New Release: Hair loss V.3

Usually the physical ones should be listened to no more than 3 consecutive times… I’m not sure though, please correct me if I’m wrong

This is only on YT right (no patreon)?


Can this cause shredding of hair? I’m losing lots of hair today and today is my 3rd day of listening



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Thanks Zen, appreciate it :+1:

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Will this be uploaded on Patreon too?

Eventually I believe it’ll make it to patreon


Dream has just uploaded this field to Patreon. :slightly_smiling_face:


Will the stem cells in this also help with hair colour restoration / melanocyte regenerating?

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So i have listend to the file for almost every day since its release and i can say for me it is way more efficient than hair loss v.2

v.2 did nothing for me whatsoever but v3 has made my hair less brittle and feeling healthy again in only 2 weeks.

That being said due to mbp i lost quite a bit of hair and will be updating on the regrowth/ coming healing.


Is it normal to experience more shedding using this?

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Me too

@Zen I don’t get what you mean, I think he is asking if this can induce more hair loss in the beginning like some of more conventional drugs for hair loss.


Lol. He just wrote tags to put in youtube under the video.

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Ahahah I saw Zen avatar in Feriaridham question, and I have thought the one below was his reply lol


I’m curious to hear what are your results with this field
Anyone got new hairs? What was your situation before?


I’d like to know that too! Been listening for almost 4 weeks and I’ve been shedding more than usual.

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I’ve been getting very good results with v3.
Receding hair line growing back
Counteracts effects of DHT field.


Shedding isnt neccessarly bad…
Thin hairs have to fall before growing back more thick

This process is usually slow

With conventional terapies usually they give 6 months to see if the cure is working

Oh and welcome @sassy_moth


That’s great! Happy for you!


@akkar Thank you! :smile:

I hope that theory is true for me. I can’t wait for my hair to grow back… I lost a bunch 20 years ago due to anorexia, then again after the birth of my child. Fingers crossed!


What I’m talking about is true for Alopecia androgenetica, I’m not sure it still apply in your case though

A hair will go through a fase of growth, one of stall, and one of degeneration (this normally takes years). Then it falls and after sometimes another one grows.
In case of Alopecia Androgenetica, this cycle that normally takes years is faster and the time between the growth of one hair and the other is longer than normal.
Furthermore, every time a hair falls, the one that replaces it will be thinner every time.

Cures try to reverse the process and sometimes in less time, so in the beginning you can see a lot of shedding.

Be sure to use these two before you listen to Hair Loss V.3

Ego Dissolution
Subconscious Limits V.2

Shedding can be caused also by various other things so I’d suggest you to add also these

Stress Relief
Enhanced Cellular Nutrient Absorption

Maybe also the Mental Health album can be usefull for the pshycological part, and expecially

Self Love and Acceptance
Depression the Relief
Love, Gratitude and Appreciation

Also notice that above I’m referring to conventional cures, I don’t know if this field use some magic trick that make the process different.

Maybe @SammyG or @Captain_Nemo can voice about this.