Treasures” stack.


Had a runny nose, phlegm in the throat and a lot of sneezing the whole day today. Until now at night I played the sinus drainage audio twice and this one 5 times along with some hot water, and it’s almost completely gone , awesome :v:t6:



I’m guessing that it also balances the doshas? since doshas are essentially manifestations of the five elements in the body

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Yes but I suggest you should buy elemental alchemical ability one if you can since that one is much stronger and better than this


ah okay, maybe in the future when I start earning. thanks for the recommendation!

I want to preface this by saying that this field is really amazing and important, I love it and play it every day.

I was playing it the other day in the kitchen while we’re making dinner and my husband goes, “why is Cookie Monster singing right now?”

And now I can’t stop picturing it.

I thought you’d find that amusing

Happy weekend!


I have overlooked this field thinking it was not for me, I was wrong,

I have a lot of huge release using this field, a lot of anger and sadness, like deep release but after some time

  • I have a lot more energy
  • A lot less blockages, all other field for health are enhanced and more redistributed like the water that I charge or the life force Tree
  • My skin improved a lot after using this
  • I have better hair, more shiny

I don’t know what kind of poison is talking here but I was sweeting like crazy, at first I was playing this field 3-4 times a day, the night where I play this 10 times,I felt like I was in a sauna. When I slept, I was sweeting, when I medidate I was sweeting…
I wonder what it pull out from my body


It’s more for the elements. We have other fields more directly focused on the chakras.


You’re welcome.

Well, of course, their experience was vaild and–I’m sure–truthful for them. I don’t want–in any way–to invalidate their experience. (I’m not arrogant like that; I can’t possibly know.)

When your chakras are out of balance because your elements are out of balance, then this field can help you bring your elements back into balance, which then–in turn–will resolve the reason why your chakras were out of balance in the first place, you following me?

Your chakras, though, could be out of balance for many other reasons other than your elements being out of balance. This is why I answered you in the way that I did.

Hope that helps.


After hearing this for the past two days

i really wanna know the lyrics to the song.


Good field… It’s slept on!

A lot of people need this but are swept away by “non-free” fields


This is the same as Elemental Alchemical Ability ?

Not same

Most powerful beyond all fields

This is strong af

I love the singing so much


Huh tengerees zayatai
Huduu arald mendelsen
Huh Mongoloo negtgej
Huvchin delhiid duurisvaa

Eie eieie

Erelkheg mongol Chinges
Ezenbogd Chingesee

Galt mesnii dundaas
Ganbold shig hattai
Gazar delhii deer
Garid shuvuu shig huchtei

Eie eieie

Erelkheg mongol Chinges
Ezenbogd Chingesee

Deed tengerees zayatai
Delhiin taliig daguulsan
Sur huchee negtgeed
Suld hiimoroo badraavaa

Eie eieie

Erelkheg mongol Chinges
Ezenbogd Chingesee

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