New Release - Increased Psychic Functioning (Classic Version)

No they don’t conflict, as I’ve used several luck audios since I’ve had the tag and they bring results at full power like they did before I even knew about the tag


They won’t conflict.

From a post by Sam about the Best Path in Life item:


But what if u needed bad luck while wearing BPIL, but you got good luck? And @uial


Thanks for the response. I’m not judging bpil based on its energy output or drainage. I’m judging it by the results seen in my external world and even my thoughts and choices since owning it. It’s not like I think it’s done nothing at all. It’s just that almost after 6 months I’d expect to have a more definitive answer.

I’m aware that it’s a field that gets stronger with time and could also have subtle effects in the beginning. It’s just that personally I don’t think it should take 6+ months to tell rather or not any tool is having a definite effect on one’s life.

Regardless I’ll give it a bit more time and make another assessment. Shall I not be satisfied with the results than it will be set aside. Besides there are things more important in life to me than happiness. What really made me drawn to it was that it connects one with the future version of themselves that have learned the best lessons in life and helps to steer one’s choices in alignment with that specific self. Basically helps the possessor “cut through the crap”.

Fought hard to break myself out the funk I initially found myself in but honestly can’t say I like the way my life is going as a whole since I’ve had the tag. I’m not completely dissatisfied with my life, nor do I place the responsibility on anyone or anything besides myself ultimately. As the old saying goes “time will tell”.


You mean to be taught a lesson to grow? me, unwanted events will still occur. They may just be easier to deal with if you have extra luck on your side.


No worries, and that’s very understandable.

This is what made me drawn to the field as well. :smiley:

It’s an amazing effect, perhaps the essence of the field.

Sometimes the process of cutting through such things can be difficult to discern clearly as a ‘definite effect’, depending upon one’s current perspective and clarity. Aspects of the process can feel unsatisfactory by their nature as well.

After all, cutting through such illusions we carry requires shifts in perspective and letting go of various metrics by which we might judge things.

It is a unique process for everyone of course, and the speed of results considered ‘definite’ by each person can vary.

One thing you can try which can hasten the process:

If you can tap into the energy of the Best Path in Life tag, perhaps meditating on it, try connecting to the energy of it and the directionality inherent to it.

Try to intentionally, energetically align your ‘being-ness’ more strongly with the tag’s energy and directionality on an ongoing basis.

It is also possible the direction the tag is steering a person may feel subtle or strange at times, due to a lack of familiar things to feel by which we would erroneously judge what is or isn’t making a difference to longer term outcomes.

Here’s a technique from a post by Sam which might help as well:

Edit: Also, @_OM has written an excellent post below about the effect ‘congruency’ can have on how we notice the effects of fields.

From his post:


I agree it’s hard to figure out what the tag is actually doing. But the effects are there. They are subtle and can only be realized on deeper introspection. The things I wanted to achieve with Glory, I’m already working for them. I think, it’s due to this tag. But I didn’t realize it first. And honestly, it helps you cut the crap in life and make choices that are counterproductive initially but have greater benefits.

I was trying to cut off a good friend of mine who made some losses and bad things to me. But the relationship got better after I got the tag. The more I wanted to get rid of him, the more he clung to me. But now, he’s helping me to get my life a little better. He’s seeing it as mending the things. But I wasn’t expecting that.


I’ve no prior experience with energy work. But I realized that I’m extremely energy sensitive. I’ve a mild case of synesthesia. I do see the waves of sound. Color with bad thoughts and all.

Can you suggest me some ways to strengthen my energy body?

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the cards on patreon, get the book of cards on his shop and do the servitor who can manipulate energy, then you have the course, which makes idk what it makes but it will help in some kind of way tbh, and meditations, focus on energy body, the chakra series on gumroad are good, virbation series, and soul core series, then you have the spell remover which is good and there you go, ascesion tag for sure is a help, the psychic stimulation field which came out is good, the ultimate reiki exercise which I didnt have done yet but I should so yeah heres what I can tell you, there are sure more things but those are that came to my mind

others can tell you more about it


I think you have already told me more than I’m willing to do :smile:

I’ll stick to Vibrations.


The Star Exercise @_OM posted is an excellent way to strengthen your energy body rather quickly. It is not time consuming and easy to do. :smiley:


Thanks, man. I always appreciate your help. My buddy @FBI_cyber_division tells me, I’m a hustler. So, I always run out of time in terms of doing small but important stuffs. :smile:

But, I will practice it, I promise.


No worries. Glad to be of help.


Woke up with a level 1.5 headache, I’ll see how the rest of the day goes.

Brain reg!

On it! Thanks

@uial and @Destinus thank you for your input and insights gentleman. I’ll keep an even more conscious eye on my internal and external state and see what happens.


Same here! I know journaling is good but I can’t put myself to it. This is a pattern apparently in my life “good” or beneficial things I (or ego talk) seem to avoid doing even tho I know they will help develop myself.

New update I one minute ago I was thinking about a subliminal for anxiety. To reduce anxiety and I was searching on youtube and there is a lot but they don’t seem appealing to my eyes. So I go to the Subliminal cub forum and I wanted to see if the community shares new subs etc. And the first question that I saw in the community was. Which sub to reduce anxiety? Wow. And that was why i was there to see if they recommended subs for anxiety

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I know they are small updates. I hope someday i can tell you. I can telepathycally make people happy, cure them from depression etc hahaha But i do have a question, manifestation abilities, are they psychic abilities too?